The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1523 The Emperor's Hand: Cooperation

Xitian Imperial Court, Imperial Palace.

"Everyone already knows the outcome of the matter. Let's talk about it!" The White Emperor of the West waved his hand and said.

"What else can we do with such a result now? Everything is as usual!" A monk dressed in a brocade troupon, the light of the Buddha rippled all over his body, like the birth of a real Buddha, said, "Well, I really don't know what's going on with that emptiness. I know it's such a result, but I don't know how to make a decision.

If we kill all the people there, don't we need to bother as much as we are now?

"That's right, I don't think this empty phase is unreliable. It can't be said that he has been bought by those big factions. Otherwise, in such a case, it is very clear how to do it, and it is impossible to imagine this situation at all!"

"It can't be said that. Although it is such a situation, we can't know the specific feelings, so it's not surprising to make such a decision. I can't say, he has nothing to do!"

"Yes, even if it's not, an empty Taoist friend is at most a greedy and afraid of death. If I have defected to a big faction, I will never believe it. After all, it's not that you don't know his past!"


Everyone talked about it, but it was useless to listen to the ears of the White Emperor of the West. At that moment, he said again, "Gentlemen, everyone, it's off the topic! What we are discussing now is the aftermath, not the previous problem. That. But it can be postponed for the time being. However, the problem of the aftermath is already imminent. They returned to the imperial palace, and this matter had to be solved. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a fore conclusion, and there is no possibility of solving it.

"His Majesty the White Emperor's words are very true, and I also think that we should argue about that now. It's out of place! Among the people present, I am the youngest, so I will open my mouth first and make a brick to attract jade!" That is time. Then someone opened his mouth to make peace. The person who should be in peace is a middle-aged monk. Except for the White Emperor of the West, his face looks the most young.

At this point, the monk paused for a moment, and then continued, "I think there is absolutely no delay in dealing with such a situation. It must be eradicated as soon as possible, so that the position of the White Emperor can return to the correct trajectory. Only in this way can we ensure the long-term stability of our Western Heavenly Emperor's Court!"

"Yes, I think so too!" Immediately after that, someone opened his mouth to agree, "Before, the matter of Zixu Xianfu was a very good deterrent to the ambitions of the major factions, the facts show. This deterrent has a very good effect. However, now it seems that this deterrent is not thorough enough. It's not strong enough, it's just a small sign. Then let their ambitions emerge again. Therefore, I think we can do the last deterrence again. If the two compartments are superimposed together, we should be able to win a considerable period of peace for our Western Heaven Imperial Court.

"I also think it is so feasible. For a long time, in order to maintain the ruling system of the Western Heavenly Emperor's Court, we have a lot of tolerance for all major factions, but this makes them pay less and less attention to our Western Heavenly Emperor's Court. However, the previous battle of Zixu Xianfu made our Western Heavenly Emperor's Court the most stable party of dominance, that is, the Oriental Emperor's Court, which is not comparable! Another deterrence, think it will make their hearts clearer, what is the bottom line of our Western Heavenly Court!"

As soon as this statement fell, someone shook his head and said, "I don't agree to do this! You only see the benefits of this deterrence, but you don't see the harm of this deterrence. This kind of deterrence is just a very extraordinary move at that time. If you use it too much, it will not only have no effect, but on the contrary, it may cause reaction, which is self-defeating!

A sea seal is very easy to kill, but there is no good reason to rely on the word blur to deal with the past, then we have to show how powerful we have to show how powerful it is.

Not to mention, do we have such a powerful power in the Western Heavenly Imperial Court? Let's say yes. After this deterrence, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for us to truly coexist with those factions in a peaceful way. Instead, it will be a kind of implicit opposition. I know that they think they have enough strength to overthrow. We. At that time, it will be a war that will harm the whole Western Fairyland!"

"That's right. I also think that this kind of deterrence without sufficient conditions can never be used easily! Don't look at how brilliant the last battle was and how wonderful the effect was. That's because the last time, there were unique conditions, and it can even be said that it was because of people! If there was no contradiction between Zhong Yuan and Changmei Zhenren, and if there was no contradiction between those human monks and Zixu Xianfu, would our imperial court make such a deterrent? I don't think so!

For the first time, they all know to be cautious, so why, the second time, it's so bold? Is it possible that the conditions this time are better than the previous one? Or, the risk encountered last time, this time, it is completely complete!"

As soon as he said this, when it was, there were many people in the line, and their faces changed and they looked solemn.

"Indeed, we are a little too optimistic! You need to be careful about deterrence!"

"Brother Mo, be cautious, who doesn't know how to be cautious, but at this time, how much time do we have to be cautious? Could it be that we have been considering the end of the inheritance of the little monk of Haiyin and becoming the White Emperor, we will decide how to deal with it? In that case, is it too late?"

"That is, what's the use of just opposing our plan? Now the key is to come up with a specific response plan! Do you have it?"

"The plan, I have an immature one. You can refer to it for details!"

Those monks who supported killing to deter, originally thought that the opposing monks would not have any plan, but they didn't expect that someone jumped out directly. When it was, it was quite shocking.

"Please speak!" The White Emperor in the West looked calm. The tepid road.

"I think. We have always entered a misunderstanding, that is, from the beginning, we have defined our Western Heavenly Emperor's Court and the Haiyin little monk as the opposite, irreconcilable and irreconcilable. In fact, there is no big discord between us and the little monk of Haiyin now.

"The sect of the little monk of Haiyin. That's the biggest obstacle. How come, the Taoist roommate won't still want to cooperate with him!"

"It's not impossible to cooperate!" The monk Mushe looked obviously disdainful of the questioning person. He didn't care and replied calmly.

"How to cooperate? Let him be the White Emperor, and we all follow his orders?"

"Divada Taoist friend, we have the same family. You said that you went too much! I want to apologize to my Taoist friends!" At this time, the White Emperor of the West opened his mouth again and said coldly.

Hearing this, Devada can also understand, at the moment. After a stuttering, he bowed to the monk and said, "I'm sorry, my words are a little extreme! However, I'm just aiming at this matter itself, and I don't mean to target my friends. I hope you can forgive me!"

"It's okay, I understand. Our ultimate goal is the same. However, I hope that the Divada Taoist friend will not interrupt me so quickly and let me finish my thoughts. Let's judge again! How about it?" Monk Mushe shook his head, indicating that he didn't care. Then, he walked again.

"Good! I promise that I will never interrupt until you finish your words!" It's time to turn back.

"My plan is very simple, which is to cooperate with the little monk of Haiyin to achieve a win-win situation!" The monk had no hesitation of time, that is, time, and said, "If the little monk of Haiyin comes from a big school, we really have no basis for cooperation, but he comes from a small school, and we can still cooperate with him!"

"So specifically, how to cooperate?" The White Emperor of the West opened his mouth and said.

"Everyone knows that the little monk of Haiyin has the seal of Zhenyou. Another basis of cooperation I'm talking about is to build on the seal of Zhenyou. As we all know, those big factions, because of this, temporarily united to dig out part of the benefits from our hands at the cost of supporting the little monk of Haiyin!

My idea is to communicate with the little monk of Haiyin, so that he can put aside those big factions and cooperate with us alone. Compared with those big factions, there is no doubt that the cooperation with our Diting family, whether it is himself or the Samadhi Zen Temple, will get the greatest benefits. I believe that as long as we don't talk about it, this cooperation will definitely be successful!" The monk said again. "

"Do you have any specific consideration of pay and benefit?" The White Emperor of the West opened his mouth again and asked.

"Yes, but it's not perfect!" The monk of the house came back in time.

"Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it together!" The White Emperor of the West said again.

"Good!" Monk Mushe nodded without any hesitation, that is, time, and said, "In my opinion, we don't need to pay too much, because the status of the two partners is not equal. For the little monk of Haiyin, we can promise that there will be no interference in exercising the basic rights of the White Emperor. For his own practice, we will give him the maximum resource support. We will ensure that in the millennium, he will raise his real strength to the level of the golden fairy, so that he will not abdicise. And become weak again. As for the Samadhi Monastery, we can promise to help them develop and become the top school!"

Speaking of this, Mushe and Shang paused for a moment, and then said, "As for us, we can ask to ensure that the existing imperial court system remains unchanged and maintain our most fundamental foundation. In addition, we can also use these thousands of years to further strengthen our own development!"

"What you said to develop us is to use the Zhenyou Seal!" The White Emperor's Road in the West.

"That's right," Mu She nodded and said, "The treasure of Zhenyou Shenyin, speaking of which, no one knows as much as our Xitian Emperor's Court. On the basis of maintaining fairness on the surface, we can secretly open up a passage to the Underworld, which will be shared by our Western Heavenly Imperial Court and Samadhi Zen Temple! I think they won't refuse.

For thousands of years, if the Samadhi Zen Temple can grow to the level of the top school, then our imperial court will surely grow even more powerful! In that case, the next White Emperor's position is not stable, is it in our hands? As long as the promotion of strength has been hidden on the other side of the Samadhi Zen Academy, and after Haiyin's term of office is over, the real strength will be revealed, then the other big factions will definitely not be able to find out!"

"Yes, that's really a good idea!" The White Emperor of the West had a smile on his face and said, "What do you think?"

"There is another big school, or is it our own support? Why do we feel a little awkward?"

"Is it important to have one more big family? For our imperial court, I think that the more factions, the better. In this way, we need to balance the situation more!"

"I think it's a good idea, but I think the conditions are a little favorable, and it can be reduced appropriately. After all, it's a small family. It's too generous. I can't say it. On the contrary, it's easy to get some moths?

"This, we can discuss the specific conditions again. Now, I'm asking you, is this plan feasible?" The White Emperor of the West is time. He opened his mouth again and asked.

"It's feasible!"

"If there is no better plan other than fierce deterrence, I agree to use this plan!"

"I also agree. I think this plan is of great significance to our imperial court. After all, it is difficult for us to guarantee that the winner of every battle for the throne is our people. If this excessive method is really feasible, then the existence of our Western Heaven Imperial Court will last longer!"

"That's good, I think so too!"


In a short time, about 70% of the monks nodded and agreed with the plan said by the monk Mushe. Seeing this, at that time, the White Emperor of the West said, "Okay, since so many Taoist friends have confidence in this, we have made a deal!

Now, let's discuss the lowest bottom line we want to get, and what we have to pay, the highest bottom line!"

As soon as this statement was made, the whole imperial palace was noisy and lively. They are all familiar with such things as conditions, so everyone is speaking, and no one is silent again!