The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1302 Ten Emperors Out

On that day, eight remaining spies of the sects were taken out.

What's their result? Lingyan Zhenjun didn't say anything, but, obviously, it's definitely not much better. However, Zhong Yuan is actually not very concerned about this. In comparison, he is more concerned about the belligerent in the battle building.

The battle was staged one after another. As a result, there was basically no gap with Zhong Yuan's expectation. Nine out of ten of the monks that Zhong Yuan was optimistic about before, fought to the end. Only a few of them were unlucky and chose a more powerful opponent. As a result, they broke the halberd and sank

Time, it passed quickly. In just five days, it took to the last game.

This last game is between Tude Zhenjun and Nanshan Zhenjun.

These two people are both favored by Zhong Yuan and masters agreed by everyone. Therefore, Zhong Yuan is absorbed in this scene and has nothing to do with it.

The rest, the eight emperors who have been selected are the same, because among the two, no matter who wins, will eventually become their enemies.

In the battle building, Nanshan Zhenjun, when he took action first, between his waves, out of thin air, he manifested a tall mountain, which is difficult to measure its height, difficult to know its wide, clouds and fog, unchanged direction!

Nanshan Zhenjun, in fact, it was not originally called Nanshan Zhenjun. The reason why he has this name is that he is good at arrays, especially good at arraying with mountains. It is difficult to find a direction in the battle. Therefore, he was jokingly called by his fellow scholars in Nanshan, on the contrary, he has achieved such

Tude Zhenjun, I have heard of the reputation of Nanshan Zhenjun, and I have also seen Nanshan Zhenjun take action. He was going to take the lead at home, but he still slowed down and let Nanshan Zhenjun take the lead. However, he did not panic because of this. He dared to take the earth virtue as his name, but because in the [body], there is the true blood of the unicorn, which can summon the nature of all things.

Although this mountain is not a real mountain, in the core, there is the nature of the earth. Therefore, that is, time, to stimulate the true blood of the unicorn, to sense, in an instant, there is a gain. Then, it stimulated the original traction magic in the great method of high morality and thick earth. As soon as the void was grasped, the nature of a long dragon-like earth was ingested and fell into his hands.

At that time, the high mountain and mountain that seemed to be infinitely vast shrank in an instant, turning into a thousand feet high and a hundred miles in size. Nanshan Zhenjun, who was originally vague and unknown, also appeared.

However, just for a moment, Nanshan Zhenjun's figure disappeared again. Because there are three more mountains, which have been manifested by them, and they are still increasing.

Every time a mountain is added, Tude Zhenjun feels that a pressure comes from the air. At the same time, the feeling between his own home and the world of heaven and earth is also a little weaker. Naturally, he can't let Nanshan Zhenjun continue like this. At that time, in addition to constantly grasping the nature of the earth in the mountains, Tude Zhenjun also sacrificed his own life, the treasure Kirin.

The dim yellow unicorn seal hung high in the void, and it suddenly shook, and a huge unicorn roared. At that time, several mountains collapsed.

Nanshan Zhenjun flashed again for such a moment. Tude Zhenjun did not hesitate at all. At that time, the Kirin seal was shining brightly, roaring, and the violent roaring sound collapsed countless mountain voids, abruptly broke through a void channel, and bombarded straight to Nanshan Zhenjun

Nanshan Zhenjun ignored it and built the mountain in the void. It was not until the moment when the unicorn seal was bombarded that he flashed and hid in the mountains.

At this time, Kirin Seal had locked it and continued to chase it away.

However, after Nanshan Zhenjun showed his incarnation again, he did not run away again, but moved his hands together, and the endless magic formula was pinched. In an instant, the endless mountains around him seemed to have come to life, and each of them shook and misplaced themselves.

At that time, countless cracks were twisted in the void. Each of these cracks was like a war knife, with infinite sharpness and interconnection with each other, forming a set of crack knife arrays towards the Kirin seal and strangling.

"Ga, Ga, Ga,..."

With several harsh explosions, the crack knives were all broken, and the misplaced mountains also collapsed several times. And on the unicorn seal, several cracks were also revealed. Although the crack was extremely small, it was the beginning of this treasure and collapse.

The original life is the most precious, and the mind is intertwined. Naturally, it is time. Tude Zhenjun has a sense. Not only that, his yuan god is also quite shocked. In a hurry, Tude Zhenjun recalled the Kirin seal.

However, at this moment, if you want to recall, it is as easy as the time of attack. The endless mountains, each of them flew out of a long dragon, like the essence of the mountains, cross-linking each other into a network, and firmly binding the unicorn seal to it.

Although every time the Kirin seal shakes, it can destroy dozens of long dragons, it can't hold too many trees and the replenishment is fast, so it is useless for Tude Zhenjun to even call.

Just as he was preparing to find another way, suddenly, the mountain under his feet also shook, and a strong shock wave bombarded at him. His feet were severely beaten, shattered, and the whole seat was scattered and collapsed. After the collapse, Tude Zhenjun found that he was still deeply immersed in the mountains and turbos, looking around, and there was nothing but the mountains.


With a huge shock, all the mountains bloomed with divine light, one by one, like the edge of a sword, brushing towards him in the middle of the middle.

That one is nothing, but thousands of paths are together, which makes Tude Zhenjun can't help but feel like spitting blood. I wanted to fight, but when I thought of the existence of Xuanqiong Zhenjun, Zhang Daoxuan and others, I finally gave up and said, "I admit defeat!"

As soon as this said, the endless mountains shifted at that time, and the endless blade-like mountain gods were all together, and then dissipated in the void.


"Zhong Yuan, Liu Yuan, Zhang Daoxuan, Li Xinran, Hu Gang, Wang Yue,... Nanshan, ten of you are the emperors of our Nantian Emperor's Court, and I don't expect you to cooperate fully with each other without competition. However, I hope that you will not be able to conflict with each other in the last few days. Everything is to kill the disciples of various factions!" Lingyan Zhenjun's solemn way.

"Yes, we must keep it in mind!"

That is, time, everyone responds together, but no one knows what they think in their hearts.