The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1452 The Heart of Great Wei--Kill Ten Billion


With a loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth, the time and space of heaven and earth once again fell into a silent world.

The boundless mixing has flooded the endless space portals and space cracks.

Silently, one world is like a scroll, rolled up and disappeared, and the other world scroll is spread out and slowly extends towards the boundless chaos.

After the chaos subsided, the new world once again docked with the endless space portals and cracks.

"Do you think this will stop our Shura army? It's simply delusional!"

"We haven't thought of stopping your Shura army. We are just itchy and want to kill some Shura cubs to play."

"Yes, your army, that is, you think you are powerful. If you meet our army, hum"

"So where is your army?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Our army is naturally where we should be!"

"Yes, our army is secretly waiting to ambush you, so you should be careful. Don't die for no reason without even a chance to fight. That's too unfair!"

"Well, you don't have to be arrogant. I have informed the clan leader. Soon, a large number of masters will come. At that time, I'll see how you can organize our Shura army!"

"Let's wait!"

Rock Rock City.

"Zhifei Zhenjun, how many are there in the world we rotate in?" Dawei Zhenjun asked.

Dawei Zhenjun, because he has to command and coordinate many masters of the golden immortals to take action, he has no time to pay attention to the operation of the three worlds of the rock.

However, he is very clear that although there are three realms in Panshi City, it is absolutely impossible to really kill the 300 billion Shura army in it. In the first, the master of Shura is not stupid. After a long time, you can definitely detect that it is wrong; second, the space barrier of the rock three thousand worlds is not strong, those military arrays trapped in it. It may not be out.

Actually. In the psychological expectation of Dawei Zhenjun, as long as he can kill a Shura army of more than 10 billion yuan, he will be satisfied. The rest is to contain it as much as possible. For the next line of defense, that is, the real line of defense of the Southern Immortal World, to reduce the pressure.

Zhifei Zhenjun, Zixia Yuanjun, Cangwu Zhenjun, each of them controls a thousand worlds. However, because they also know that it is impossible for the three thousand worlds to be full, so the other two are more prepared to assist and confront the Shura army head-on. Only you know whether you are true or not, and you are doing your best. He commanded the closure of the Shura army and besieged and killed.

Knowing that you are not the real king, there is no hesitation and reply, "It's already thirty☆eight worlds. At present, Shura has not found any clue, and he is fighting with our army. When the time is ripe, you can hit them hard. Try to destroy them all!"

"It's not enough. It's still far away!" Hearing this, Dawei Zhenjun stood up and frowned. After a little meditation, several orders were issued. At that time, there were dozens of golden immortal masters rushing out of the rock city.

"Can anyone dare to fight with me in chaos?" A tall, square-faced ancestor demon king's patriarch said to the master of the fairy world in the void.

"Why not dare? I'll meet you!" That is, time, there will be someone to be at peace.

At present, the two of them turned into a streamer and rushed into the chaos in the distance.

"I'm also a little itchy. I don't like the fairyland, and I'm willing to compete with me!"

"It's just right, I haven't killed Shura for a long time. Today, just in time, I'll start meat again!"

Ten ordred fairyland masters walked away. Not long after, another ten ordred fairyland masters rushed over.

"Brother Li Dao, don't worry about being alone. Let's help you!"

"Great, it seems that this time, the old Shura's plan has not been completed!"

"Their little tricks have been learned from us. If they can be done, we teachers will be ashamed to death!"

"Well, are all the people in your fairyland dead? Why didn't you see a decent army come out, all of you old guys? The elder of the ancestor demon king's vein snorted coldly and said.

"We old guys are not good. After so many years, we haven't been able to prove Daluo, so we have been sent out as cannon fodder!"

"Yes, as long as you destroy us useless cannon fodder, our elite army will naturally come out and strangle you!"

While talking, everyone's hands did not stop for a moment. Soon, the cross-border channel was completely broken again, and hundreds of thousands of Shura troops turned into ashes on the spot!

Looking at this, although Chonghe was annoyed, he was helpless. In the end, he could only say viciously, "I'd like to see how long you can stay here. Our army that has entered the southern sky will definitely kill you in the bloody sky!"

"We human beings have always paid attention to blood for blood and tooth for tooth! What have you done in our fairyland? We must have returned ten times, or even a hundred times! Besides, now, you'd better worry about you!"

While talking, several masters of the human race rushed towards the crane, all kinds of magical power, mixed together, like a dry long rainbow.

At that moment, Chonghe couldn't help but be scared. In a hurry, he ordered several ancestral magicians to stand in front of him and block him. He quickly retreated like the depths of countless ancestral magic ministers.

The magical phases of those ancestors were instantly broken, forming his army, and countless Shura monks were shocked to death.

Time, the passage of time, in a blink of an eye - seven or eight days.

Chonghe, when he was in a state of mind, suddenly, he saw, fifty or sixty long rainbows, across. At that time, the anxiety on his face disappeared, and was replaced by full of excitement.

"You Taoist brothers are finally here! If you don't come again, I'm afraid the Nantian Imperial Court will be ready!"

"There's nothing we can do. You also know that our ancestor's vein is not the real main attack of the king's vein. More strength must be retained, ready to support those two families, bonus! This time, we can come, and the clan leader has also made great determination. I hope we can open up some situations!"

"There are a few Taoist brothers here, and we can't win. In the current spiritual and empty fairyland, there are beacon smoke everywhere and war everywhere, and they dare not concentrate all their strength here, so we can definitely open up the situation! It can't be said that if we do it well, we can make the First Demon Hall change its mind. After all, what we need to consider this time is the interests of the whole Shura family!" The crane is time again and again.

"Then we won't be too late now. Hurry up and go!" OK!"...