The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1164 The Decision of the Star King's Vein

The new year is coming. The eagle is here. I wish my friends in all directions good health, a happy family, and all the best... Fantasy Star City, the Lord's Mansion.

"Lord, you should have heard about it! The man was ruthless and killed the nine legitimate sons of the upper king's vein, which caused many king's veins to be secretly dissatisfied with him! I think this is the best time for us to take revenge on that. I'm ready to take action immediately to solve the problem and ask the city owner for permission!"

A young monk with black robes, silver hair like a waterfall, and a little starlight in his eyes, stood in front of the owner of the fantasy star city and said.

This person, named Fu Ji, is the thirteenth son of the direct vein of the Star King. His talent is peerless. In less than 153 years, he has already proved the true king of Jinxian. Now, another 18 years have passed, and the realm of the first-level Jinxian has been firmly stabilized.

Originally, he was working in the Shura army, not in the battlefield of Nanfengyuan. He deliberately rushed back after hearing about the death of Mando.

The reason for this is that Mando is one of the five supporters he valued most and will help him take power in the future. He can't ignore Mantra's death, which is likely to make the other four talented talents feel cold and betrayed.

However, after coming to the battlefield of Nanfengyuan, Fuji found that it may be simple to kill, but after he wanted to do it, there was no future trouble, no trouble, but it was not easy. Because. He got the attention of the old man.

Because of this, Fu Ji made a plan to take a long time and wait for the opportunity. For this reason, he deliberately resigned from his position in the Shura Legion. He turned to the Nanfengyuan battlefield and became the master of the magic hall of the Magic Star City.

"Since you have paid so much attention to the information, you must have heard about the reaction to the nine king's veins!" The owner of the magic star city did not give an answer directly, but the other way around. I asked a question.

Hearing this, Fu Ji said back, "Get to know some of those people. Because the matter involves the emperor Jie, who has the third king's vein, he is all thinking about getting benefits from the emperor's hands. The matter of revenge has never been ignored and thought about it. I'm waiting to do it!"

"If someone works for you, won't you be idle?" The owner of the Magic Star City said faintly.

"How is this the same? The enemy can't be killed by hand, which is not only a regret in my heart. It's even more of a great shame!" When it was right, there was no hesitation at all. Then go back. There is a lot of fierceness between words.

"What you said. It's reasonable, but why did you work so hard to work in the battlefield of Nanfengyuan? The owner of the Magic Star City's face remained unchanged, and he opened his mouth again and asked.

"For revenge of course!" Fu Ji didn't think about it. At that time, the words blurted out.

"Wrong!" Suddenly, the owner of the Magic Star City turned cold and said, "In order to revenge and leave no future trouble!" Now that you have decided to take action at this time, do you think you can do this?

The owner of the fantasy star city is not only his boss, but also his uncle. The sudden coldness made Fu Ji's heart tremble. However, soon, he returned to normal and said to himself, "Well, I've thought about it. Although the nine king veins, in order to ask for benefits from the third king's vein, ignore the matter of revenge on the king, their hearts will certainly not have any good impression on the king. If I take action and get rid of the king, they will not only not be angry, but also be grateful to me and cover up the news for me. Not only can I achieve my goal, but I can also get a little favor from the nine kings.

At this point, he paused for a moment, and then continued, "Besides, I'm afraid that the emperor of the third king's vein will also be grateful to me. Because I have solved a big problem for him. With his current situation, if he wants to clean up the mess, he can't use the family's strength. In that case, he will lose his share in the family.

So, he will definitely help cover it up. As long as the old man doesn't find it, I won't have any disaster!"

"Real is it?" Hearing this, the owner of Fantasy Star City snorted coldly and said, "Do you really think they will make great efforts to cover it up for you? Do you really think they will appreciate you? They will only think that you are a fool to carry the disaster for them in vain.

Speaking of this, the owner of the Magic Star City also paused for a moment, and then said, "Besides, do you think that the old man who really wants to know the truth in this Nanfengyuan battlefield will be confused by that little trick? You are so naive!"

"So what should we do? Continue to wait, will you be patient? How long have I put up with it? How long do I have to put up with it? When Fu Ji heard this, his face showed a little impatience and irritability.

"When will you stop asking me such questions? When, your first test with me will pass!" The owner of the Magic Star City didn't pay attention to his mood at all, but said faintly.

Hearing this, Fu Ji showed some signs of emotional explosion at that time. However, after several distortions on his face, he was abruptly suppressed by it and changed into a calm expression, and even put on a faint smile.

There is nothing he can do. When Fuji applied to the clan and transferred to the Nanfengyuan battlefield, he put forward a request to him, that is, he must pass the triple test of the owner of the fantasy star city, otherwise he must not leave the Nanfengyuan battlefield for the rest of his life.

"What the lord of the city said is reasonable. I won't ask. I will wait patiently!" When Fu Ji was right, he said in a calm tone.

"Actually, you don't have to wait too long!" Hearing this, the owner of the Magic Star City glanced at him and said faintly, "According to the news I got, recently, because of the big move of the Moli branch, the king's vein has the intention to summon him and include him in the core ranks, and when he leaves the battlefield of Nanfengyuan and returns to the clan, it is the best time

After all, when there are so many conveniences, we all give up. At that time, when there was not so much convenience, we naturally had no reason to take action! In this way, no one can doubt us, even the old man, there is nothing we can do!"

"Yes! Away from the battlefield of Nanfengyuan, everything is possible, just doubt, what's the use? Smell it like this. At that time, on the extreme, the color of ecstasy was overflowing with words.

However, at this moment, the owner of the Magic Star City said faintly again, "When will you no longer be ecstatic about this kind of situation? The second test will be passed." RQ