The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1413 The qualifying battle begins

The world of demons.

This is the foundation of the First Demon Hall. It is a holy place of practice that gathers the whole Shura world and countless generations of masters join hands to support it.

Countless Shura monks fought desperately on the battlefield and made meritorious deeds, in order to join the First Demon Hall and be able to enter the first demon world to practice. Because here, thousands of miles a day is not a lie.

Zhong Yuan and his party stepped in and felt the difference here. The surging magic, like a suckling swallow returning to the nest, like a hundred rivers and the sea, automatically poured into his body, strengthening his physique and strengthening his mana.

"Although this first demon world is not gorgeous enough compared with the main hall of the Anti-Demon Alliance, its actual effect is much stronger. No wonder the overall strength of this Shura world has always been stronger than our spiritual and empty fairy world!" Unconsciously, Zhong Yuan sighed in his heart.

Zhong Yuan came to this demon world to participate in the ranking battle of the ninety-nine king veins. Setting the battlefield in this original demon world is also a reward for the proud children of various king veins and some powerful tribes.

The king's ranking battle is not only a matter of ranking, but also involves many interests. It can be said that he is the most important thing in the whole Shura world. Because of this, for a long time, the Wangmai ranking battle has been striving for fairness, so as not to cause internal wars.

The king's pulse ranking battle is divided into two parts.

The first part is the comparison between the levels, with a total of four levels, namely the top ten royal veins, the upper king veins, the middle royal veins, and the lower royal veins.

However, at each level, there will be more people, or fewer people.

For example, the ranking battle of the ten king veins is called the ten king veins, but in fact, it is the twelve king veins, because the gap between the strength and power of the eleventh king vein and the ten king veins is not big, and they are also qualified to compete for the throne of the ten king veins.

Of course, if they don't have any particularly powerful talents in this session, or they know that they don't have much hope, they can not participate and continue to maintain their current position. In that case, their position will not change due to the results of the specific battle. Because their own strength and power have determined that it is impossible to drop the ranking. This is an eternal law. The change of ranking is always a change between the level of strength and power.

Correspondingly, in the ranking of the upper royal vein, there will also be more central royal vein monks, in the central royal vein ranking, there will also be some lower royal vein monks, and in the lower royal vein ranking, there will be more tribes with the truth of the royal vein but no name of the royal vein.

In each session, the most lively and attractive is the ranking battle of the lower king's vein. Because there are hundreds of non-royal-line tribes who only participated in the war. In this way, the changes they have caused are the biggest and the most. However, the king's vein ranking at other levels is basically not much changed, so for most war-watching monks, it is not as good-looking as that. Of course, there may not be many monks who are infused with high-level royal vein ranking, but, absolutely, each of them is an elite, a heavenly pride, or a senior master, and there is no mediocrity!

The battle between the four levels is parallel and carried out at the same time, so the battle between these four levels is counted as a part.

The second part, which has nothing to do with the battle, is a comprehensive assessment to determine the final ranking order. This part mainly synthesizes the changes in the strength of the subordinate forces of each royal vein.

Because the gap between the kings at the same level is not too big. After synthesizing the strength of the subordinate forces, it is likely that the balance will produce some kind of pouring. Even in the past, in the king's pulse ranking battle, there were huge subordinate forces, and after a comprehensive view, it crossed a level.

Of course, this situation is very rare after all. After all, all royal veins attach great importance to the subordinate strength, so it is difficult not to be noticed by this large-scale increase of subordinate forces. If you are aware of it, the competition will have already begun on weekdays, and you will not wait for the king's ranking battle.

After entering the world of the first demon, there are three days to prepare. These three days are also an opportunity for those monks who came to the world for the first time to adapt.

After all, this extremely rich and extremely powerful world brings not only benefits, but also disadvantages to monks. For example, the speed is greatly reduced, the control is reduced, and so on.

However, for Zhong Yuan, this adaptation is dispensable, because in less than a quarter of an hour, he has completely adjusted himself.

Therefore, after arriving at the residence of Demma Wangmai here, Zhong Yuan did not choose to retreat and adapt like others, but chose to go out to understand the situation of other Wangmai.

Although the King of Vima has prepared a lot of information with him, all of which are about possible opponents. However, these things on paper will never have the clear sensing on the air machine.

Three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, Zhong Yuan seemed to wander around the world of the first demon world, but secretly, as long as there was no closed monk, he could be sensed by him all the time. Among them, the vast majority of people are not aware of its induction at all, but there are also five people who have sensed Zhong Yuan's induction. Even three of them took this opportunity to sense Zhong Yuan's breath.

Zhong Yuan understands that these people need to be extra careful. Their combat strength should be as good as their own. If they are not careful, they may lose.


"I don't need to say more about the importance of the king's pulse ranking battle, and you all understand it. Today, I just want to say one sentence, that is, I hope you can all do your best to win one game. As long as you work hard, no matter whether you have success or failure in the end, I, the patriarch, will hold a banquet to celebrate for you. The patriarch Tai Mang looked at Zhong Yuan and the five other monks who participated in the war, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, patriarchs, we will do our best to let me take the king's vein further!" The five of them opened their mouths almost at the same time and shouted loudly.

"Good! I believe in you. Now, you can go!" The patriarch waved his hand and said, "It's time."

At the moment, Zhong Yuan and the other five people did not delay, and immediately walked towards the battlefield.