The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1807 Against the God Show

"Guoyin Taoist friend, in this second battle, who are you going to send to fight?" That is to say, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit said.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit is clear about the cultivation and combat effectiveness of the nine war monks of Buddhism. Therefore, he is extremely clear. After the first battle, the order of the battle is really difficult to arrange. Even if he is in wèizhi, where Guanyin Bodhisattva is located, he will have a headache.

Because of this, at this moment, the question of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit is extremely brilliant." "The chapter of the novel is updated the fastest.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is indeed a headache.

In the first round, it was supposed to be the Buddha's great power, setting the tone of the whole game in one fell swoop, and announcing the victory of Buddhism. But as a result, it was defeated. Therefore, this second round, for Buddhism, no matter what, will fail again. If it fails, Buddhism will be established, and its reputation will plummet.

However, this moment is obviously not the time to send the king. Bijing, he is the ultimate crusher. Therefore, only nenggou was selected from the first and second types of monks.

In the first category, the pure altar messenger Bodhisattva Zhu Bajie itself is the top combat power. The thousand-eyed dragon king and the incompetent victory over King Kong can almost be said to be a steady loss. As for the last Shenxiu Bodhisattva, there is still a little hope. Bijing, his combat strength is really his ziji, which is very different from Zhu Bajie's external magic weapon.

However, at this moment, he witnessed the change of breath after Zhong Yuan melted the water spark basket. In his heart, there was a little bit of yijing, this hope. It's not too big.

After a little bit of stuttering. Guanyin Bodhisattva made a decisive decision. In the second battle, my Buddhist sect was fought by Shenxiu Bodhisattva!"

méiyou grasp and stick to this way, either a fool or have another plan. Guanyin Bodhisattva naturally belongs to the latter.

In the current situation, Guanyin Bodhisattva Yijing is very clear. Ruguo, Shenxiu Bodhisattva nénggou won. That shows that Buddhism's victory this time is still in the top ten, but there is no need to be too nervous. In general, it is better to proceed according to the original plan.

However, the failure of ruguo Shenxiu Bodhisattva also shows that the four monks of the first class are going to fail. Nàme. In the remaining five battles, they must win all the battles! In that case. Guanyin Bodhisattva must plan carefully and calculate carefully.

It can be said that the result of this fight determines the next decision of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Is it a normal fight or unscrupulous? Of course, these are just circulating in the heart of Guanyin Bodhisattva ziji. On the surface, méiyou is revealed at all.

The divine show Bodhisattva came out in response.

Shenxiu Bodhisattva, handsome and outstanding. If it hadn't been for the light of his head and three thousand troubles, anyone who looks at it will think he is a first-class figure.

"It's polite!"

"It's polite!"

In an instant, Zhong Yuan and Shenxiu Bodhisattva finished the ceremony, and then both sides were polite and began to do it together.

Zhong Yuan, adhering to the consistent fighting concept, relying on his strong body, he waved his fist and smashed it out fiercely.

And Shenxiu Bodhisattva is the most orthodox Buddhist monk. He practices Zen, and the way of close combat is not his own strengths. Therefore, the first shijiān, the great Xumi Zen light shines on his body. The faint golden light has a strong and stable breath flowing out. The divine Bodhisattva is really like Mount Sumeru, just looking up and is unshakable.

At the same time, Shenxiu Bodhisattva's hands are in the depths of the front and back, and his left hand goes first, which urges the Buddha's great Purdue Zen light; the right hand later urges the Buddha's great liberation Zen light.

The effect of Zen light is to dehumanize others, not the method of direct combat; while the great liberation of Zen light is to help people enlighten, get rid of troubles, understand their own Buddha nature, and is not the method of fighting.

However, the combination of the two is the best way to make others enter Buddhism.

Shenxiu Bodhisattva, it is not that he doesn't know how to fight. He did so, which surprised everyone, including Buddhist monks. Because, after witnessing Zhong Yuan's combat strength, the monks who dare to have such thoughts are really a few méiyou.

At the very least, like Guanyin Bodhisattva, Baoju Wang Buddha, detention of Sun Gu Buddha and others, they all have such thoughts. No, they dare not get up, but the probability of success is too low, almost zero, so naturally, they just give up.

However, at this moment, after the Shenxiu Bodhisattva showed it, they felt that this was a trick. Because this kind of degree and competition is not only the competition of combat power, but even that above the combat power, it only accounts for a small part, and more depends on the mysterious and mysterious understanding of Taoism.

On top of this yidiǎn, he is a Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he also admires Shenxiu Bodhisattva. He believes that if he is purely competing with this, he may not be better than Shenxiu Bodhisattva.

This is the innate talent of some people, the envy of others, and it is also a way for you.

However, this kind of mode of conversion is not used by everyone. If it were used by other monks, I'm afraid that before Dapudu Zen Light and Da Jiefu Zen Light hit Zhong Yuan, Ziji was seriously injured by Zhong Yuan's heavy punch first. And Shenxiu Bodhisattva will not have this kind of worry, because he is yijing who has practiced the Buddha's heart to a very high level. It can be said that where the thought comes is the heart. This speed is no different from the speed of Zhong Yuan Jinpeng's vertical and horizontal method in the world. There is even more than kěnéng, but there is no need to worry. Ziji has always been in a passive situation of being beaten.


The light shines, and the light and shadow are turbulent.

In a short moment, the two of them made dozens of moves. However, these dozens of moves are really a real move by méiyou, and both sides have failed.

"This divine show is really not an ordinary figure. Unexpectedly, nénggou thought of such a way to break Zhong Yuan's strong fighting power!" The scene watched by the Golden Spirit couldn't help but praise.

"Yes, the section of Buddhism has a lot of luck. It's normal for such a proud figure to join!" Then, Master Xuandu replied, "It's a pity that for us monks, strength is the most important after all. Now, Brother Zhong Yuan only uses his own combat strength. Therefore, it is a situation of equal division. As long as Brother Zhong Yuan improves his combat strength again, it's too easy to catch up with the speed of the divine show. At that time, his tactics will not work.

Speaking of this, Xuandu ** teacher paused for a moment, and then said, "It's just not Zhidào, this divine show, there are many you considering this yidiǎn. Theoretically, he should be Zhidào. Bijing, when Zhong Yuan fought with the Buddha and the Monkey King, yijing was used!"

"This is not necessarily the only way! The monkey was very arrogant. When he told the Buddhist monks, he couldn't say it, so he attributed those increases in combat power to the blessing of the Great Witch Xingtian. In that case, they won't pay attention to this yidiǎn!" The Lady of the Golden Spirit returned.

"That's true!" Xuandu ** Master nodded

The conversation between the Virgin of the Golden Spirit and the Xuandu ** Master is naturally not what others can hear, so the silent fight between Zhong Yuan and Shenxiu Bodhisattva continues freely.

Zhong Yuan, ziji is also very mingbái. As long as ziji uses six rounds to gather combat power, the victory will become very easy. However, he didn't want to use it like this. Everything is because, among the nine places of Buddhism, there is also an unmovable king!

The Unmovable King is the incarnation of the Buddha's Shakyamuni Buddha. His combat strength is first-class, and he has long been famous as a master of countless shijiè. Even now, Zhong Yuan's strength has improved by himself, and he dares not say that he has defeated him steadily. Therefore, he hopes that zijinénggou will keep his own cards and use them to deal with the king of Zunming, so as to add another point to ziji's chances of winning.

You can't win by force. Naturally, you have to rely on other means. And these, for Zhong Yuan, who has endless magical power, are also easy to do. That is, at the same time as his fist waved, he secretly urged the magic tree, began to condense the magic fruit, and manifested three thousand dragon piles.

Dunlong pile, because of its extraordinary speed, Zhong Yuan was very favored, especially after he won several important victories with this method. Therefore, at this moment, the first thing he thought of was still this magic. He believes that at the speed of the dragon pile, he will definitely catch up with the heart light escape method and control the Shenxiu Bodhisattva.

Although, the power of the dragon pile he exerts at this level does not trap Shenxiu Bodhisattva for a long time. However, for Zhong Yuan, as long as there is a momentary emptiness, it is enough for him to win the game.

Three thousand dragon piles, all together, just like in the dark night sky, Turán shines with three thousand stars. Howling down, like a meteor falling, the momentum is amazing.

Of course, the vast majority of monks can't appreciate this kind of gorgeousness. For the vast majority of monks, they only saw a flash of light in the sky, and then the body of Shenxiu Bodhisattva was blocked by countless golden rings, standing in shape, standing in the void, motionless.

The power of the dragon pile. Before the three monks, when Zhong Yuan fought against Lv Dongbin, they had seen it. Therefore, at this moment, they all smiled on their faces. Because, in their opinion, at this moment, the victory or defeat has been determined, and Shenxiu Bodhisattva will not have the ability to turn the tables at all. ( To be continued.)

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