The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1459 World Thunder

Panshi City is besieging and killing the Shura army trapped in the three thousand worlds at the same time. However, in some worlds, the progress is very fast, and the losses are very effective, which can be ignored; while in some worlds, the progress is slow and the losses are very large.

The reason for such an extreme difference is that the leaders of the Shura army are different in different worlds.

These Shura leaders are all the elders of the ancestral demon king's vein, and their cultivation seems to be different. However, there is a big difference in the specific command ability.

In the ghost world, the leader of Shura is a person who feels extremely keen and should be fast. At the moment when heaven and earth changed, he forcibly ordered all the Shura army arrays to connect together to form a desperate array.

Although, limited by the actions of the following Shura small army arrays, it is not possible to connect all the Shura army arrays perfectly, but only a hundred or so are scattered, and the rest are connected together and completely controlled by them.

Because of this, in the shadow world, natural disasters and earth disasters came together, and hundreds of millions of magic shadows roared and killed, which did not cause much shock to the foundation of this Shura army.

With no choice, the controllers of the ghost world can only try their best to consume while asking for help from Zhifei Zhenjun, hoping to get help from other worlds.

Their speed can't be said to be fast, but the leader of Shura is faster. However, he firmly believed that the human monks could not destroy the fundamental spiritual and empty fairyland so much, just like them. Unless they were exhausted, they would not treat the Shura world like this. Therefore, he expected that what he was in now was just a different world created by one party.

Therefore, at the first time, Bando, the leader of Shura, was the strongest force in the array, and bombarded the void barrier one after another.

In an instant, there were dozens of heavy blows, and when it was, the void collapsed. There is chaos.


The leader of Shura shouted, and the whole array rose up and rushed to the crack above the sky.

"If you want to go, it's not so easy! Thousands of shadows cover the sky!"

The controllers of the ghost world will naturally not allow such a situation to happen. At that time, the source of the ghost world is not too much to consume.

Hundreds of millions of magic shadows roared out, covering the sky. In an instant, they walked above the head of the Shura army and created a black sky curtain, which flashed and penetrated.

Shura's leader, Bandor, didn't care about this. As soon as he pinched the magic formula, a thousand heads and thousands of arms and thousands of feet of ancestral magic were revealed, and thousands of arms moved together, like turning the magic wheel. At that time, a bright and brilliant roulette appeared, and a "kak-" between The outside world also seems to be distorted. Some places seem to be squeezed, and some places seem to be empty, as if there is nothing.

Under the push of the ancestral magic, the roulette collapsed rapidly, and in a short moment, it completely disappeared.

At this moment, suddenly, a head appeared out of thin air and shot at the Bandor, the leader of Shura.

The vision of Bandor, the leader of Shura, was so keen that he recognized at a glance that it was the Taishang Yuange Ke, who was also the commander of the army of Shura.

For the Taishang Yuan elder, Bando, the leader of Shura, did not really have a deep friendship. However, I still know something about his strength. Now, the "Ming'er Text" has come to an end, and his heart can't help but mention it for a while.

Because he knows very well that he has the ability to deal with the elder's ferocious Ke, he is also capable of dealing with him. The only thing that makes him feel a little stable is that now, he is completely in control of a unique array. Although it is a little flawed and not perfect, it also makes his strength soar several times.

"All Shura listened. Now give up resistance and swear to protect the Dharma general of my Southern Heavenly Emperor's Court. We will never be rebels. We will never be embarrassed! If you are obsessed, the end of the nobleman's elder, the nobleman, and his 20 million army, will be yours.

Immediately after that, a voice sounded.

This voice, indifference, arrogance, majesty, and a chill into the bone marrow, made people listen to it and couldn't help shivering.

The leader of Shura, Bando, was cold first, but then snorted coldly and said, "Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you say big words. 120 million troops, if it is so easy to kill, do you still need such a trick to disintegrate our army? Today, if you have the ability, just kill us. I'd like to learn it myself!"

While speaking, the ancestral magic phase condensed by the array shook thousands of arms, and the Falun in his hand came out of his hand and rushed straight to the sky, twisting and smashing the space barrier that had just been bridged up again, and showed a large area of chaos.

The Shura army followed closely and rose to the sky. In the shadow world, all kinds of magical power and magic weapons promoted by the human monks fell like rain, but they were blocked by the magic phase of the ancestor.

Seeing, I was about to get to the crack. Suddenly, in the crack, a big ball of light fell straight down, like a meteor, and in an instant, it slammed on the ancestral magic phase as a pioneer.

When it was, there was a earth-shaking loud noise, a thrilling surge, scattered, like a storm, swept wildly in all directions, and the place where it passed, it was empty.

As for the ancestor's magic phase, it completely disappeared.

"Thunder of the World! You are so willing to give up!" Feeling the tragic death of the endless Shura under his own control, the leader of the Shura couldn't help sighing.

However, as soon as the sound of emotion fell, I saw a big ball of light flying down from the chaos. This time, the goal was Bandor, the leader of Shura as the center of the formation.

Bando had no way to hide, but could only meet him. As soon as the power of the array was urged, a brilliant sword light rose to the sky and directly greeted it.

This sword light, with a kind of eternal atmosphere, is extremely killing, and the world is assimilated wherever it passes.


Another loud noise sounded, soaring again, ravaging all directions.

"Now, someone is willing to surrender!" The smoke had not dissipated, and the indifferent and arrogant voice sounded again.

Hearing this, when it was the time, the leader of Shura, who was seriously injured in the inner body, could no longer suppress the injury in the [body], and a mouthful of blood spewed out.