The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1721 Leave, Hunt

The reason why the Burning Legion invaded in Pingyu is undoubtedly influenced by the space deception magic array.

In the case of the full-power operation of the magic array, the strength of the space barrier here will be temporarily weakened, making the Burning Legion mistakenly think it is an opportunity. However, when they really come, you only need to turn off the magic array halfway, and the strength of the disturbed space barrier will be restored immediately, or even rebound significantly!

Because now is not the best time to come, once the space barrier returns to normal, the force will make the rashly Archimond suffer a big loss.

The giants present obviously have no doubt about the handwriting of the ice frog master.

Seeing that the vision of the transmitted light column became more and more fierce, it had reached the most critical moment. Several Yongye giants of the alliance discussed it and decisively issued an order to shut down the magic array. After just a few seconds, anyone can feel that the constantly distorted space nearby seems to suddenly stagnate. The blazing light of the transmission beam also seemed to be suppressed, and suddenly became much dim. The breath, which was already within reach and powerful enough to make people's heart palpitations, suddenly became weak, as if separated by a thick veil.

However, the suddenly closed space to deceive the magic array can't really stop Archimond.

It seemed that he had found the fact that he had been fooled, and an angry will came from the opposite side of the space. Just a few seconds later, under the action of a sudden explosion of divine force, the space, which was about to return to normal, almost shook violently like an explosion, and a space channel was forcibly opened.

Akmund is coming!

Seeing the horrible monster proudly coming out of the space channel, the super users present were almost oppressed to the point of stopping breathing. At this moment, both the many super-level strong people present and the exotic masters in other corners of the world have focused on the monster at the core decision-making level of the Burning Legion.

"Desperate, mortal! Destruction is coming!"

This human-like five-meter-high giant, wearing a heavy metal inscription armor, dragging a long tail behind his back, slowly stepped from the void of the space channel to the ground. Endless black chaotic breath and flames wrapped around him, alternately retracing every two or three seconds. In just a few seconds after falling to the ground, he opened his mouth and silently issued a death announcement to nearly 10,000 super users present.

"Your world will be burned out!"

With this sentence, a black halo brush opened and quickly spread thousands of meters with him as the center. Standing in the center of this halo, Zhao Dingguo only felt a deep sense of fear and mania. He couldn't help but want to escape, and suddenly had the idea of killing all the creatures in front of him at will. However, the ultra-high main attribute made him finally control his emotions.

This halo is strange!

However, as a strong man whose strength is comparable to that of the top twilight master, Zhao Dingguo can resist this chaotic aura, which does not mean that other super users around him can do it. At this moment, almost 80% of all super users who are shrouded in a halo are affected. Either he turned around and ran away, losing the courage to do it. Or be tempted to lose your mind and take action against your teammates around you at will under the trend of killing.

[Akmund's aura of fear]

Those who are shrouded in a halo will fall into fear or be dominated by the desire to kill. Only those who are strong enough can be immune to the effect of the halo!

Due to being infected by the chaotic breath, people in the light range will receive 30 points per second of basic damage, and for each additional ten minutes, the damage will be increased by 10 points per second.

This halo alone is enough to completely wipe out the advantages of the number of super users.

Although there are different criteria for determining what strength is, Zhao Dingguo found that any super god user whose strength does not reach the dusk level and whose main attribute is less than 150 points will be affected by the halo. Although it is not 100% accurate and has something to do with personal will, this standard should be roughly correct.

But the question is, even in the major leagues, how many twilight masters with a main attribute of more than 150 points can there be?

From the large-scale riots around, it can be seen that this number is indeed not much. After quickly withdrawing these people with insufficient strength from the halo by various means, there are only more than a thousand people left in the center of the field. Most of these dusk masters have to deal with the remaining Burning Legion monsters, and they won't last long, and they will have to quit because of the continuous increase of damage from the halo.

Really qualified to fight to the end, there are only a few particularly powerful twilight high-level, twilight masters and eternal night strong!

After quickly reaching this conclusion, Zhao Dingguo felt a little more heavy pressure.

Although the league has exhausted its elite this time, it is impossible to mobilize all the twilight masters in the domestic circle. According to the statistics, there are only about 60 people. Counting the seven or eight Yongye masters, plus more than 100 high-level masters with self-confidence and strength to stand in the front row and super strength, the number of people who can finally fight will not exceed 200!

So many masters are actually enough to sweep the world. However, it is not anyone else in front of them, but Archimond, who is only one step away from the gods!

Even if he suffered a lot of losses when he came, so that he could only exert 70% or 80% of his strength at most, it was enough to be proud of the heroes. From the solemn faces of the Yongye strong people in the front, you can get it. Even these strong people who stand at the peak of super users are not fully sure.

"Sond to my will!"

Akmond, the most [middle] of the halo, roared again. Seeing that Naga, who was at the forefront of the war, holding an orange inheritance weapon and opened the magic shield, ignored him, he finally couldn't help waving his hand to the legion's grip and took action against the super god user.

Legion's grip is a powerful single damage skill. After hitting, you will receive 500 damage every three seconds.

Compared with Archimond's realm, this damage does not seem to be high, but it lasts for up to one minute. That is to say, it is equivalent to taking a total of 10,000 points of damage 20 times. Which master dares to despise this terrible total damage?

Fortunately, this skill was undoubtedly blocked by Naga's Lincoln magic ball!

Almost at the same time as the legion's grip was launched, Naga also began to fight back. Although his blood unity is known for his super survivability, ah, with the bonus of inheritance equipment, his attack power is also strong. After resisting the grip of the legion, Naga opened the bow for two seconds, and then condensed a blue magic arrow on the orange inheritance bow.

This super powerful arrow shot at Archimond with horrible force, directly causing 800 actual damage!

His powerful arrow is equivalent to blowing the horn against Archimonde!

After the skill attack attached to the inheritance weapon bow, all the masters present opened all kinds of skills and BUFF, and then began to attack crazily.

Dark Shepherd's big move weaving, electric soul's big move storm eye, fishman's big move damage deepening, revenge soul's horror howling, tauren's natural order aura, Zhao Dingguo's lava elves, as well as assault armor, annihilation and other equipment effects, all kinds of armor reduction skills are launched Anti- and immune, but taking turns to apply, it still reduces Archimond's armor by nearly 100 points!

This is also because many armor reduction skills are resisted, weakened or conflict with each other.

In addition, the ancient seal of Heavenly Wrath, the soul hunter of the shadow demon, the veil of dispute and other effects are also dropped without hesitation. Let's not say whether it has taken effect smoothly or not. Anyway, the masters present are all pouring their skills up as soon as they cool down.

Suddenly, he suffered so many negative states, and Archimonde's strength was also severely reduced.

On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo and others have enjoyed the bonus of countless auras.

Take Zhao Dingguo as an example, there are werewolf's roar, the dark ranger's strong halo, blue fat's bloodthirsty, the beast king's wild heart, the moon blessing of the moon, etc. In addition, there are summoning unit auras such as centaun chiefs, furious beasts, and Saster Hell Messengers that are persuaded by paladins. These add up to more than a dozen gain BUFFs, which directly push Zhao Dingguo's data to the extreme!

Among other things, his attack power alone has been added to more than 600 in one breath... It's almost equivalent to an extra small sword!

After such Zhao Dingguo turned on the flexible and fast, the output can be imagined.

By the way, how many weak people are there who are qualified to stay here? Just looking at the remnants brought by the two eternal night-ordered elves and enemy mages standing in the front of them when they attack, you can guess how terrible their attack power and attack speed are. Moreover, these two super strong men also came up and opened the field!

The field of variant elves is a large area of swamps around it.

In the swamp, the agile/power attribute conversion speed of the variant elves is five times faster, and what's more terrible is that even the intellectual attributes can participate in the conversion. His attribute transformation between attack and defense is intertwined with a layer of changing green, red and blue light. As for the teammates in the swamp, they also automatically gain the ability to convert attributes, which can convert agility and power attributes at a speed of 8 points per second!

Whether you want to make a meat shield or an output, you can do whatever you want!

The field of the enemy mage is even more powerful. Regardless of the increase of himself, all the friendly troops nearby can burn the magic equivalent to the total damage of 10 in the attack - this is a percentage effect, not a specific number!

If it is a battle against super god users, even a mage with thousands of magic points can't withstand this mana burning effect.

Such a strong person in the field undoubtedly made Archimond feel threatened. He pushed his right fist forward and hit the fire of AOE skill destruction against several super-level strong men! ( To be continued)