The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1285 Shut, Sacrifice to Refining the Yuan fetus

In three days, in just three days, Zhong Yuan completed his own punishment hall, from the elders to the deacons, all in place.

The reason why it is so smooth is that the group of people who completely obeyed Zhong Yuan's orders, Zhao Zhen, played an incomparable role. It took Zhong Yuan another five days to build a batch of new rules with his own will, which were entrusted to Zhao Zhen and others. After that, he ignored any matters and directly began the retreat.

Zhong Yuan, this retreat is to refine the innate one-ki fetus, so that it can achieve the realm of Jinxian Zhenjun, so that he can go to the world and save the world.

For others, this may be a very long thing, but for Zhong Yuan, it is much easier. Because Zhong Yuan is not alone, he still has six incarnations.

Zhong Yuan's six incarnations were originally limited by Zhong Yuan's original ability to reach the realm of Jin Xian Zhenjun. After all, their essence has long been achieved, and they are even higher. All they need is recovery. Now, Zhong Yuan's dignity has become the Jinxian Zhenjun. For the six incarnations, the realm of the Jinxian Zhenjun is the natural thing.

In Zhong Yuan's estimation, at most, three years at most, his six incarnations will enter the level of Jinxian Zhenjun. And the fastest Haotian Baojian is within one month.

With their help, in addition, in the Chiyou Sanpanjing, with the mystery of the secret of military sacrifice, Zhong Yuan believes that as short as 30 years and as long as 50 years, he can definitely sacrifice the innate one-ki fetus to the realm of the golden fairy.

The reason why it has such a long time span. The big reason is. Thirty-three years later, it is the beginning of the competition for the new throne of the emperor. At that time, his original respect, no matter what, had to participate. After all, he also bet with Changmei Ren Shou. Zhong Yuan was absolutely not allowed to lose that bet.

At that time. When I leave, I will rely on six incarnations to sacrifice the innate one-ki fetus. Without his existence, correspondingly. The speed will be slower. As for how slow it is, it depends on the growth of the strength of the six avatars themselves. If the strength of the six incarnations grows rapidly, the slow speed will be less. If the growth is not fast, the time may be longer.

But. In any case, it must be within the scope of Zhong Yuan's estimation. Because over the years, as long as Zhong Yuan was idle, he thought about it early. Although there is no real beginning, there have been countless rehearsals in my heart for a long time, and there are always mistakes. There is no deviation.

After the retreat, Zhong Yuan did not start to sacrifice immediately, but adjusted himself first to adjust his body and mind to a perfect state.

This is the case. Zhong Yuan has done it many times, plus. With the help of Bodhi, it is extremely relaxed. In just three days, Zhong Yuan felt that his home state had reached the point where it was perfect and irrevocable. At this moment, Zhong Yuan didn't waste any more time and thought, "Come out, all your Taoist friends!"

In an instant, the six incarnations of Zhong Yuan's head burst out, and the six incarnations of Guangcheng Taoist, Haotian Taoist, Jiu Doubt Taoist, Ruyi Taoist, Qianling Taoist and Xumi Taoist flew out and fell in the six directions, and the place where Zhong Yuan was standing just formed the

At this time, Zhong Yuan's body suddenly trembled, and the robes transformed by the dust arrays on his body spread out in time, turning into a piece of dust, covering all seven of them.

Zhong Yuan's mind, between a push and turn, set the time, the two instruments and six and the dust array, began to change, forming a Qiyao training array!

At this time, the nine suspects opened their mouths and spit out, a fist-sized pearl shining with blue and white light, and fell on the central void of the seven people, above an inexplicable node, suspended in the void, dripping.

This pearl is a congenital one-ki fetus!

Immediately after him, Zhong Yuan and seven other people, each of whom urged their mana, let Qiyao refine the army to push and turn, turn into a big net, and completely cover the congenital one-qi fetus.

At this time, Zhong Yuan's mind moved, and a large piece of skin and flesh on his body spontaneously came out, and the void collapsed into a blood fog, surging towards the innate vitality.

At the beginning, those blood mist, far away, before approaching the innate one-ki fetus, was pushed away by an inexplicable force, which was difficult to approach. However, under the restraint of the Qiyao refining array, the blood fog was still approaching bit by bit. At the moment of contact, the blood fog turned into thousands of blood charms and suddenly rushed in, bringing a touch of blood color to its faint light.

At this time, Zhong Yuan and the six incarnations suddenly enhanced their mana to help these blood charms refine them into the innate one-ki fetus, and help them penetrate into the core of the innate one-qi fetus.

Zhong Yuan, after all these blood charms are completely integrated into the congenital one-qi Yuan fetus, that is, time, without any delay, he moved his mind again, so that a large piece of flesh and blood on his own body were separated, and the void collapsed into a blood fog, surging towards the congenital Yiqi Yuan fetus.

In this way, Zhong Yuan kept breaking down his own flesh and blood, turning it into a blood charm, integrating into the innate one-ki fetus, mixing the innate one-ki fetus's spirit, and achieving the real incarnation of wisdom.

Zhong Yuan's flesh and blood are extremely powerful, far from being comparable to the time in the world at the beginning. In just one year and three months, Zhong Yuan's flesh and blood spirituality has been combined with the spirituality of the innate qi embryo, and has truly achieved wisdom.

After the birth of wisdom, the self also has the ability to practice, so the speed of sacrifice also begins to increase. Normally, Zhong Yuan no longer has to use his own flesh and blood. However, he did not stop here, but continued to use his own flesh and blood to strengthen his intelligence. He was ready to use flesh and blood to directly nourish for three years, until the six incarnations, all of which advanced to the golden immortal king, and then stopped.

In this way, Zhong Yuan is naturally not that he has too much flesh and blood and has no place to use, but that he is preparing for the future and the situation after his departure.

Because after he left, he was ready to let the incarnate Yiqi Yuan fetus of the achievement as a new leader, so as to guide his own sacrifice. If so, even if he leaves in the future, the speed of sacrifice will not drop too much.


Time flies, in an instant, more than 31 years have passed like this.