The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1552 Lifting the Seal of the City God

The meritorious system and the judge system are two major systems in the hell. Basically, they occupy more than 90% of the official positions in the hell.

However, compared with the two, it is a judge system, which is slightly better, because the judge, in addition to being an assistant, can also be the master, such as the master of the temple and the master of the city master, are all held by the judge. However, the meritorious Cao is a pure assistant. Even the six meritorious officials of heaven, earth, underworld, god, man and ghost are only assistant officers.

So, at the beginning, Zhong Yuan understood that the judge system was above the meritorious service system. However, I don't think it will be much stronger. However, at this moment, this real data gave Zhong Yuan a really clear understanding.

However, although he understood this, Zhong Yuan still did not give up the idea of entering the Judge's Office, because what he wanted to understand was not only this, but more importantly, the increasing degree of danger between each different level.

It didn't take long for Zhong Yuan to walk around the judge's office. As before, entering the deacon's office and the meritorious service, except for the first test, it was very easy.

Through the exploration of these three yin government offices, Zhong Yuan has basically determined the increasing ability of the prohibition force between these different levels of government offices.

At the time of the deacon's office, it was the top of the immortals, and the outbreak of that moment was almost the golden immortal. The meritorious department has completely reached the level of Jinxian Zhenjun, and as for the judge's office, it still grows to the middle level of Jinxian.

If the prohibition of the hell is increasing according to such a level, it also means that at the level of the grinding hall, the power will reach the high level of the golden fairy; and the higher level of the city God will return to the top of the golden fairy, and the ten Yanluo hall will reach half a step; the six heavenly palaces should be the first line It is possible that it is Daluo Jinxian; as for the top peak hall and Liudao fundamental hall, it is certain that it will be the level of Daluo Jinxian.

For his own estimate, Zhong Yuan not only did not feel exaggerated, but also felt that he was a little conservative. Because the government offices here were all left over from the ancient times. At that time, it was the era when the people of great power came out. Although the prohibition here has been considerably damaged, the remnants still cannot be underestimated.

Of course, all this is still Zhong Yuan's own guess. Whether the real situation is like this still needs to be verified.

After leaving the judge's office, Zhong Yuan naturally turned to the grinding hall. Sure enough, as expected, the power of prohibition has reached the high level of Jinxian. However, this level of power is nothing to Zhong Yuan. As soon as his body shakes, he will smash the shock.

entered the grinding hall, but Zhong Yuan found the seal of the second-class judge. This seal is not someone else, but the owner of the temple himself who belongs to the grinding hall. After Zhong Yuan held this seal in his hand, it was clear that this second-class judge seal could extend the life of the ghost clan to 35,000 years.

[Middle] The minimum standard required for the central ghost emperor Fukong is only 30,000 lives. Now this is the judge's seal of the survey hall, obviously, very suitable!

For himself, he completed the task of [Zhongzhong] Yang Guidi Fukong, and Zhong Yuanxing also felt a little incredible. Because all this is really too smooth. It went well. He thought he was in an illusion.

If not, Zhong Yuan had secretly taken care of himself many times, and he had no other discovery, which completely extinguished this possibility. No matter how confident Zhong Yuan is, he will inevitably have some doubts.

According to the level of cultivation, the forbidden power of the temple has exceeded Zhong Yuan's own level of cultivation. Therefore, here, even if he takes away all the token seals here, he will not be criticized and interfered with. Because all of this is in line with the regulations of the major forces in the world.

However, Zhong Yuan did not do so. The reason is very simple, because in this grinding hall, such a second-class judge's seal as the master of the temple can get into his magic eyes, and the rest, even the third-class judge's seal, he is not interested. Because none of these third-class judges has met the requirement of extending the life of 30,000 years, and the best one is only 27,000 years of life!

Although, these are also the top choices for the ghost clan. If you take them out, you will definitely be able to get a considerable amount of resources. However, for Zhong Yuan, who has been confident through another exploration, even if it is nothing, in his opinion, the higher-level treasure is also easy for him.

Yes, Zhong Yuan has such self-confidence. Although there is no reason for this kind of self-confidence, he is self-confidence. One of the major reasons is that he has not encountered any unexpected danger for such a long time.

If it's not dangerous, it's okay, but he also saw with his own eyes several monks who followed him to pick up cheap things and died tragically in front of him.

There is danger, but you can't fall on yourself. Once or twice, it can be said to be lucky, but three or four times, it's definitely not that simple. Zhong Yuan realized that there must be something in his body, or in his body, there was a factor that made him avoid these dangers.

has such an innate advantage. If he can't get some high-level benefits, Zhong Yuan himself feels unreasonable.

After leaving the grinding hall, Zhong Yuan directly broke into the master's hall of the City God Division.

Perhaps because of the discussion, the main hall is very large and pure, and the area is not smaller than the largest deacon's office. In the hall, there are a total of three cases, one master and two pairs, which are empty and nothing else.

On each of the three cases, there is one thing. [Middle] On the center and the left is a judge's seal, and on the right is a meritorious card. In this situation, there is no need to think about it at all. Zhong Yuan can understand what's going on!

Zhong Yuan, without any hesitation, at the first time, he stretched out his hand and ingested the judge's seal on the most [middle] cases.

In an instant, I got this judge's seal. Unlike the judge's seal seen before, it is engraved with the five characters of "Riting City God".

A line arrived, when it was, a voice sounded in his mind, "first-class judge seal, holding it can extend the life of 50,000 years, holding the identity of the human ghost clan to confirm, can be used! Because it is not perfect, with the perfection of the sacrifice, the longevity will increase again!" ( To be continued.