The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1169 Ambition in the Heart - Da Luo

Zhong Yuan was happy because he found some information about the third king's vein from the memory of the black-robed monk, but also got two magical secrets.

The first kind is the mixed hammer just used by Uncle En, a black-robed monk. The mixed yuan hammer is more powerful than all the magical power Zhong Yuan learned before, because he has no superior magical power.

There is no superior magic power, and it is very difficult to practice. The black-robed monk, as a golden fairy true king, has practiced for nearly a hundred years, and he has only realized the fur, not to mention the real condensation of the true seed of the real magic power and turning it into the treasure of magic power. Otherwise, he would not have lost to Zhong Yuan, but under one hammer, Zhong Yuan directly destroyed all vitality and metamorphosis. In other words, he could only stay for the next life.

The second kind is just the magic power of the town clan, but for Zhong Yuan, this kind of magic power of the town clan makes him more happy than the no superior magic power of the mixed yuan hammer. Because this town's magic is the third king's vein - the most fundamental magic of the Wuxiang king's vein - Wuxiang's truth is like a divine mirror.

The no-phase king's vein, how can it sense all kinds of magical imprints between heaven and earth, and simulate the copying of all the laws of heaven and earth, relying on the phaseless body, the true heart.

Only when there is no phase can it be compatible with all phases; if it is true, it can reflect all kinds of hearts.

However, except for the first ancestor of the phaseless king's vein, it is the body of nature without phase, the true heart, the original talent, which can simulate the natural things of heaven and earth, and the subsequent phaseless bloodline, no one has this physique.

With the inheritance of blood, the blood of the king of life is getting thinner and more and more complicated, except for a few who have ancestral visions. The rest. It's getting worse and worse. For this reason. The three ancestors of the Wuxiang king's vein, from this, saw the decline of the Wuxiang king's vein, so he spent his whole life's energy and began to understand his own king's blood and physique, and wanted to create a magical ability, so that anyone who has the Wuxiang's king's vein physique can take advantage of Reappear the supreme glory of the original ancestors.

This magical power is as true as a mirror. This magic, created by the three ancestors, has experienced the four ancestors, the five ancestors, the six ancestors,... Wait for the perfection of more than ten generations of phaseless king vein masters. Finally, I got a great success.

At this moment, the non-phase truth is like a divine mirror, that is, people who do not have the physique of the non-phase king's vein to practice, and can also achieve the magic power to simulate the laws of heaven and earth. However, compared with people with a phaseless king's physique, the speed of practice is much slower; the difficulty of practice is also much more difficult; and the final achievement will be much weaker.

Because of this, it's like Zhong Yuan getting the mirror from the real soul of the black-robed monk Enshu, another monk. There are also a lot of things to get. However, the people without the king's vein did not pay attention to it at all, did not kill, did not take back their magical magic, but waited. As a result, all of these practitioners, nine times out of ten, spontaneously chose to invest in the phaseless king's vein and transform into the phaseless king's constitution.

Because. The spontaneous ** of peerless magic is much more useful than any other conditions and interests. And the people who can get the mirror are often the heroes among people, and even. Most of them are proud people. It is precisely because of their continuous joining the phaseless king's vein, which makes the phaseless king's vein. Gradually growing.

Ten thousand years ago, the Wuxiang king's vein could only be the seventh among the ten king's veins. Now, it has steadily occupied the position of the top three, and is moving to a higher level, plotting!

However, Zhong Yuan got it without this kind of trouble. It's not that he can bear not to practice or anything else, but that his powerful meaning is the realization of the first road, the tolerance of all methods, the evolution of all laws, the practice of no-phase truth like a divine mirror, absolutely not the trouble of other monks, even the speed of his rest is faster than that of the no-phase king's If you do it faster, your future achievements will be greater.

At this moment, if Zhong Yuan hadn't been completely perfected if he hadn't been completely transformed, he couldn't help but start practicing now.

Swallowing the sky and the blue lion, standing high in the void, constantly accepting the golden fairy flesh and blood of the uncle of the black-robed monk, and then, through the iron-blooded pearl, it was transformed into the iron-blooded qi and integrated into Zhong Yuan's body.

In this way, almost an hour has passed, and after a large amount of iron-blooded gas is integrated, Zhong Yuan's iron-blooded change and finally complete!

At this moment, there is a touch of golden yellow on Zhong Yuan's skin, which really responds to the four words of iron-blooded and golden body.

After the first achievement of the iron-blooded golden body, Zhong Yuan's body has really undergone earth-shaking changes. It is far more powerful than the ordinary junior golden fairy.

If Zhong Yuan, before achieving the first weight of the iron-blooded golden body, has the confidence to deal with the first-level golden immortals with the strength of his own dignity, and will not die, then now he can really fight against it, and even defeat some of the "weak people".

It can really be said that before and after the transformation, there are two heavens and earth.

At this moment, the golden immortal body of the black-robed monk has been consumed by nearly one-fifth.

Looking at such a result, and then looking at the empty iron-blooded gas in the iron-blooded beads, Zhong Yuan's heart couldn't help but be shocked, "How many golden immortals do you need to make my iron-blooded nine become complete?"

At this moment, Zhong Yuan thought of the massive immortals he had swallowed before, and unconsciously felt that that was the way he would take in the future.

"It's okay, there are enough enemies of the human race, otherwise, I'm afraid I really can't make up that amount!"

In his mouth, although he sighed like this, Zhong Yuan, still did not hesitate at all. He chose to swallow the remaining body of the golden fairy by himself, and did not use the iron-blooded beads again to extract the iron-blooded gas for the second metamorphosis. Because he still adheres to the road with a solid foundation, waiting for the perfect result after the transformation.

Even Zhong Yuan himself did not notice that there was an ambition hidden in his heart. That is, I hope that I can break through the realm of Daluo Jinxian all the way through the transformation of iron-blooded nine changes.

Daluo Jinxian, if you rely solely on practice, the time to be used is really an astronomical figure. At least, Zhong Yuan, a monk who has been monks for less than a hundred years, feels that he can't wait like that. What's more, the current spiritual fairy world, the Shura world, the extraterritorial celestial demon world,... Wait, wait, it's all Luo Wumen!

Under this unconscious ambition, Zhong Yuan swallowed the torrent of power extracted by the golden fairy's body and ran through the limbs of his body, making his body more and more powerful!