The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1418 Frozen Robbery, Baiyi Fist

Tianyi's opponent is the monk of the ice soul king's vein, named Beidou. He is also a young talent, majestic and heroic, standing with Tianyi. It can really be said to be a spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum, each of which occupies the victory.

The two of them, without any nonsense, after holding their fists and salutes, they rushed forward and bumped into each other.

As soon as Tianyi took action, there were two kinds of fists. The left hand was the vast boxing of the earth, and the right hand was full of the eternal blue sky. The two fists moved together, as if a world, created between its waves, towards the Big Dipper and went away.

Beidou is holding the magic knife to freeze the frost, which stimulates the unique secret of the ice king's vein - the ice sealing, the knife light cuts out, the glaciers are surging out, and the void spreads. Wherever it passes, the frost and snow are born out of the air, and the space is blocked.

"Bun, bang, bang... Fist, knife light, violent collision, thunderous sound, keep ringing, shaking the world.

The void glacier is constantly broken and splashing away, turning countless places into a world of ice and snow. And Tianyi, the swinging fist, can also be invaded by the freezing force. A considerable part of the blue sky and the earth are directly frozen, and the power is still there, but it is sealed and can't be manifested at all, as if it is fighting with a chain, and it is difficult to play all, and it feels very awkward.

In that is time, Tianyi changed his boxing, and his fists turned into boiling sea boxing. Between the waves, the red light was all over the sky, and the flames were like a tide, sweeping all over the world.

The hot flame flow is like a fire dragon. Flying around. . Intersect with the power of the glacier, sneer--in almost an instant, the glacier is empty, all turned into white clouds, boundless, drowning the whole world of the ring evolution.

"Frozen robbery method, return to ancient times!"

Beidou roared out of thin air. The endless cold gas dragon came, and everywhere it passed was covered with a thick layer of frost, as if. The whole world will be frozen.

And in this cold atmosphere, it also contains a unique power, as if to transform people's foundation.

This kind of power is the power of returning to ancient times. However, this kind of return to ancient times is not the peak bloodline and the strongest combat power when people return to ancient times. It is the earliest time in the world, the earliest time of the monk's ancestors, the weakest period.

For this, Tianyi, who has fought with the major kings, is very clear, so he does not dare to neglect it at all. The intention of the left hand is unchanged, and the right hand shows the intention of burning heaven. The two began to overlap, manifesting a kind of power to the extreme, which broke out violently.

"Boom, boom, boom... The endless roar sounded, originally, the cold air covering heaven and earth. It was cracked in an instant and turned into a stream of flames. Counterattack and go. Heaven and earth have turned into a world of flames.

"The method of ice sealing, the second robbery returns to the false!"

Beidou's face remains unchanged, that is, time, and the magic seal is pinched, showing the second killing move of the frozen robbery method.

At the beginning of time, the cold air of the half-deadness seemed to have been supported by endless power out of thin air. A huge earthquake surged again. If the ocean is high tide, the big waves are raised one after another, directly extinguishing the raging flames in the four.

In the cold air, there is a stream of air that is extremely white, like the wind, whistling back and forth, wherever it passes, everything, irresistible, all disappears invisibly.

Seeing, the white airflow roared towards Tianyi. In Tianyi's body, that is, time, three punches flew out, two for the wind, one for wood, extremely fast, and combined with the two punches of burning the sky and boiling the sea driven by his two fists. At that time, the fire soared, and there was .

The white airflow, blowing in, could not go far, and was completely burned out.

"The superposition of the five-way boxing is already the limit that I can control. No matter how high it is, I'm afraid that I will collapse!" Tianyi saw that his family had the upper hand again, but in his heart, he was not too happy. Because he knew that there was a third disaster - the end of the world. According to the situation of Beidou's first two frozen robbery and killing moves, there are ten **, and Beidou can be urged.

In that case, then he will have no more powerful power to resist the third disaster of the frozen robbery!

What you are really afraid of is what you are afraid of. The turbulent sea of fire has not yet broken half of the coldness. The seal method in Beidou's hand has changed again, and he also chanted again: "The method of ice sealing, the end of the three disasters!"

The reasons for the birth of the world are different, and so is the destruction of the world. However, among the causes of destruction in the world, it is the most invaded by the power of ice and cold. The frozen disaster is the predecessor of the ice king's vein. Looking at the heavens and the world, the endless world was destroyed by the cold power. Power, it can really be said to be strong and domineering, very powerful.

As soon as this third move came out, the whole world seemed to be shocked. Then, it was completely silent, as if the world also had its own life, but at this moment, his life came to an end.

In the endless sea of fire, Tianyi also felt cold all over his body. The huge flame that surrounds the whole body is enough to boil the sea and burn the sky, but it is not enough to expel the chill.

"Are you going to fail like this?" Tianyi muttered to himself, "No, absolutely can't do this, absolutely can't!" If I want to win, I must also win. Only in this way can we keep a little dignity for our direct vein!"

He roared crazily in his heart. For the first time in history, Tianyi released more than 100 kinds of punches that he realized. Then, with his own hands as the guide, he began a forced fusion.

All kinds of punches, each with its own vision, each with its own territory, hovering around the body of Tianyi, showing a variety of colors. However, under the guidance of Zhong Yuan, they gradually began to approach each other.

"Sneer--, crack--bang-bang... The power of boxing, mixed and repulsive with each other, shaking countless, some, and even directly shocked Tianyi's body, making a burst of blood in his heart. However, he still gritted his teeth and insisted on changing those inappropriate places.

The chill is getting stronger and stronger, and the flame outside the body is getting weaker and weaker.

When the flame outside his body was only about three feet in size, and his body was covered with a layer of frost, finally, more than a hundred punches temporarily combined into a photosphere about the size of a foot.

The light ball, suspended in front of Tianyi, is full of light, colorful and gorgeous.


A huge earthquake, dense, endless ripples swept out in all directions.

Wherever you pass, the cold air will disintegrate, the mountains and rivers will warm up, and the green buds will be green! It's like a spring breeze blowing, living the hidden vitality in the world.

As soon as this scene appeared, the Beidou was shocked for the first time, as if he could not believe it at all. In his body, mana gushed out unconsciously, urging the doomsday seal and causing a stronger cold current. However, under the impact of the ripples, they all collapsed and dissipated invisibly.


At this time, Tianyi shouted loudly. At that time, the huge light ball synthesized by more than a hundred fists made a huge shock again. Then, countless ripples, combined into a dark knife light, crossed the void and cut down towards the Big Dipper.


With a long sound, outside the Beidou, the rock-solid cold ice was easily cut open, and then cut on the head of the Beidou.

When it was, the Big Dipper was split in half.

In an instant, Beidou was cut in half, the light flashed, and he went to the center again. However, at this time, another knife light came from the air. With a soft sound, it was cut into two halves again.

This time, the body of Beidou no longer changed at all, and the blood stained the earth red.

At this time, the light ball condensed by more than a hundred ways of boxing, "buzz--" another huge shock. However, this time, there were no ripples swept out, but directly disintegrated and returned to more than a hundred punches, lingering around Tianyi. However, it is obvious that those punches are a little dim, no longer as before, as strong and gorgeous as before.


Tianyi's body shook, and a mouthful of blood arrow spewed out, soaring tens of feet. His figure followed, and he staggered. However, he still stood there steadily and did not fall down.

Tian Yi, in this regard, he directly closed his eyes and secretly adjusted his interest. After a while, he opened his eyes again, flew away and rushed out of the ring.

"This guy, King Vibra, has such a good luck that he made a breakthrough when he was in the battle!"

"Yes, although he was injured because of this, it should not be very serious. In this way, there are two people in the King of Pima and broke into the second round. It seems that it is very difficult to let the King of Pima fall into the position of the top ten king veins!"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, this is just the first round. Those who behave weak may not be really weak. It can't be said that the two of them lost the whole line in the second round. In that case, they will be at the bottom and become the twelfth king's vein!"

"I hope so...Congratulations! Baiyi Shenquan has another breakthrough. It seems that the chance of our Vima King's vein to hit a higher level is a little bigger!" Zhong Yuan opened his mouth and congratulated him.

"It's just a fluke. This kind of breakthrough is not stable. Whether it can really succeed or not is still in the middle of two words. The real hope of our King of Pima will fall on Brother Taoist!" On the surface of Tianyi, he showed very modesty, but in his heart, he secretly swore that he must follow this breakthrough to make Baiyi God's Fist really one, so that he will transcend and become the king of Vima, the real mainstay. RQ