The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1400 The truth is like a divine mirror

"You can go out now!"

Zhong Yuan said calmly. It seems that the two of them were not fighting just now, but just chatting.

Looking at the broken color of the hands, San's heart was full of anger, and he had the intention to do it again. Looking at Zhong Yuan's slightly cold eyes, unconsciously, his heart was cold, and his anger was like being poured down by a basin of ice water. At that time, it was extinguished.

"My skills are not as good as others. This time, I have nothing to say, but in the future, I will definitely ask my brother for advice again. I hope that Brother Zhuodao can still be the same today and won't let me down!" After Sanna finished speaking, when he was right, he turned around and stepped out.

At this time, a cold voice sounded in his ear, "Don't worry, no matter when you come to ask me for advice, I will make you satisfied... If the previous failure of the mountain, they saw the spirit of Zhong Yuan's research on the magic power of the king's vein of Pima, then, the failure of the three, they Mysterious, there is nothing else.

Because the failure of Sanna is really weird.

The circle of troubles in the ten directions is the result of the third adventure. After that, it has been adjusted and blessinged by the elders who thought they were the top of the golden immortals. The power is extraordinary, and it is quite famous in the vein of the king of Pima. Many masters who are more capable than San's cultivation dare not let San's show the power of the circle of troubles in all directions. Because, in that case, they are likely to fall into a big fall.

So, San doesn't seem to be fighting recklessly, but in fact. It has already made its own most powerful combat strength. It has been displayed.

However, Zhong Yuan was injured, not to mention that he was just like a person who had nothing to do, and even studied the mystery of the ten-way circle of troubles there.

In such a situation, the elders in the hall, even the patriarch Tai Mang, have never seen it. Therefore, they are confused. I don't know what means Zhong Yuan used to do this.

However, they can't ask. It can only be buried in my heart, because it is obviously Zhong Yuan's secret! However, through this second battle, they regarded Zhong Yuan as a peerless strong man from the bottom of their hearts, and all the contempt in their hearts disappeared... Xuehe, the third array. Just do it!" Zhong Yuan's words were very casual, as if he was not a challenger, but a challenger.

The snow river, knowing that its cultivation is slightly worse than others, but it has no idea of victory at all, so there is no pressure at all. It seems very free and easy.

After stepping into the central battlefield, Xuehe was not very polite. He only said, "Brother, I'd like to ask for advice!" Then, that is the time. Then he pulled out his sword, Xuehe, and waved the strongest killing move in his own swordsmanship.

Heaven and earth are like refining. All sentient beings suffer!

The snow river sword is like a pool of autumn water, bright and brilliant. However, this sword is waved, and the whole world is dark, as if it has fallen into the sinking of eternal night, and it is difficult to see the sun.

Between the shadows and shadows, we can see that there are countless creatures in this world, such as birds, beasts, insects, fish, people, demons, immortals, Buddhas, etc. However, each of these creatures shows a bitter look, sad, sad, painful, and so on. There is no creature without bitterness, and even the shaking of the flowers and trees faintly reveals a bitterness.

Correspondingly, the sound of endless sorrow rises. At the beginning, it is ethereal, if there is nothing, but gradually, it is getting bigger and bigger, as if the sound of heaven and earth is full of the whole dark world. It makes people unconscious and want to cry.

The bitterness that filled the world and flooded into Zhong Yuan's heart in an instant. At that time, Zhong Yuan's calm expression also changed and became unparalleled sorrow.

Together with bitterness, that is, time, Zhong Yuan rose up with a feeling of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart.

Zhong Yuan knew that it was not a feeling, but a real thing. Billions of sword spirit, accompanied by bitterness, had begun to invade his body. However, what is his body? It is a Ruyi golden staff, which is strong in essence. Not to mention such a little sword spirit, even the power of the golden fairy's top is difficult to wipe it out.

Zhong Yuan did not urge the Holy Law to destroy it, nor did he use his power to break it. Because he made up his mind to stir up a storm in the Shura world, and in order to do this, he must have a considerable position and prestige in the vein of the king of Vima. Otherwise, there is no way to talk about it at all.

Therefore, Zhong Yuan has long made up his mind to shock these elders in one fell swoop, so that they can understand that he is the person who is qualified to lead the future of King Bima, so that he will no longer dictate his own behavior.

Because of this, at this moment, Zhong Yuan urged the third king's vein - the peerless magic power of the phaseless king's vein - the phaseless truth is like a divine mirror!

In an instant, Zhong Yuan's body, like the sun, bloomed with infinite colors, and then, a huge mirror covered his body. It's as if Zhong Yuan himself turned into a huge mirror.

As soon as this mirror appeared, when it was, the infinite sword spirit that came with the bitter attack poured into the mirror.

This mirror is like a bottomless deep pool. The sword is turbulent, bitter, and there is no sign of filling it at all.

After a moment, the mirror shook and made a loud noise.

Looking at this, Xuehe was shocked. He thought that the mirror was going to be broken. Although he still didn't have much confidence to defeat Zhong Yuan directly, he was satisfied to be able to break Zhong Yuan's magic power. Therefore, at this moment, he once again encouraged the mana in his body, making this heaven and earth like refining, and all sentient beings suffered, which made it more and more powerful.

However, at this moment, in the mirror, a light spewed out, like a long rainbow, across the sky.

With the ejection of this light, that is, time, the snow river finds that the world of heaven and earth has changed, and the eternal light is now in the sky. However, with this eternal light, it is also the bitterness, which can be directly infiltrated into the bones.

"How can it be? How can it be like this? Is this my swordsmanship?

At this moment, Xuehe's heart was full of shock.

However, the shock is not just the snow river. The elders in the hall were also extremely shocked. Among them, few of them know that Zhong Yuan has the magical ability of the Wuxiang king's vein. At this moment, when they see this, the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

"Unfortunately, even with this untrue method like a divine mirror, I can't practice it, otherwise I will no longer be the person of the king of Vima!"

"With this method of the phaseless king's vein, after the blood line is inherited, his descendants can practice without hindrance and will not be hindered by the phaseless king's vein. It seems that this is really easy to cultivate!"

"If you can achieve the supreme realm of the golden fairy, in the future, the king's vein of Vima will definitely have a strong bloodline. However, the relationship between us is not harmonious. Should I find a way to ease it? Or kill it in the cradle... A group of elders, each turned their minds, and the hall, which seemed to be quiet, became even more silent. There was no sound at all, and the needle could be heard!

The snow river is time, which urges the unique method of its own sword formula and suppresses the bitterness that pours into the heart. At the same time, it reverses with the sword, wants to pull it out and attack Zhong Yuan again.

However, he had not guided the first wave of bitterness and sword spirit out, and the bitterness behind him was like a tide, surging one after another, surging and surging.

In a short moment, he completely changed the world, defeated the dark world of the snow river, and poured into the body and mind of the snow river.


With a series of explosions, the resistance in the snow river was instantly disintegrated.

"I'm going to die!" At this moment, Xuehe's heart unconsciously raised such an idea.

However, in an instant, Xuehe found that he was not dead. Then, he sensed that his body was almost full of bitterness and sword spirit, and it was like the ebb tide of the river, retreating incomparablely, which basically did not cause much harm to his body.

This control makes Xuehe can't help but look bitter.

This time, it's not his injury, but his real feeling.

There is nothing you can do. The peerless swordsmanship that you have worked so hard to practice is not as good as the simulation of the other party in a moment. No one encounters such a situation, I'm afraid that it will inevitably rise to such a feeling.

"I lost!" Xuehe tried his best to calm down his emotions and said, "Brother Xandao uses the foundation of the Wuxiang king's vein - Wuxiang's truth is like a divine mirror!"

"Yes!" Zhong Yuan nodded faintly. At this moment, Zhong Yuan's magic power had already been put away, and the wind and clouds were light, as if he had never taken action.

"The road of power is worthy of being the first road. It's really extraordinary, inclusive and even better. I'm convinced that I lost!" Xuehe sighed, held his fist and saluted to Zhong Yuan, and then turned around, crossed step by step, and walked out of the central battlefield... The next one, just Brother Tianyi!"

Zhong Yuan had no hesitation, that is, time, to determine the fourth challenger.

That day, at this moment, there was no arrogance at all. Of course, he did not show any fear because of Zhong Yuan's amazing performance. He was extremely calm, like a deep pool of an ancient well, and it was difficult to speculate about his emotions.

Listening to Zhong Yuan's words, Tianyi had no delay at all. At the beginning of time, he stepped into the central battlefield. ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation.) RV