The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1647 Fire Demon Soul

Flame Mountain.

It is towering and continuous for thousands of miles. It is all built of dark rock, and there is no grass.

The main peak of Shenshan Mountain is a big volcano. The flames exhale all year round, which is extremely fierce. The ordinary Daluo Jinxian dare not be sharp for a long time!

At this moment, in the belly of the main peak of the Flame Mountain, there is a monk suspended in the void. Above its head, a hexagonal crystal mirror hangs high, falling down six kinds of flames, turning into a six-color barrier, protecting it, blocking the black and red flames that are steaming outside the outside and constantly invading.

This monk is the elder of the Taishang Qingwei Sect - Daowei Shenjun. What hangs above his head is his treasure - Dutian Six Gods Fire Apprait!

Daowei Shenjun held a seal of turtles and snakes in his hand and kept printing to the depths of the volcano.

Every time it is printed, a black divine light will be emitted on the seal. If the long river is practicing, it will fall down and wash it towards the depths of the volcano.

This black divine light is crystal clear, extremely transparent, and even exudes a breath of sacred majesty. It is in sharp contrast to the black smell in the flame.

Black divine light, every time it hits, there is a faint howl in the depths of the volcano. I don't know how long it has been. In the depths of the volcano, there is no more miserable howl. At this time, the Taoist God was happy on his face. At that time, he pinched the formula with one hand and threw out the turtle and snake seal in his hand.

At that time, above the tortoise and snake seal, the mysterious light was in full bloom, like a meteor flying down, directly hit down, and sank into the depths of the volcano.


A earth-shaking earthquake sounded. In an instant, in the belly of the mountain, the black and red flames were densely dim and replaced by a pure black black light.

Soon, the black black light retreated, and there was still no movement in the depths of the volcano.

At this time, Dao Wei Shenjun frowned, and a doubt appeared on his face, "Is it possible that the magic idea has really been swept away?"

Between the movement, Daowei Shenjun stretched out his right hand and pointed like a sword. With a stroke in the void, the sea of fire split, and a channel appeared, which went straight to the infinite underworld.

Daowei Shenjun was about to land. Suddenly, a slight but clear fluctuation rippled. At that time, it attracted his attention.

Unconsciously, his eyes were bright and he looked at the source of fluctuation.

The black fog of the ruins of the world has a very strong barrier to divine consciousness, and even the god of Daluo can be no exception. Daowei Shenjun, who has cultivated into a cave and secluded eyes, can only penetrate the territory of 1,700 miles, which is really extremely small compared with sweeping a world in the outside world and hundreds of millions of miles.

In fact, Daowei Shenjun also knows in his heart that he can't see the source of the fluctuation, but looking at this instinct, it can't be erased.

However, at this glance, it is difficult for him to extricate himself.

Because Daowei Shenjun clearly saw a towering giant tree, lush and straight up to the blue clouds. On it, all kinds of flowers and fruits shine like the sun, shining in all directions.

"The magic tree, this is definitely the magic tree, otherwise, there is absolutely no such power, it can cross the infinite space, let me see!" The god of Daowei unconsciously muttered to himself.

He knew very well that he could see the magic tree, not because of how powerful his cave magic eye was, but that the magic tree was too powerful. When he thought about it, he felt it, and let it see.

The magic tree is really familiar to the Taoist god who has been to the ruins of the world countless times.

The magic tree is a golden god king's miscellaneous ninety-nine and eighty-one innate spiritual treasure, which integrates eighteen kinds of spiritual roots of heaven and earth successively, and condenses it with his own understanding of the creation of heaven. In addition to the wonderful use of all kinds of attack and defense, the biggest effect is the evolution of magic power.

The magic tree, rooted in the void, can spontaneously extract all kinds of cardinals, mysterious, and the breath and feelings of the fallen monks in the chaos of heaven and earth, and evolve all kinds of magical powers. Above the magic tree, every leaf, every flower, and every fruit is a kind of magic power, which is becoming more and more powerful from the leaves and fruits.

In those years, the magic tree was the most iconic existence in the magic world. Countless monks dreamed of going to the divine palace of the Golden God King, hoping that they could use the power of the magic tree to turn their own feelings into a magic power.

The magic tree is also a tree and a treasure. When it was in full bloom, it had been sacrificed to the level of the most precious treasure by the Golden God King with the help of the original power of the divine world. At the beginning, the Golden God dared to attack the position of the supreme saint of the mixed element, which was because of the assistance of the magic tree.

It's just a pity that in the end, I still failed and failed.

Originally, the monks thought that the magic tree had been broken with the fall of the Golden God King. Unexpectedly, it was still there. Moreover, from the breath, although it had fallen from the level of the mixed yuan to the treasure, there was still the root of the mixed yuan treasure.

Such a level of treasure, for the vast majority of Daluo Shenjun, can be encountered but not sought. Daowei Shenjun, born in a famous family, has excellent qualifications and good luck. So far, he has only one of the innate spiritual treasure of Daluo - Xuan Mingzhu.

Xuan Mingzhu, which belongs to water, is contrary to its proficient fire Taoism. Neither of them can perfectly show each other's strength. And the Dutian Six Gods Fire Appraim, which is compatible with its Taoism, is refined by itself. Now, it is only the level of the top treasure, and there is still a distance from the treasure of Daluo.

As for the Xuanwu seal he uses, it is a Daluo treasure with extraordinary power, but it is not his own. It is specially borrowed from his uncle Zhenwu Emperor Wang Xu for the purpose of this exploration of the Flame God Mountain.

When he came to Flame God Mountain, he got the news that the last burial place of the Fire God, one of the eight gods of the world, was here.

The Fire God is also a person who practices the Taoism of fire. Among his portable treasures, there is a nine-day Zhuanyuan demon flag, which is the innate spiritual treasure of the fire system. It is the top product of the treasure of Daluo. It is only a line away from the level of Daluo's treasure. Although the Jiutiandu seal Yuan magic flag is a magic fire, this is not a problem for Daowei Shenjun, who controls the law of endless fire. He can easily match and exert his complete strength.

At that time, the power of the Taoist god will be greatly increased. He can go to many secret places that he could not go to before, find opportunities, and move to a higher level.

The Flame God Mountain is the place where countless masters of the magical power of the world fell. Although those masters fell, the resentment, hatred, evil thoughts, etc. at the time of death did not dissipate. On the contrary, it merged the incomplete and innate spiritual light of the Buddha and became a kind of existence similar to the devil.

Their roots are not as good as Daluo Shenjun, but they can give full play to the combat power of Daluo Shenjun. In addition, they can communicate with all kinds of treasures left by me, so basically, they can return the combat power of Liu Qicheng before his death. And they are invisible, haunted, haunted, come and go without a trace, which is more mysterious and difficult to prevent than the original.

There are not a few Daluo gods who covet for the treasures of the Flame God Mountain in their hearts, but after passing through the silk of dozens of Daluo gods, it makes other people deterred.

Daowei God, since I learned that the Fire God also fell here, I have been here to look for treasure for more than a thousand years. However, because he was not sure of his life, he did not dare to enter. It was not until he took a lot of hardships to have a little good relationship with the Zhenwu Emperor, so he borrowed the Xuanwu seal with strong power to suppress magic, and then he dared to come here.

And with the help of the deterrent power of Xuanwu Seal, after entering the Flame God Mountain, it was quite smooth. The demon soul and demon thoughts that did not infringe on the core interests all chose to wait and see, and did not go forward to the siege, which made it quite easy to come to the location of the Jiutiandu Seal Yuan Demon Spirit Flag

However, although it's easy to come, it's not easy to take it away. The demon soul of the Fire God King, because of the existence of the nine-day seal Yuan demon spirit flag, can run rampant in the Flame God Mountain and occupy a place. How can the Taoist God King take it away? Therefore, although he was instinctively afraid of Xuanwu Seal, he still fought hard.

However, he was the only opponent of Daowei Shenjun, who had the Xuanwu seal. He was only beaten with the power of defense, and there was no ability to fight back. However, with his familiarity with the power of Flame God Mountain, he was not taken down in a short time and has been struggling.

"The nine-day seal magic flag is too far away compared with the magic tree! This fiery demon soul is powerful in nature, and my blow may not be able to completely kill it. If you go down now, you can't say that you will know his way. Once you fall into this place, the magic tree will not have my share!

It seems that the only way to give up the nine-day seal Yuan demon flag!"

Daowei Shenjun looked at the magic tree in his eyes and muttered to himself. After that, his face was solemn. At that time, he took the Xuanwu seal, protected his whole body, turned into a firelight, and rushed to the sky.

A moment after the Taoist god left, a slightly hazy light and shadow rose from below, in the infinite sea of fire.

This light and shadow, middle-aged appearance, red face and white hair, dark green pupils, quite evil. In his right hand, he held a black flag, with thick arms and eight feet high. On the surface of the flag, there was a huge vermilion flame, leaping incomparable. In the faint, in the flame, faces flashed, ferocious and evil, none of the same.

There is no doubt that this light and shadow is the fiery demon soul, and what he holds in his hand is the innate spiritual treasure that Daowei Shenjun has been struggling for thousands of years - the Jiutiandu seal yuan demon spirit flag. RS