The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1698 Extortion

After Zhong Yuan took the remnantshen of the Golden God from the hands of Cangyu Shenjun, he said again, "Senior, didn't you say that I can have a way to be reborn soon? Then the supplements in my hand are definitely not enough to use. I don't know if it's possible for me to get the rest!"

While Zhong Yuan was talking, he deliberately dumped the remnants of the Golden God King in his hand.

Cangyu Shenjun, naturally understand what Zhong Yuan means.

The fallen golden gods here are just a part of its complete motogami, and the rest, nine out of ten, will prepare to sneak up on the other four Daluo gods in the rest of the magic trees to increase their cultivation and strengthen themselves.

After a pause, Cangyu Shenjun said, "If you really want to plot other primordial gods of Jin Tianshenjun, it's not without a chance. You just need to follow a Daluo Shenjun who has a magic tree and wait for the opportunity. However, in this case, it is also possible that the golden god finally won the victory, and in turn chased you!

Don't look at today. You are majestic and have split Daluo Shenjun with an axe. Your real combat strength is still far away from a real Daluo Shenjun! After all, the time of the six reincarnations is limited, and you can't start the blessing all the time. Therefore, I suggest you, don't take this risk, be honest, just enjoy this, and leave the rest to the four to enjoy!"

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan naturally felt extremely sorry. Jin Tianshen, who thought that he had the supreme power to impact the supreme qualification of the mixed element, how huge is his background? Not to mention getting all the primordial gods, even if you can have half of it, it is enough to lay an extremely good foundation for your future.

However, Zhong Yuan also knows that he is just a monk at the level of Jinxian Zhenjun after all. Among ordinary immortals, he is a high-level strong man, but in the eyes of the gods of Daluo, he is just an ant that can be trampled to death.

The distraction of the four golden gods is allowed to develop naturally. Even if there is only one final success, the threat to him is extremely huge. Therefore, for him, the best choice is what Cangyu Shenjun said. If you don't want the benefits, you should also let the Golden God King completely fall on the world.

Zhong Yuan is a very decisive person. After figuring it out, there was no delay at all. Immediately, he said, "Senior Cangyu, I'd better save my life first and then think about something else!" Now, you'd better inform the Weishenjun as soon as possible!"

"You can teach children!" The god of Cangyu heard this. At that time, he nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, if we lose the four golden gods, we won't get nothing." Taishang Qing Weizong and Lingbaozong have a lot of connections with me, that's all, just as selling one person's love. However, if the Guanyin Academy and Pangu Shenjiao don't get enough benefits, wouldn't it be too bad!"

Speaking of this, Cangyu Shenjun paused for a moment, and then continued, "This time, I can get out of danger. I rely on you a lot. Later, after I hit the benefits, you and I will share equally!"

Zhong Yuan was very clear that Cangyu Shenjun was sincere, not perfunctory, so he did not make concessions to pretend to be friends, so he nodded directly and answered.

"Well, without the Yuanshen of the Golden God, there should be no accident in the sacrifice of this magic tree. You should practice here first, and I will communicate with those people to eliminate future troubles!" Seeing this, the God of Cangyu did not delay much. After giving an order, he turned around and disappeared into the void.

"This time, it's really too suspenseful! It seems that the higher the cultivation, the higher the danger. After Cangyu Shenjun left, Ye Bin sighed.

"Yes! This time, you and I didn't practice together. It's really a lucky move. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will both go to Huangquan. Zhong Yuan nodded and replied, "It seems that in the future, if it is not a particularly dangerous situation, it is better for us to separate when we practice. In this way, we can better support each other!"

"That's good!" Ye Bin was also quite in favor of this. At that time, he nodded.

"Odeed, let's not delay. Hurry up and continue to retreat to refine the treasure and refine the method!" Zhong Yuan said again, "The more dangerous it is, the faster we need to improve our cultivation, otherwise, the situation will only be more dangerous!"


The nameless space is dark, only a void ripple in the center, shining with a bright light.

"Cangyu Taoist friend, you haven't said anything. With just one sentence, I'm afraid you can't say such a big benefit!"

"Dragon Girl, don't beat around the bush with me. I don't have that time. You also know the relationship between me and your Buddhism. If it hadn't been for the benefits this time, do you think I would remind you? If you don't believe it and don't want to trade, that's it. Just because I didn't say anything, we broke off the relationship. How about that?

While talking, Cangyu Shenjun wanted to reach out and wipe it off the void ripples.

"Slow down!" Seeing this, Shancai Dragon Girl hurriedly opened her mouth to stop it and said, "Since it's a transaction, it should be fair." It's nothing for me to pay you first, but if you take it and then run away, it's not easy for us to find you. It's even more difficult for us to help you. So, you must give me a guarantee!"

"What kind of protection do you want!" The god of Cangyu is the way of time.

"The Great Curse of Cause and Effect!" Shancai Dragon Girl had no hesitation at all. At that time, she said, "You and I made a great mantra of cause and effect together. In this way, I am not afraid that you will accept the benefits and run away. And as long as you tell me the danger that exists, the great cause and effect curse will naturally dissipate, and it will have no impact on you and me. How about it?"

"No problem, just do it!" The situation of the Great Causation Mantra, the Cangyu God King has been in Buddhism for many years, and he knows it very well, so he didn't even think about it, that is, time, and then he responded.

He responded like this, but the good fortune dragon girl didn't say much. Immediately, she crossed the border and transmitted a treasure. After receiving it, Cangyu Shenjun confirmed that it was correct. At the time, he opened his mouth and said, "In the magic tree, there is the distracting of the golden god!"

As soon as the words were finished, that is, the time, the god of Cangyu broke off contact. ( To be continued