The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1810 Guanyin is shameless, and there is no king of Ming

In the heart of Guanyin Bodhisattva, although he still does not fully believe in Zhong Yuan's statement. However, as soon as Zhong Yuan made this bet, he said nothing more. I can't help it. He is really afraid of gambling.

Just now, Zhong Yuan took away his water spark basket without any effort. Now, if Zhong Yuan is allowed to win a pure glass bottle and a pure willow branch, then he, Guanyin Bodhisattva, will become a light pole general.

Some people may say, since you don't believe it, why don't you bet on it? It can't be said that you won instead. In that case, Zhong Yuan will really return to Buddhism, so as to win the victory of this battle.

In fact, there is such an idea in the heart of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Unfortunately, now he can't afford to win or lose. Unless he is 100% sure, he dares not gamble.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan smiled freely and didn't say much. He went back to the circle world by himself.

In fact, Zhong Yuan did not rely on the inclusiveness of the road of strength to fight against the transformation of Shenxiu Bodhisattva. Just now, Shenxiu Bodhisattva has actually completely transformed Zhong Yuan's yuanshen. Of course, Zhong Yuan dared to propose to gamble with Guanyin Bodhisattva again, but he did not open his mouth. He had the confidence to win.

All this lies in the meaning of his power.

The root of Zhong Yuan lies in the meaning of power, and the manifestation of his yuan god is just a part of the meaning of power. Therefore, the transformation of Shenxiu Bodhisattva is only a fundamental part of Zhong Yuan, and it is only a small part of it. How can this part dominate Zhong Yuan's whole body?

Since Zhong Yuan met the strong man before, Zhong Yuan has been used to condensing a yuan god in his own sea of knowledge as a target for the enemy's attack, thus leaving himself with time to buffer and counterattack. Through this, he has repeatedly won and defeated many strong enemies.

This time, Zhong Yuan is no exception. In his abruptness, he was captured by three thousand dragon stakes, but he understood what Shenxiu Bodhisattva wanted to do. Therefore, it is a plan to re-induce the God-show Bodhisattva into the hub, so that at the most critical moment, it suddenly broke out, and the counterattack was successful, and the victory was determined.

The meaning of power is Zhong Yuan's biggest secret, so no one told it, and only a small one knew it. Even such a capable mage as Xuandu was extremely shocked by Zhong Yuan's sudden change. They only thought that it would be good for Zhong Yuan to keep his yuanshen Qingming.

However, if they don't understand, it doesn't mean that they can't be happy. At this moment, the monks of the three sects were all in high spirits. Those who are grumpy and shady, they are even more rude to sneer at Buddhist monks in return for their previous "hatred"!

It is said that the June debt comes quickly, but as fast as today, the Buddhist monks have encountered it for the first time. There is no need to mention the depression in their hearts.

"Guoyin Taoist friend, since you don't have the courage to gamble with my brother Zhong Yuan, then prepare for the third battle! The first two games are too easy, so there is no need to rest!" At this time, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit said with a joking smile on her face.

"I don't bet with Zhong Yuan. It's not that I don't have the courage, but it's not worth it. In the next battle, I'm very interested in gambling with Zhong Yuan, but I don't know if Zhong Yuan has the courage!" Hearing this, that is, time, Guanyin Bodhisattva opened his mouth and replied in a very tough tone.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva made up his mind and used shameless means.

In this third battle, he will send the King of Zunming to the stage, strive to let Zhong Yuan suffer a dark injury, and lay the foundation for the victory of the second-class monks such as Hui'an walker. Because, after two zhens and one, it also means that the whole army of this first type of monk has been destroyed. Then, the second-class monks can't make a little difference. Because even if a monk fails, the final result is the failure of Buddhism, and his reputation as a leader will plummet.

Therefore, he didn't dare to take any risks.

Now that he has decided to be shameless, Guanyin Bodhisattva is not stingy and shameless. Previously, she lost the spark basket through a bet with Zhong Yuan. This time, he wanted to make up for his losses and even get more compensation. Therefore, at this moment, he rudely made a bet.

As soon as Guanyin Bodhisattva said this, not to mention the monks of the Three Religions, anyone who is not a fool can understand it. In the next time, there must be no Zunming King to fight.

If Zhong Yuan had not demonstrated his combat effectiveness in front of them before, at this moment, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit would have rudely scolded Guanyin Bodhisattva for being shameless. However, after understanding Zhong Yuan's combat strength, he was still quite confident that he could bet on a game!

At present, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit asked, "I don't know who are you going to send to fight in the next game!"

"My Buddha's hand to protect the King of Dharma - I don't respect the King of Ming!" Guanyin Bodhisattva made up his mind, but he went back without any hesitation, that is, time. Speaking of this, he turned his eyes and looked at Zhong Yuan again and said, "How's it going? Do you dare to see the victory or defeat of the battle with me?

"How do you want to bet?" This time, Zhong Yuan did not reply in time, but first understood his own situation carefully before he opened his mouth.

There's nothing we can do. This time, it's a big problem. Zhong Yuan must be cautious. If the chance of winning is not high, he really won't make wedding clothes for others for nothing because of a little face. However, after he carefully sensed himself, he found that after devouring the nine-toothed rake and the water spark basket, his combat strength was enhanced. With a casual blow, he already had the power to break the middle barrier of Daluo Jinxian. In view of this, he has a lot of confidence to defeat the King Fu Zunming.

Because, judging from the faint breath of the king of Fuzunming, the cultivation of the king of Fuzunming is just to break through the high level of Daluo Jinxian for a long time. This kind of combat power is not invincible for him.

So, at this moment, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth and asked about the bet of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"It's very simple. Doesn't Zhong Yuan Daoyou want the clean glazed bottle and pure willow branches in my hand? This time, can I take it out and make a bet? Of course, correspondingly, Zhong Yuan Daoyou also has to take out two Daluo Zhibao as a bet!" RS