The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1735 Total Deplement

However, even at this point, Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god, did not die.

"Ventiane Fantasy Realm, recreate the universe!"

The magic god Zhu Langfeng Yuanshen roared and abruptly broke through the clamping of the escape dragon pile, using his own proud magic power.

Brilliant fairy lights burst out of the broken body, and in an instant, the walk filled into a vast ocean. In this vast ocean, dragons, Shen Kun, giant whales, black turtles,... Countless evil beasts emerged one after another, roaring and rushing towards Zhong Yuan.

Every evil beast has its own horrible and boundless aura, as if it can crush the world.

However, Zhong Yuan didn't care about this. At that time, his left hand pointed out, and a blue Xuanguang, which was not thick with his fingers, shot out, and bombarded the dragon rushing in the front. In an instant, with a soft sound, the dragon's heart turned into a light smoke and drifted away.

The cyan mysterious light, the remnants of the power are not bad. Continuing from the previous one, seven or eight evil beasts were destroyed, and then one or two were completely destroyed.

This cyan mysterious light is nothing else, but one of the several unique skills of the sky-watching mirror - the magic light. With the support of nearly 50 times the combat power of Zhong Yuan, it is very easy to deal with illusions.

Zhong Yuan's left hand moved with five fingers, making a self-created secret method - waving five strings in his hand. Under the five fingers, the magic lights burst out one after another, staggering with each other, as if they had achieved a peerless killing array. In the blink of an eye, Zhu Langfeng, the realm of illusion

At this time, Zhong Yuan quickly changed his moves, moved his hands together, and pushed between the push, a huge black monument, manifested out of thin air, and pressed down on the top of Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god.

This black monument is nothing else. It is one of the magical power of the Golden God - the barbarian monument.

As soon as the barbarian monument appeared, the red ripples ripples came one by one, fell down, and fell on Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god. At that time, the struggle of Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god, was much smaller.

Between Zhong Yuan's hands, a few seals came out. The barbarian monument was erected with a big earthquake, and the ripples one by one also turned into a barbarian storm, sweeping wildly. In a short moment, the struggle of Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god, stopped completely.

At this time, Zhong Yuan flew out another dragon pile. At that time, he banned the Phantom God, and it was difficult to move at all.

In this case, although it is too late to say, in fact, it is just an instant.

The monks of the Pangu Divine Religion were originally expecting the magic god Zhu Langfeng to show his divine power and capture Zhong Yuan alive, which was a good humiliation. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Zhu Langfeng, the phantom god, was captured alive. Such an extreme change, when it was right, made them a little confused, stunned and at a loss.

When they completely came to their senses and knew that something was wrong and wanted to escape, they found that the Gate of Daluo, which teleported them, had been completely banned.

"Let's run for each other. Whoever escapes, tell the suzerain about the situation here!"

Among the remaining disciples of Pangu Shenjiao, a front-line Daluo roared. First, his figure turned into a thousand feet high, crossed in one step, and stepped into the depths of the void.

"If you want to leave, how can it be so easy?" Zhong Yuan saw that these disciples of Pangu Shenjiao in front of him, one by one, were all good supplements. How could he be willing to let go? At that time, his palm slapped out of the air.

In an instant, in the air, a huge black turtle appeared, with four thick turtles, like four pillars, all over the world. With a sudden landing and time, the world will be locked to death. Any open space channel and space door will be broken in an instant.

Zhong Yuan's move is a simulated Jin Zha's unique move - support the sky black turtle!

Zhong Yuan, who has the power of the no-phase king's vein of the Shura clan, has the power of simulation for any magic method. Although Jin Zha's move is used very fast and gives Zhong Yuan very little time to sense, it is still simulated by seven or eight points of power.

These seven or eight points are enough to deal with the ordinary Daluo Jinxian, not to mention these first-line Daluo and half-step Daluo Jinxian monks.

"Bun, Bun, Bun,..."

Countless sound of hitting the wall sounded, one by one, they were abruptly intercepted within the scope of the giant turtle's limbs, and it was difficult to get out.

At this time, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth and shouted loudly, "Now, it's time for you to wait for a good revenge. Why don't you do it quickly, and when?"

As soon as this said, when it was, the monks of the Mushen Sect walked like a flame and detonated with a bang. In an instant, all the monks rushed into the feudal world that supported the achievements of the Heavenly Turtle, and attacked the monks of Pangu Shen Sect in groups of three or five groups.

The thing of morale is invisible and intangible, but it is very mysterious. When it is low, even if its own cultivation is higher than that of the opponent, it can only be beaten by the opponent.

Now, the vast majority of monks of Pangu Shenjiao have become in this situation, passively beaten and in crisis.

Of course, there are also some Pangu Shenjiao monks with extremely tenacious personalities, who are not affected by this. On the contrary, because they are in a desperate situation, they burst out with more and more powerful combat power and fight fiercely with the Mushen Sect monks. In their opinion, this kind of situation is to kill one enough money, kill two to earn one.

Their idea is good, but unfortunately, it is unrealistic. They can fight back against the monks of the Mushen Sect, and can also beat them into minor and serious injuries. However, once they want to kill them, they will be hit by Zhong Yuan, which will turn the situation around in an instant.

In this way, after many times, these tenacious Pangu divine monks also became desperate. Except for a few strong monks who were unwilling to continue to be humiliated and chose to self-explod, the rest of the monks, under the passage of time, became extremely depressed and de moraleless, and became the training and venting products of the Mushen monks.

Almost, two hours later, the Pangu monks who came here this time were either dead or captured, the whole army was destroyed, and no one escaped.

This result made the monks of the Mushen Sect smiling and excited. Even those who are seriously injured are no exception. They knew very well who brought it, so they all hurried to thank Zhong Yuan.

"Oced, my family, don't say that. Now, hurry up and extract the enlightened stone veins. After all, this is the foundation of our growth!"

"Yes!" RS