The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1501 Senro World, Vientiane Domain

On the square.

One after another, there are more or less monks from other sects, but most of them are small schools with only one or two people, because the real big schools have arrived.

Almost an hour later, the elders of the Western Heavenly Emperor's Court came over and led them to the Falun Hall.

Falun Hall is the general center of the world of the Western Heavenly Emperor's Court. From here, you can freely pass to all the worlds related to the Western Heavenly Imperial Court.

A line entered, that is, time, the elder's air phase of Taishang urged the space wheel, and a waterfall-like auspicious light poured down, and in an instant, everyone was caged in it. Then, with a flash, it completely disappeared. With the disappearance of Xiangguang, all the monks can also disappear.


"Here, it's the Senluo world!"

After entering, I felt the cold air coming to my face, that is, time, and someone said.

"Yes, this is the Senluo world!" The elder nodded, that is, time replied, "However, unlike what you think, this is not the real region, but a world derived from our imperial court, a senior who practiced Senluo**.

That senior, before he fell, his cultivation only reached the realm of the first line of Daluo, and he could not really make a breakthrough. Therefore, this Senluo world is not perfect, and there are many flaws. However, as a battlefield for the battle for the throne, it is completely qualified.

That's it. The elder paused for a moment. Then, he continued, "This time, the battlefield of the scuffle for the throne is in the Vientiane realm of the Senluo world. Vientiane Realm, also known as Wanhuan Divine Realm, is a place where illusions are respected, and there are countless illusions and ghosts, among them. Those with the highest cultivation have also reached the peak of the golden fairy in the later stage. Only one line away, they can be promoted to half-step Daluo.

So. After entering it, you should know that it is better not to provoke the existence that should not be provoked or cannot be provoked, lest they die in it in the end and no one will collect the body.

As for the way of fighting after you enter, it is very simple. There are countless illusions and ghosts there. The Yinshen beads will condensed out of the body of the yin spirit, which is of great help to the advancement of our primordial spirit cultivation. You can hunt at will. Finally, hunt the largest number of 60 people and enter the ring battle.

Is there anyone else who doesn't understand?


"No problem!"

"Who will be the yin bead that was hunted in the end?" Suddenly, a question rang. It sounded.

This person. It's not someone else, it's the black throat of pretending to be Haiyin Zen Master. He is very clear about the effect of Yin Shenzhu. It is indeed a good thing, even for him who is about to break through. There is also a lot of help. However, because of this kind of magic method. There are too few yin spirits that have achieved something, so he hasn't won a few. At this time, he naturally doesn't want to miss such an opportunity.

"Yin Shenzhu, according to the regulations, within 30 beads must be handed over to our imperial court. If you want to have them, try to complete the share of 30! The extra ones are all your own!" The elder said again, and when he spoke, he deliberately glanced at the black throat.

Seeing everyone, there was no other problem. Taishang Changkong no longer delayed time. He ordered and said, "Now, I announce that the battle for the throne has officially begun!"

While speaking, the hands of the elder also moved together, pinched out a magic formula, and rushed into the sky of the Senluo world. That is, time, in the northern sky, there is a lot of clouds, like smoke and fog, like a real and false world, with some slight clues.

That world is Vientiane. Everything is all-encompassing, that is to say, in it, anything you want to see will appear beside you, and you can ask for it.

As soon as this statement fell, Wuhou and others, at that time, there was no other nonsense, each of them turned into a stream of light, rose to the sky, and rushed to the Vientiane domain.

In the blink of an eye, the monks who participated in the competition walked all the light, and the rest were all the elders of the division.

At this time, the elder suddenly believed in a lake near his hand. At the beginning of time, on the surface of the lake, like the evaporation of water vapor, there was a dense, like smoke and fog, extremely rich.

In the blink of an eye, these smokes manifested various scenes, including mountains, rivers and rivers, forests and grasslands, immortals, Buddhas and demons, and fierce souls, ...

These images are not created out of thin air, but a reflection of the real situation in the Vientiane Domain. Through this, the people present can clearly understand the situation of all the monks who participated in the battle.

"Sure enough, there are many masters in Vientiane domain. At the beginning, some people were entangled!"

"Yes, the little guys in the Shushengyuan were so unlucky that they actually went in and met the ancestor in the illusion - the mirage. In my opinion, several of them are doomed to die!"

"Yes, it's really rare for the unlucky to become like this!"


"That's great!"

Zhenru Temple's elder's disciple, who bombarded a yin spirit god in armor with one punch, leaving only a yin god bead, suspended in the void, shining, but in his heart, he couldn't help being excited!

"You are so lucky! I actually chose a place that suits you best!"

"Yes, this magic method may be very useful for others, but for the true relic we practice, there is nothing, there is almost no difference, so, relatively speaking, it is natural to have an advantage. However, such a little advantage is nothing for these heroes. We just take advantage of it in the early stage!"

"We still want to take advantage of this kind of discount. Unfortunately, we didn't choose the underworld in the end!"


"Master Mingde, how's it going? I said, Haiyin, this little guy, absolutely has a background!" Looking at the Vientiane Domain, the black throat walked freely through the illusions as usual, avoiding the strong one by one, getting out of the way of the group of weak people, and going straight to the ghost god. A middle-aged monk said to the old monk beside him.

"Look at this, this seal definitely has an extraordinary rest and has obtained a secret collection beyond what we think. Otherwise, it can never be so easy. Even the disciples of Zhenru Temple are not as good as him!"

"I agree with you. This boy doesn't regard Vientiane Domain as a battlefield at all, but directly as his own hunting ground!"