The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1441 From, Black Hand

Vima Shenshan, the clan's hall.

In a short time, three monks dressed in black armor and soldiers came in under the leadership of an elder.

These three people entered in one line, and at the beginning of time, there was a bloody, fierce and violent atmosphere surging in, extremely strong, like a strong wind sweeping.

If they are ordinary monks, I'm afraid that the impact of this breath alone is enough to make them realize chaos in an instant and be slaughtered by others.

However, the patriarch is too Mang, and naturally he is not such a monk, so he has not been affected by this impact.

"Look at these people!" The patriarch did not hesitate at all, that is, time, so he pointed to a pile of corpses not far away from him and said.

"Isn't this the person we left to deal with the afterths? Why was it killed? First, the one in the middle of the three monks in armor said, and his eyes were full of shock.

"Is it possible that all of them have been captured by the people of the fierce beast? Then, he was brought here to demonstrate specifically to our Vimawang vein?

"If so, my subordinates will ask the chief of the clan to issue an order, and my subordinates are willing to lead the headquarters again to step on a fortress of the fierce beast king's vein!"

followed closely, and the other two monks in armor also practiced.

Hearing this, the patriarch's face did not change. Then, in a relatively peaceful voice, he said, "So, you really did the matter of the secret warehouse of Qingya Mountain?"

"Yes? However. Isn't this your order from the patriarch?" The monk A, who lives in the middle of the [middle], immediately opened his mouth. Go back.

"Bullshit, when did I give you such an order? I'm talking about defending with all my strength, so as to fight back all the invading places and keep our current position as the first king!" The patriarch is too much in time, and his anger unconsciously surged out a lot.

"We also know the order of the clan leader, but it is indeed because of the order of the clan leader, if it were not so. We can't do this smoothly!" When the monk Jia, who was in the middle of the center, heard this, he couldn't help but be a little anxious and hurried.

Hearing this, the patriarch Tai Mang, who has been playing tricks all his life. It's not clear. There are signs of conspiracy. At present, it is also possible to forcibly suppress the anger in his heart and say in a peaceful tone, "Now, tell me the situation of your sending troops to the secret warehouse of Pingya Mountain. Don't miss any details!"

"Yes!" The monk Jia, who was located in the center of [middle], came back at that time.

At this time. He didn't know that there was a problem with his original dispatch of troops, but he was unwilling to put the fault of this problem on himself. Therefore, next, the monk Jia, who is in the center of [in the middle], has nothing to hide anything else. Everything is great and small, and it all comes out to the patriarch.

It turns out. A few days ago, when he was closely defending his own defense zone, suddenly, a beast king-vein monk with unusually high cultivation broke into his secret room of practice.

Original. He was about to gather people to wipe them out. The fierce beast king's vein monk said that he was a dark son of the patriarch Taimang, and can also be regarded as a person of the king's vein of Vima.

Simply speaking like this, this monk with armor is also old-fashioned, and naturally he will not believe it. However, when he saw that the vein of the fierce beast was deeply hidden and authentic, and the King of Vima was forbidden by the law, he had to believe it. Because this kind of legal prohibition can only be used by the absolute core of the vein of the King of Vima. Even he only knows a part of it, and there are many that he does not understand.

After believing it, the following things will happen naturally. The monk of the fierce beast king said that the patriarch Tai Mang ordered him to lead the way, helped the monk A to send troops, sweep the Qingya Mountain, and rob all the treasures in the secret library of Qingya Mountain.

Qingya Mountain is a heavy place in the vein of the fierce beast king. If it is normal, not to mention his army, even if more than a dozen troops are added together, it is also useless. Because, in addition to the defenders, the secret library of Qingya Mountain is more powerful is the forbidden method and formation on it.

However, the monk of the fierce beast king vein said that he is the senior management of the secret library of Qingya Mountain, so he knows how to pass all kinds of forbidden laws and formations, and there is a way to let those defenders relax their vigilance, so as to break through Qingya Mountain with the least cost.

The monk of the fierce beast king's vein really didn't talk nonsense. He really did it. The result of his troops was extremely smooth. It can be said that the resistance was minimal and very smooth, so he cleaned up several times the enemy and swept away all the treasures inside.

Later, they left a team, that is, these people who have now become corpses, to deal with the after-shi and eliminate the traces of the King of Vima as much as possible, and the rest of the people retreated to the original station.

"Then these people will not return for a long time, so you won't worry too much?" When the patriarch heard this, his face became cold again.

"That's because the monk of the fierce beast king vein had ordered these people to come to the patriarch's office to receive the reward from us after completing the aftermath task!" The A monk is located in the center of [middle]. When speaking, unconsciously, the voice is getting lower and lower.

At that time, at that moment, he felt that the proposal was very reasonable. After that, although these people had not returned for several days, he had no doubts. Because he is very clear about what a huge wealth it is. It is not easy to divide it clearly and establish rewards. However, at this moment, looking at the bloody body on the ground, he felt that the reason was a little too stupid, and, more stupidly, he believed it and did not doubt it.

"Hmm--, reward, if you do such a big thing and get such a big treasure, I naturally want to reward it, but where is the treasure now? Without treasure, I, as a patriarch, am also a skillful woman who can't cook without rice!" The patriarch Tai Mang heard this. At that time, he snorted coldly.

"The treasure was sunk into a dense forest halfway by us!" Hearing this, the monk A in the center of [in the middle], his voice became lower and lower.

"Buried? Humph--, needless to say, this must be the proposal of our good friend of the Beast King! Tell me, what's the reason he used this time? Let you listen like this?" The more the patriarch listened, the more annoyed he became.

"He said that the fierce beast king vein attaches great importance to the secret library of Qingya Mountain. After finding the clue, it must be revenged, and our department is nearby. Even if there is no evidence, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not affect the fish in the pond. Therefore, we will seal the treasure halfway, and he will notify other troops In that case, it will be more secretive and not easy to be found. Master A, who is located in the center of [middle], said again.

"It's very reasonable. It's really interlocking, leaving no flinches!" The patriarch was too open and sighed.

Hearing this, the three monks with armor felt uncomfortable. The cold armor seemed to have become a stove, roasting their bodies and making the three of them sweat like rain!

"The patriarch, why don't I send someone there to have a look? Is the treasure still there?" Master A, who is located in the center of [middle], said again.

"Do you think it's still possible?" The patriarch Taimang swept him like him. In his eyes, he unceremoniously carried a touch of cold light.

"Look, it's always good!" The monk Jia, who is in the center of [middle], is quite difficult and said.

Hearing this, the patriarch said rudely, "Then you go in person!" Remember, check carefully and don't miss any clues. If there is any treasure, I will reward you as promised. However, if not, then you can take off your duties and go to the Presbyterian Hall to hang the name of an elder and retire!"

"Yes!" The monk Jia, who is located in the center of the center, heard this and knew that he was finished. In the future, his whole life will be like this. I can't count it. I haven't had a good life for a lifetime. After all, an elder like him, who has no other duties, will be the life of cannon fodder in the future.

However, he did not have the ability to resist. In addition, he did not open his mouth to resist this face, so he could only respond silently, and then left silently.

In this regard, the patriarch was too reckless and didn't care at all. He just said lightly, "This matter is quite unusual! The 'friendly' fierce beast king vein monk, it seems that he must be one of the ten king veins, and the other royal vein monks are so-called. Prepare to make a profit for the fisherman!"

"Yes, I have the same opinion!" On the side, the elder, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Does the elder have an object to guess?" The patriarch Tai Mang opened his mouth again and asked.

"The ancestral devil's vein!" Without hesitation, the elder said back, "Only the ancestral demon veins have such a root. Among the ten king veins, there is such a dark son of such a level, and only the ancestral demon vein has such a powerful power. There is so much understanding of the secrets of other royal veins."

"That's good!" The patriarch nodded and said, "There is another one more thing. They have occupied the position of the first king of so many times, enjoyed countless benefits, and have formed a habit for a long time. Therefore, their intention to return to the first king's vein is also the strongest!"

"Yes, he wants us to lose both sides and make a profit! We absolutely can't make him so cheap!" The elder said again in time.