The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1315 Mingyue Zhenjun

"Sneer, sneer, sneer,..."

The black annihilation knife, continuous vibration, wisp of knife light, cut out in a row, towards the scattered four people, and killed.

However, after all, the four people are also handsome for a while. Without the Xuanyang universe shuttle, they move themselves, but they are much more convenient. The figure appeared in a series of illusions, but he dodged the knife.

At this moment, a dark cloud, like a rolling ocean, flowed in, and in an instant, they were drowned in it.

At this time, no matter how the four of them stimulated their eyesight, they could not see ten feet away. And their divine mind can't even leave the body. When a line is separated from the body, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, and then disappears.

"Sneer, sneer, sneer,..."

The annihilation knife light, which was sharp to the extreme, was cut again.

This time, they had no sense of controlling everything. At that time, no one escaped, and they were cut by the black knife.

That is the time, the fifth brother, the sixth brother and the seventh brother were all cut into pieces, and the blood was soaring. And they all hold their own jade charms in their hands.

Obviously, they are ready to use him to save their lives when they are in danger. However, at that moment, the knife was too fast to be used.

Among the four people, there were only three brothers. At the moment of the knife light and body, a roulette-shaped treasure in the body spontaneously appeared, blocking this almost inevitable blow.

is followed by "Dang, Dang, Dang,..." Counting the knives, the light of the roulette-shaped baby also faded rapidly.

At this moment, the third brother took out the jade charm without any hesitation, that is, time, and pinched it into pieces.

In an instant, a golden brilliance appeared and wrapped its figure in.

More than a dozen black knives are cut off. If the mud cow enters the sea, it will disappear and not show any waves. Then, the golden brilliance wrapped the third brother in him and broke through the air, flying incomparable and disappearing into the distance.

"You run away quickly!"

Zhong Yuan's figure appeared. Looking at the direction of the brilliant Jinhui's disappearance, he said faintly. Then, as soon as the sleeves of his robe were brushed, the broken bodies of the three monks were all taken away by him, and the iron-blooded beads in his body also began to operate, turning them into iron-blooded relics.


The vast starry sky, a nameless place.

A stunning female nun, under the siege of seven male nuns, moves like a butterfly, and can pass by the other party's killing moves without any harm. At first glance, it looks like a lot of danger, but in fact, it is as peaceful as a rock.

"Brothers, if you add a little more strength, I won't believe it. With so many of us, we can't clean her up!"

Suddenly, a huge giant roared. His name was a monk, and his body was full of energy. The magic weapons and magic soldiers in his hand were waving, the light was stronger and the pressure was stronger.

All the gods are majestic and blaspense, like a vast ocean, covering the stunning nun without any gaps.

However, the stunning nun was like a swimming fish. In the endless turbulence of the ocean, she found those weak places and easily passed by.

A moment has passed, and the stunning nun has been trapped, but it is still intact and has not been injured at all.

Suddenly, the stunning nun's body trembled slightly, and there was a trace of disharmony between the body wandering and changes. At that time, an axe was cut down. Although the stunning nun quickly stimulated her mana, moved her body and dodged, she was also cut off the clothes on her left arm by the axe light.

"Under the palm of my heavenly god, I have taken the breath of six people, and there is only one person left! Unfortunately, if that man doesn't come, I will definitely be able to kill all these seven people. But now, I can't wait. I have to do it immediately, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be picked up by that person!"

The stunning nun must have thought that at that time, there was a big red gourd in her hand. After the cover of the gourd was lifted, she pinched the formula with her right hand and pointed to the big red gourd. Then, she held the gourd in her hands and suddenly shook it and said, "Please show your power

That is time, in the big red gourd, six strands of squirting spit out, black and white, mixed light. In an instant, they were connected with the six monks who besieged her. Along the way, there were endless magic weapons and divine power brilliance, like nothing, which could not be stopped.


With a soft sound, the six besieged monks were pulled by the six silk threads in an instant and did not go to the mouth of the gourd, without any resistance.

Suddenly, this change was not only the six monks who were controlled, but also the person who had nothing to do. However, his reaction was very fast, that is, time, he pushed his mana to the limit, turned it into a broken empty magic knife, and chopped down the six silk threads.

However, his broken empty knife is like a knife splitting water. The knife passes and the water leaves no marks, which has no impact at all.

In the midst of his consteritonishment, six people sank into the big red gourd.

The stunning nun's eyes swept at the last person left. At that time, the man retreated like a conditioned reflex. In an instant, she had withdrawn thousands of feet away.

However, the stunning nun did not attack the man, but turned her eyes and swept to the clear void on one side. "This Taoist friend, since you are here, why hide? Why don't you show up and make friends?

"Miaoyue Taoist friend, it's really extraordinary. I think the hidden clothes are seamless, but I didn't expect it to be seen by you!" With a clear response, the crystal clear void, several ripples flashed, and a figure stepped out.

This person is none other than Zhong Yuan.

It turned out that after solving the first wave of prey, Zhong Yuan found from the star map that the seven monks who went to hunt another lone walker were still with the lone walker.

In such a situation, it is impossible for wine to have a good time. The only possibility is that the strength of that person can keep pace with that of the seven. On both sides, it is half a catty to eight taels, and no one can do anything about it, and they are still in a fierce battle.

Although Zhong Yuan is recognized as the supreme pride, the mentality of the supreme pride is actually no different from that of ordinary monks. At this moment, Zhong Yuan naturally had the idea of competing with each other and profiting. Therefore, in time, he urged Jinpeng's divine wings to fly away towards the battlefield where the eight people were.

After arriving at the battlefield, Zhong Yuan found that the soloist was a nun. Moreover, he is also his acquaintance, Li Xinran, the true king of the Southern Heavenly Emperor!

Zhong Yuan, although he is not that pedantic person, he still can't do it to his own people in the early stage of this melee. Therefore, he immediately changed his mind and prepared for the busyness of Mingyue Zhenjun and Li Xinran.

However, the current situation, obviously, Mingyue Zhenjun Li Xinran does not need his help. Therefore, he disappeared first and waited. Zhong Yuan is not to wait for the most critical opportunity to get the greatest gratitude of Li Xinran. However, in his heart, he also wants to see how strong Li Xinran has.

Because the body method used by Li Xinran, the true king of the moon, he didn't know before. He even thought that even put him in the situation of those who were killed by him just now, his extinct knife light may not be able to kill her.

Zhong Yuan also knew that there was a big killer in Mioyue Zhenjun Li Xinran's hand, so he hoped to take this opportunity to have as much understanding as possible about Mioyue Zhenjun Li Xinran, a fellow and opponent.

However, Zhong Yuan did not expect that the sensing ability of Li Xinran, the true king of the moon, was so powerful that he could find his arrival in such a fierce battle, and, in an instant, he showed his divine power, killed most of the enemy, and stood invincible.

"Who am I? It turned out to be Emperor Zhong!" Li Xinran, the true king of the moon, saw that it was Zhong Yuan. His face was also slightly surprised, and his hostility was slightly reduced. However, it was still very heavy. "I don't know what Emperor Zhong's intention is to hide on his side like this? If it's for the battle within the five-day period, I can give you the remaining one!"

"No, I already have harvested. You'd better clean up your prey!" Zhong Yuan shook his head and said with a faint smile, "I just want to pick up some cheap things. Unexpectedly, I did meet my own people. In this way, it's not easy for me to do it. Just now, I was ready to snatch the battle for you secretly. Unexpectedly, I was found by you and misunderstood!"

"Oh? So that's what I misunderstood!" Li Xinran smiled and put away his hostility. He put away his hostility.

However, Zhong Yuan could see that Li Xinran, the real king of the moon, did not relax his guard at all.

"What are you going to do with this man!" Zhong Yuan, as if he didn't know about this, smiled faintly, pointed to the man in the distance, and asked.

"Does this person, Zhong Daoyou really don't need it?" Li Xinran, the true king of the moon, asked back.

Zhong Yuan didn't open his mouth, but shook his head and looked extremely firm.

The man, who originally heard a third party appear, thought that he still had a chance to save his brothers, but he didn't expect it to be the result now. When it is, if you know that it is not good, that is, time, you will urge the escape method and flee to the distance.

"If you want to go, how can it be so easy?!"

Li Xinran, the real king of Miaoyue, scolded coldly, and the big red gourd in his hand fell down again. "Wow--" was like a burst of sea, with a colorful, brilliant light spewing out. In an instant, he walked past the fleeing monk.

After an instant, it is recycled. The void is clear again!