The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1504 Amitabha

"In this case, it will be even more difficult for me to kill you!" The emperor heard this, when he was right, without any hesitation, that is, time, he held the seal in his left hand, clenched his fist in his right hand, and stepped up.

The original reason is like a non-existent phantom. The action is silent, and there is no trace under his feet. However, his fists are bombarded, but the wind and thunder are mixed, like pulling a long time.

What kind of person is the black throat? Before the spirit of heaven and earth declined, there are countless methods he has seen. At a glance, he can recognize that the emperor's original practice of the Mitha method. At that time, he snorted coldly in his heart, "Hmm--I just want you to hit people, and I don't want people to hit you. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Don't touch your past method. It may not work, but it's far from enough to rely on this to deal with me!

It seems that you haven't learned enough lessons just now. In this case, I will let you have a hard time and let you understand how it is to offend me?

The black throat moved the mind, stood up the time, and a wisp of yang qi dispersed in the [body], and a wisp of true yang qi wandered out along the meridians, condensed out between the two fingers of the right hand, and turned into a wisp of long sword light.

This sword, known as the true yang breaking the virtual sword, is not the Buddha's righteous law, but it is the secret of Taoism. This method is left by a Taoist monk he once killed, which is extremely mysterious.

Although he looks a little nondescript in the shape of such a monk now, it is more in line with his adventure.

With a wave of his hand, Zhenyang broke the virtual sword. At that time, he met him and stabbed the emperor's original heart. The sword was extremely sharp and vicious.

Before the ruler's long sword has ever been in his own body, he has cut through layers of invisible force fields. The barrier formed by the past force. It seems to be useless.

However, for this. The emperor didn't care about it, and he didn't mean to dodge at all. Regardless of it, he blindly urged his fist and bombarded his black throat.

Before the boxing front arrived, the invisible strong wind and boxing spirit have been filled with the body, which is extremely powerful.

The sword is slightly longer, but the sword spirit is weak. Although the fist is short. But the anger is strong, so it is half a catty to eight taels, and it is difficult to distinguish it.

If the two of them go on like this, absolutely. There is only one result, that is, both sides are defeated and make wedding clothes for others. Therefore, when the sword was only an inch away from him, the emperor stepped out with a strange footwork under his feet. Step by step, it was like being in another time and space. Zhenyang broke the virtual sword and stabbed into the air at that time.

And the black throat is also at this moment. The body twisted, and a wisp of yang came out of the body, like a wisp of breeze, a traction, and then led the fist elsewhere, making him. It's also all empty.

It's too late to say, but it's actually very fast! The confrontation between the two is really unparalleled between lightning and fire. Outside the Vientiane region, watching the monks fighting between the two of them, at that moment, quite a person, pinched a handful of sweat in his hand, and his mind also rose up. It was not until the dust settled that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good ability! It seems that our plan is really no problem!"

"That's right, while we still have some time, let's think about it early to see how to cooperate to achieve the best effect without hurting the harmony between you and me?"

"Well, let's stop making those empty ones. Let's put out our own ideas and requirements!"

"Okay, Brother Mingde, I'll throw bricks to attract jade first!"


"It's a little tricky!"

"You flash fast!"

"One more punch from me!"

"A sword from me again!"


Wuhou and the emperor's original reason, as they said, they fought.

The fist roared, the void thunder, twisted into a storm, swept in all directions, and the sound was huge; while the sword spirit was silent, piercing through the void, leaving a void mark, like a crack, also not inferior to a little.

In a moment, the two of them made more than a hundred moves. However, after more than a hundred years, the two of them didn't even have a chance to really fight against each other. Both of them changed their bodies and dodged at the moment when they were about to hit the real injury.

Of course, this is not. Both of them are afraid of death and dare not communicate face to face. In fact, this is a test of real courage. Once a person is timid and retreats, he will immediately be at a disadvantage. It is mysterious and can't be understood by ordinary people.

After this period of time, Wuhou and the emperor's original reason understood that it is unlikely that if they want to rely on this to gain the upper hand. Therefore, the two changed their minds and tried out the power of the other party.

The two people's thoughts were amazingly consistent. Suddenly, the sword light and the boxing front blasted together. At that time, there was a loud bang, and the sword light was shattered invisibly at that time, but it also left a white sword mark on the emperor's fist.

This blow, because of temptation, neither of them moved with all their strength. Gradually, with the passage of time, the confrontation between the two became more and more intense.

"Bun, Bun, Bun,..."

The violent roar was like a monk crossing the sky, a thunderbolt, and then a thunderbolt, and the sound became louder and louder and louder.

However, from beginning to end, both of them are fighting together. Perhaps, because of different moves, some of them will have a little upper hand in this move, and some of them will make up for that move. However, on the whole, it is comparable!

"Samadhi Zen Academy, it's really lucky to get such a martial arts-loving genius!" The emperor thought to himself, "The resources I got are definitely not what a disciple of a samadhi temple like Haiyin can get, and he can actually fight with me.

It seems that I need to work harder in the future!"

"It's worthy of being the emperor carefully cultivated by the imperial court. I have reached the limit I can master, and I still can't crush it. Do you really want me to show the magic tricks of that day? It's really a little dangerous to do this! If my identity is recognized, then my painstaking efforts will be a waste. The black throat thought in his heart.

After fighting for a while, suddenly, the emperor shouted, "Mida Zhengfa - the palm of the law!"

The fist changed, and the time was overwhelming. The sky was full of golden Buddha's palms of the size. There was no gap between each other, and the huge and boundless pressure came from all directions. There was no place to hide. Moreover, even the space was closed, and even the space could not be broken.

Ordinary monk, when encountering such a situation, I'm afraid he will be directly desperate, or broken, but the black throat is not like this, because he has the ability to completely turn the tables at all times. It's just that he doesn't want to use it until the last minute!

At that time, the black-throated eyes were wide open, a little faint, with the gorgeous light of blurred colors, shining for a moment, and in an instant, many palms were empty. However, in an instant, it turned into a palm again. Just like this, I kept jumping between the presence and the presence of the presence.

"Undetermined palm, it's really worthy of its name!"

With a secret praise in his heart, he shot out to an empty place without hesitation.

At that time, there was a shocking sound, and the shadow of the palms dissipated all over the sky, and a huge golden palm and an ordinary hand blasted together.

After the palms were separated, the black throat only stepped back half a step and stabilized his figure. The emperor was directly shaken out and retreated more than a dozen steps before he stabilized.

There's nothing we can do. The strength of the two is almost the same. However, the indeterminable palm of the palm focuses on the mystery, and it is no longer powerful. Compared with the black throat, it is naturally dwarfed.

The reason why the black throat can peep through the trajectory of the indeterminable palm and hit the real one blow depends on the unique magic power of most of the yin demon - the true pupil of the yin demon.

The real pupil of the yin demon was originally the gifted power of the yin demon clan, and it was very famous. However, most of the yin demon had been destroyed for hundreds of thousands of years. He estimated that this wonderful skill, Buddhist people, should not remember a lot, so he carefully used it. Sure enough, make a contribution in one fell swoop.

Although the emperor was extremely shocked by the situation of his throat shaking him in one fell swoop, he was not flustered in his heart. That is, time, he roared again and pointed out!

"Mida's Dharma - mindless Dharma finger!"

This point out, no strength to break the air, no vision manifestation, not only that, not even the little sign of power, as if this is just an ordinary finger!

However, the black throat doesn't look like this. It was not that he was smart and saw the problem at once, but that at that moment, he suddenly felt that his house seemed to be frozen, let alone do it, and it was impossible to move.

Just when the inexplicable power entered the body and wanted to seal up its body, suddenly, a yang god in its [body] spontaneously shocked. At that time, the yang qi, across the whole body, in an instant, the power of the shackles was clearly cleaned, and the power of action was restored.

At this time, just in time for the emperor's original reason, he rushed forward, used his palm as a knife, and cut down the neck of the black throat.

On the palm of the emperor's original reason, it can be faintly seen that the knife is invisible and sharp.

His knife is also a door in the Dharma of Mitha, called the unrespecting sword, which is said to be able to kill everything.

Before the knife arrived, the invisible knife spirit has already invaded.

Just when many people thought that it was difficult for the black throat to break through this danger, a smile suddenly appeared on the black throat's face, and they also shouted, "It's just right!"

While speaking, the black throat also waved the palm knife and greeted it. In the [body], a wisp of yang qi gushed out undisguisedly, condensed into a yang knife, and cut off the past.

(To be continued