The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1535 Unlucky, Refining

In the boundless chaos, a stream of light passed quickly, like a sharp sword, cutting a gap, which has not been bridged for a long time.

Suddenly, the streamer suddenly stopped, showing a figure.

This figure is not someone else, but a black throat.

The black-throated eyes suddenly opened violently, and the real pupil of the yin demon fought with each other. Two points of light burst out, splitting through the chaos and crossed thousands of miles of boundaries. After a search, there was nothing else to find, but the black throat frowned and snorted coldly, "That man is still respected as the ancestor of a party!" Unexpectedly, with only a little courage, I deliberately slowed down my escape and made signs of injury. He didn't dare to come.

Humph, this kind of person is destined to be stuck on the level of the first-line Daluo all his life. If he wants to go further, there is no way!"

It turned out that Wuhou learned about the Lingkong Fairyland, and there were several ancestors of the first-line Daluo, especially one in the west sky who would come to chase him. At the first time, the thought of killing the first-line Daluo master was flashed. For him, the first-line masters of the Lingkong fairy world are dead, so he will become the well-deserved first person in the Lingkong fairy world. At that time, everything in the Lingkong fairy world will be taken by him. It is only a matter of time before he finds his own supreme god.

However, I didn't expect that the idea was very good. As a result, the opponent's courage was too small to catch up. This can't help but make the black throat very angry. You know, in order to let the ancestor of the Western Immortal World come to chase and kill him, he was really serious and a little injured, and this injury, originally, he did not need to suffer. In order to have greater results, he acted. Unfortunately, now, he is doomed. What he suffered is in vain.

"That's all, that coward's life, let's live on him for the time being! Now, I still hurry to find the monk who killed my distraction. If I prove Daluo Jinxian, no one can escape from the palm of my hand!"

Speating to himself, the black throat took action again and made a knife with the palm of his hand. The void was scratched silently. A crack appeared in the chaos. At the end of the crack, you can clearly see the blue sky and the green grassland!

Step by step, the black throat walked to the grassland. After a few pinching his fingers, he confirmed where he was, the Northern Fairyland.

Black throat is time, let go of the mind, remote sensing all directions, in a short moment, hundreds of thousands of miles of the earth, you can understand it clearly.

Here, it's just a paradise for monsters, not even a big demon to achieve immortality. At the moment, the black throat decided to arrange the altar here, reverse the power of cause and effect, and find the monk who killed his own distracting.

The black-throated void stepped out in one step. When it was, the void was distorted, and then disappeared. When it reappeared, it had reached a valley.

This valley is the best place in the land of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the monsters here are also the most powerful. However, compared with the black throat, it is one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Black throat to the valley, my own breath, slightly released, time, in the valley, all the monsters spontaneously came to his side, surrounded him, bowed down, trembling, trembling, as if facing the judgment of life and death. No monster dares to escape with an exception.

In this regard, the black throat ignored it. He took care of himself on the earth, depicting the formation and arranging the altar.

This kind of thing, because black throat is rarely done, so the material is not very complete. However, at the level of cultivation of black throat, it has the ability to turn decay into magic. Take local materials, extract mineral deposits and spiritual wood in the mountains, less than an hour, a seemingly formal altar. , then the layout is complete.

At this time, the black throat shook, and the breath escaping from the body changed. Immediately, the monsters, who had been lying on the ground and trembling, seemed to be crazy and rushed towards the place of the black throat.


With a loud noise, the first nine-colored spirit deer rushed to the front of the black throat, which was close to the place of the black throat, as if it had hit the sea of swords. In an instant, the body burst out and turned into a ball of blood fog, and the yuan spirit, since just shining a little brilliance

In this lesson, the black throat stretched out his palm and took a shot in the void. In the scattered nine-color spirit deer yuan god, a little spiritual light flew out and fell into the hand of the black throat.

Immediately after him, dozens of spirit beasts flew to "Bong, Bong, Bong,..." In an instant, dozens of these spirit beasts also exploded. Then, dozens of spiritual lights flew out of their far-range beatings and fell into the hands of the black throat.

In just a moment, tens of thousands of spirit beasts died tragically in the valley. In the void, there was blood fog everywhere, and the strong smell of blood made the original fresh air in the valley disappear.

About this, the black throat didn't care at all. What he cared about was just a light spot in the palm of his hand.

These light spots, under the blessing of dozens of tricks in the black throat, are condensed together and turned into a hair-like thin line, which is about ten feet long.

"These spirit beasts are incomparable to human monks. There are so many, but they have only condensed into such a little causal line! It's really extremely bad. No wonder it will be overshadowed by such a rising star of the human race and become the primate of all things. It really deserves it!

However, for me, it's enough!"

There was a mutter in his mouth, but the black throat took the divine line of cause and effect and put it on the altar of the Dharma. Then, the black throat sat cross-legged in front of the altar, moved his hands together, pinched the spell, and recited an extremely obscure spell in his mouth. It sounded like a very awkward spell.

The black throat is a secret method of cause and effect accidentally obtained during the journey, which can reverse the cause and effect, trace the cause from the fruit, and the wonderful use is endless.

This time, it is the second time to use the black throat, so it is quite familiar. Soon, the secret method of the black throat was completed. At that time, the causal line placed on the altar of the Dharma rose up at one end, straight to the black throat and pierced into his eyebrows.

In another section, it swims like a dragon and snake, and then directly penetrates the void and probes in a certain direction.

However, this causal line plunged into the end of the void, and did not keep crossing time and space and rushing to a certain place as he thought. On the contrary, like a headless fly, it keeps wandering in the chaotic world without a single goal.

In this way, after almost half a quarter of an hour, suddenly, the swaying section of the causal line was finally settled. Just as the black throat was ecstatic, he thought that the result was about to appear, but he found that the fixed end directly retracted back. Correspondingly, through his eyebrows, he plunged into one end of his motogami, and also shrank back, restoring the original length.

This restores the causal line of the original phase, and returns to the altar of the Dharma, as if he has been here all the time and has not moved at all.

At this moment, above the black throat's face, there was no doubt or anger at all. Some were just a wry smile on my face, "How could I be so unlucky? Even the monk who killed my distraction died? Could it be that in my life, I am doomed to have no fate with the Supreme Yin God. I am doomed that I can't surpass Sakyamuni and take revenge!"

At this moment, the heart of the black throat, really, produced a touch of decadement. He even had the idea of giving up, but in the end, his strong will finally survived this wave of blows. No, I still have a chance. The current spiritual fairyland is not as good as before. I still have the ability to put it under control. At that time, it will be much more convenient to search for the yin god.

So, my top priority now is to improve my strength to be stronger, so that I can deal with those masters in the spiritual fairy world!"

When it came to this, the black throat was time. He waved his hand to destroy the altar, and then his body flashed and disappeared. When it reappeared, the black throat had reached a desolate Gobi Desert. At his feet, the sandy earth, like running water, swayed and rippled silently, and his black throat sank into the earth.

This Gobi Desert is a famous Jedi in the Northern Immortal World. Although it is not enough to grow an inch of grass, the spirit of heaven and earth is almost dry. Therefore, except for a few monks who sharpen their combat effectiveness with the help of the unique environment here, there are no monks.

The retreat method of black throat this time is different from ordinary monks. Ordinary monks practice, and this heaven and earth are indispensable. However, his retreat method mainly uses luck to go further on the road to Daluo Jinxian. There is no need for heaven and earth. That's why he chose this place for the retreat.

Of course, the concealment here is still the most important point!

After opening a temporary secret room underground, the black throat is time, without any delay, and then began to practice. In his [body], the stored fundamental luck of the Western Immortal World is like a trickle of water, slowly flowing out and escaping to his Yuanshen.

At the same time, the hands of the black throat also came out with a trick, sprinkled a divine light, and added to himself, so that those luck were instantly transformed into their own strength.

The transformation of this kind of luck is very mysterious, and the speed is very fast. I don't know how many times stronger than pure cultivation? (( To be continued