The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1818 The chance of sanctification

"Why did the eldest brother say this?" At this time, Nuwa, who had been silent, said.

"A perfect world, if it is so easy for us to disintegrate, can he still be called a perfect world? Perhaps, the master has long understood that even if he took action, the final result would not be over, so he did not take action!" Taishang Daojun didn't sell his words, that is, time, so he said.

"This statement makes a lot of sense! Unfortunately, our realm has not yet arrived, and we still want to reach the sky in one step. It's ridiculous!" At this time, the ancestor of Bodhi also opened his mouth and sighed.

"It's man-made, difficult, certain, but it's not necessarily a chance! The previous opportunity obviously existed, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by some people!" Hearing this, Master Tongtian opened his mouth again.

Amitabha and the Lord of Pangu God saw that the Lord Tongtian was still holding on to this point, and they were also quite angry. They were about to open their mouths again and refute them. Taishang Taoist King took the lead and opened his mouth again.

"Brother Tongtian's words are not worth it! However, now, although we have no chance to enter this perfect world to find treasures. However, our disciples still have a chance!"

Speaking of this, Taishang Daojun paused for a moment, and then continued, "I just sensed that the barrier generated after the Pangu god Nirvana has an unparalleled defense ability for me and other mixed sage sage, but for those monks under the sage, the blocking power is much smaller. Therefore, our disciples still have a chance to enter it and compete for the supreme position in the world!"

Hearing this, at the same time, the saints couldn't help but feel shocked, that is, time, and then they felt the past. After a moment, they found that what Taishang Daojun said was correct and correct. Unconsciously, I am afraid of the cultivation of the Taishang Taoist King.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun said first, "What the eldest brother said is correct. I think, next, we can discuss the matter of our disciples coming to this perfect world to experience. However, before the discussion, there is a little ugliness. I want to say in the front, that is, under the door of Amitabha and the head of Pangu God, the quota must be cut in half as compensation for destroying all our plans before them!"

"What? Half of it? You really dare to open your mouth!" The head of the Pangu Divine Religion was hot-tempered, and he sneered first.

Although Amitabha Buddha did not speak, his expression on his face also clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with Yuanshi Tianzun's proposal.

However, at this time, Master Tongtian replied, "I agree! This kind of punishment is just right!"

"I agree too! In the future, it is inevitable to encounter similar situations. If there is no punishment this time, I'm afraid that when there is another opportunity in the future, we will also lose the opportunity for one reason or another!" Nuwa ignored the eyes of the Pangu god master around her as if he was about to breathe fire, and said to herself.

"I agree too!" At this time, Taishang Daojun also nodded and said.

"I agree too!" The Bodhi ancestor, who had never spoken, also agreed.

As soon as this said, that is, time, the Amitabha Buddha next to the Bodhi ancestor changed his color. At that time, he asked secretly, "Brother, you and I are one. How can you agree to this?"

"Brother, don't be impatient!" Bodhi replied in time, "You and I are one. Although your quota has been cut in half, I haven't cut it at all. And how many people are there under my door? Isn't that superfluous, is it still my brother? In this way, we Buddhism have no loss.

And the only thing that has suffered a loss is Pangu Shintoism! This world can sanctify disciples. Doesn't the brother want to cut off the power of one person first?

"That's true! It's my brother who is resourceful. For my brother, it's your fault!" Amitabha heard it like this. At that time, a cavity of anger disappeared. However, on the surface, there is still a little indignation, as if quite dissatisfied.

"Five people agree, two people oppose, and the matter is settled! If there is any dissatisfaction, let's rely on our strength and judge it!" Yuanshi Tianzun saw this. At that time, he waved his big hand and was extremely domineering.

Amitabha Buddha was silent about this. The leader of Pangu God's religion saw that Amitabha Buddha was speechless, but he did not want to make a bird, so he could also wait. As a result, in an instant, the reduction of the quota of their two teachings became a foreministic.

"Then how many people should we send to each other?" At this time, Nuwa said again, "

"The people who enter are all to impact the fruit position of the supreme saint. In addition to personal talent, sometimes, luck is also very important." Taishang Daojun said in time, "So, I think that as long as you have achieved the realm of Daluo Jinxian, you can come.

As for Buddhism and Pangu Shintoism, only half of the Daluo Shenjun can come!"

On the face of the Taishang Daojun, there was a warm smile like a spring breeze, but hearing his words, Amitabha and Bodhi could not help but smile bitterly. Because they really didn't expect that Taishang Daojun would do this.

They originally thought that the people from each faction must set a specific quota. In this way, the inexhaustible quota under the name of the Bodhi ancestor can be transferred to Buddhism. However, as soon as such a rule was issued, it basically locked the way he did. Unconsciously, both of them were a little suspicious. Taishang Daojun heard the conversation between them.

When the two of them were trying to open their mouths and demarcate the quota into the situation they expected in their hearts, the Lord of Tongtian nodded in favor of the first, "That's right way, everyone has become a Taoist mixed element, and the reasons are different. Therefore, it is Daluo Jinxian who has the opportunity to cast a net I agree to be sure!"

"I agree, too!" Immediately after that, Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded in agreement.

"I agree, too!" Lady Nuwa nodded after a little pause. She also nodded.

She is also very clear about the trickiness between Bodhi and Amitabha Buddha. If it's an ordinary thing, he doesn't care, but this is fighting for the throne, but he also hopes that other sects can be weakened as much as possible. RS