The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1277 The throne is a gamble

"Zhong Yuan, you and Ren Shou are rare talents in our anti-demon alliance. If either of you two is damaged, it is a great loss to our anti-demon alliance. Therefore, we don't want to see any one of you fall between you. So, we want to mediate for the two of you. What do you think?

Qinghua Zhenjun is time, and he said.

"I? I have no opinion, and I'm very happy, as long as you don't want me to hand over the treasure and apologize to Ren Shou!" Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all, that is, time.

"Zhong Yuan, you're a little too much!" At this time, suddenly, another elder of the council opened his mouth.

The elder's head was light. Obviously, he was born in Buddhism, but he was also dressed in a Taoist robe. If such a situation appears in another monk, it will certainly make people feel nondescript, but in this elder, it seems to be extremely harmonious, without any abrupt feeling.

"The treasure of Zixu Xianfu that you won is not one, but another one. What can you do to dispel the feud?"

"No, it's just that there is no such reason!" Zhong Yuan still did not hesitate at all, that is, time replied, "Since this elder knows our situation, he should know that I don't owe anything to Ren Shou."

"So, Ren Shou can also seek revenge on you unscrupulously?" Then, the elder of the monk's robe said again.

"If there are no rules for the anti-magic alliance here, it can indeed be so!" Zhong Yuan nodded without hesitation. Tao. " However, correspondingly, I can also take all means to destroy the Zixu Fairy Mansion!"

"Your tone is not small. Do you know that there is a half-step Daluo in the Zixu Fairy Mansion, but you can understand the wonderful realm of Daluo all the year round. It's rare to go out! With him, not to mention you, even the Nantian Emperor's Court, it is impossible to destroy the Zixu Fairy Mansion. The monks in Taoist robes are time-consuming.

Listen to this. Zhong Yuan couldn't help but be a lin in his heart, but his attitude was still tough, saying, "It's one thing to do it or not. Dare to do it or not, it's another thing!"

The monk in the Taoist robe. What else did he say, but he was interrupted by Qinghua Zhenjun and said, "Okay, don't make fun of the younger generation."

Then, his eyes turned and focused on Zhong Yuan again, saying, "Zhong Yuan, our anti-demon alliance. You really don't want to lose both of you, so don't have any anger in your heart. If you really don't care about the assassination from Zixu Xianfu. Then we won't have much to do, and you can do it by yourself. Anti-Demon Alliance, no more interference!

If you care and have the intention to end these grudges, you must put down your posture and solve this problem with a pragmatic attitude! After all, this is your own business. You must have an attitude first!"

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan smiled faintly and said, "I naturally hope that this matter can come to an end. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no thousand days to prevent thieves, not to mention the assassination. Whether it's doing or preventing, after a long time, it's not an easy thing after all.

Speaking of this, Zhong Yuan paused for a moment and said, "Actually, I already have a solution in my mind. I think it is relatively fair. If you elders can also agree, you can tell Changmei Zhenren in this way. If you succeed, of course, it's good. If you don't succeed, it's God's will. We can only fight against each other!"

"You mean that you can only go according to what you want?" Qinghua Zhenjun asked.

"That's good!" Zhong Yuan nodded without hesitation and said, "Elders, don't be busy expressing your opinions first. Listen to my plan and then talk about it. I think the plan I have made is definitely from a neutral perspective, without any favoritism!"

"Oh? In that case, just talk about it!" Qinghua Zhenjun said immediately.

"Yes!" Zhong Yuan nodded and said, "It's very simple. I'm going to fight with Changmei Ren Shou. It's a gamble. However, the gamble between us is not a gamble, but a bet. Who can really get the new throne in the next battle for the throne?"

Speaking of this, Zhong Yuan paused for a moment, and then continued, "The long-browed real person Ren Shou is going to kill me. There must be the intention of revenge. I don't know how much it is, but, for a little, I know that he must be more interested in the treasure I have. So, this time, my bet is, all the treasures on me!"

"All the treasures, how many treasures do you have?" Qinghua Zhenjun asked unconsciously.

The rest of the chief councilors, except for the two in the Nantian Emperor's Court, also unconsciously pricked up their ears.

"Eleven pieces, of which eight are the top treasure!" At this time, Zhong Yuan said without hesitation.

"What? How is this possible? What a lot of luck it is!" Unconsciously, among the elders of the council, there was also a sigh.

Although the rest of the elders did not speak, the shock in their hearts seemed to be different.

"I have won the recognition of the heavenly way on earth. I want to save the world and reproduce the glory of the past, so I have such a harvest!" Zhong Yuan explained.

Hearing this, everyone's heart just feel a little better. Because they know very well how difficult it is to save the human world.

However, they don't know that Zhong Yuan is ready for everything and only owes the east wind. If they knew, they wouldn't have thought so.

At this time, Qinghua Zhenjun said again, "Since you have taken out eleven treasures, you must not let Ren Shou do it empty-handed!"

"Of course!" Zhong Yuan immediately said, "However, I also understand that my situation is relatively special. If he is asked to take the bet according to my level, I'm afraid he can't afford it. Therefore, as long as he takes the full version of the Nine-Heavenly Sword Secret of Zixu Xianfu, it will be done!"

"Oh? Don't you think it's unfair?" Qinghua Zhenjun asked again.

"No, I've been coveting the "Jiutian Sword Secret" of Zixu Xianfu for a long time. He is indeed very important to me, so I don't feel at a loss. More importantly, I don't think I will lose!" Zhong Yuan replied in time.

At this point, Zhong Yuan paused for a moment, and then said, "How about it? My gambling should be fair!"

"Yes, it's fair!"

A group of elders said one after another.

Qinghua Zhenjun then said, "Fairness is fairness, but what if you two compete for the throne of God at the same time or don't compete for the throne of God at the same time? That's it. Don't you owe each other?

"Why didn't that work? Even if the real man with long eyebrows promised this, I still didn't agree!" Zhong Yuan immediately said, "If we can prove the position of the emperor at the same time, then our combat strength will be completely above the same level. At this time, I think it is very reasonable to fight in the ring without external objects! Think about it, this can definitely be divided into winners and loses.

If neither of us has won the position of emperor, then I think that with our situation, we have no face to live, so we will find a supreme master in the Shura world and do our best! It's also the last time to make some contributions to the Anti-Demon Alliance!"

Hearing this, Qinghua Zhenjun was speechless for a moment, and then asked the elders around him, "What do you think, Taoist friends?"

"I think it's feasible!"

"I also think it's a good way!"

"I agree, too!"

In that time, there are three people who open their mouths. Looking at the posture of those three people, it is obviously the same series. At that time, Zhong Yuan thought of Xitian.

Because only in the west, there are three chief council elders. In addition, they are also normal, because they also don't want to see the real person with long eyebrows become the White Emperor of the West.

And Zhong Yuan's gambling and the unlucky chance of long-browed real people are so great that they are naturally happy to accept it.

Immediately after that, the two elders of the Nantian Emperor's Court also responded. They have known such a statement to Zhong Yuan for a long time, so they have no other questions.

After that, three elders of the council also expressed their approval one after another. When Qinghua Zhenjun saw this, when he was right, he made a statement. This matter is settled in this way. It's up to them to talk about it!

When Zhong Yuan heard this, he could understand that this matter would probably end in such a way. Because, after the previous experience, Changmei Ren Shou's heart also had a lot of fear for him.

At the moment, Zhong Yuan's heart is relaxed.


Zi Xuxian Mansion, secret room.

"Brother Ai, what else do you have to consider under such conditions? Do you have a better way to solve it? Qinghua is really a gentleman.

"Why not? I'll go there directly and kill him with one sword. Why not?" An extremely old monk said.

"He is the emperor of the Southern Heaven Emperor's Court. You killed him with one sword. It's quite straightforward, but you don't have to think about it! So, don't say these angry words again! To be honest, I just feel a little sympathetic to you for the kindness and resentment between your two families. If you really want to talk about it, you can't take it!"

After a moment of silence, the extremely old monk sighed and said, "Then that's it! I agreed on behalf of Ren Shou, but there is a little bit. I can say that in the front, the competition for the throne of the White Emperor in the West must be completely based on their personal ability. The rest of your four-party imperial court can't give other support!"

"No problem!" Qinghua Zhenjun nodded.