The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1893 Three Lives

The Three-life Demon King is the one who has seen Zhong Yuan's powerful move, so he is sure that he is definitely not Zhong Yuan's opponent. Because of this, he didn't want to offend Zhong Yuan under the premise that it was unnecessary. However, now, seeing that his own verbal intimidation is invalid, he can only choose to be cruel.

There is nothing he can do. The meaning represented by the jade ultimatum is so great that he can't give up no matter what.

"Ye Daoyou, since you are so stubborn and don't know what to do, I have no choice but to be sorry!" While talking, the face of the three-life demon king suddenly condensed, and then his hands began to seal.

"The achievements of this life come from the accumulation of the previous life. Now, you can feel my three-life method! The first type, cut the past!"

The seal in the hand of the three-life demon king changed, and his hands were put together, as if holding an invisible blade, splitting the void obliquely.

This split, there is no earth-shaking vision, no fierce air, and even no strangeness, just like that the Three Lives Demon King just poses, and has no substantive meaning.

However, Ye Bin, who fought with him in person, did not have this feeling. Because she can clearly feel that under the beheading of the Three Lives Demon King, she is indeed missing something, and her body has become a little weaker. Although this weakness is not very eye-catching, he does exist.

After the first beheading of the three-life demon king, that is, time, the printing formula in his hand turned a change, and then continued to chop the void.

Correspondingly, Ye Bin felt that his body was a little weaker again. Moreover, this time, he even vaguely felt that his own cultivation had a slight decline.

Feeling this, Ye Bin understood that if the demon king of the third life goes down like this and can't keep it, his family will be cut off into a mortal by his inexplicable attack.

At present, Ye Bin did not dare to neglect at all, that is, time, to completely sacrifice the final card she used when she was ready to fight back.


A wonderful sound of the sky, above Ye Bin's head, the spirit of heaven opened, and then two sword lights shot out, one dark as ink, one as green as water.

These two swords are innate treasures.

The black sword is called the Taichu Invisible Sword. This Taichu invisible sword is not the one that Zhong Yuan gave to Ye Bin at the beginning. Although that handle is also the first wisp of killing machine in Taichu, it is the first wisp of killing machine that is barely restored by later generations. Although it is also sharp and domineering, it is not pure. It is upgraded to the level of the treasure of Daluo Yes. And this handle is what Ye Bin got in this house world. It itself is the level of Daluo Zhibao, and there is even a further possibility. The difference between the two is unreasonable.

And the blue long sword is called the Taishi Long Life Sword. Taishi's long-life sword is accompanied by Taichu's invisible sword, but its attributes are just opposite. It is the first wisp of vitality of Taishi. Similarly, it is sharp and sharp.

Now, these two long swords are the biggest reliance of Ye Bin's combat strength. If not, Ye Bin knew very well that Zhong Yuanzheng Dao mixed Yuan saints needed 3,000 innate treasures, and if these two swords happened to be among them, he would have already made the sacrifice into his own treasure and used them for future Taoism.

After the manifestation of the Taichu Invisible Sword and the Taishi Immortal Sword, although it has not yet shown any power, the void suffered by Ye Bin's body began to be seriously distorted, so that the distance between him and the Sansheng Demon King seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is far away

Immediately after that, a light rose from Ye Bin's spirit. The light was hazy, but the size of a palm, black and white, kept flowing, like a Tai Chi ball.

This Taiji ball is Ye Bin's Da Luo Daoguo, and his lifelong understanding of the yin and yang road is all in it.

As soon as the Taiji ball appeared, that is, time, the Taichu Invisible Sword and the Taishi Changsheng Sword were integrated into it. In an instant, a gray sword spirit shot out of the Taiji ball, which was no more than three feet long and circled around her body.

faintly, you can hear a crackling sound, but there is nothing broken. The empty world is still solid, just distorted, not broken.

However, after Ye Bin's sword, the three-life demon king found that when his own method of cutting the past, when he cut it out again, it was as difficult as before. He cut off his previous life with one knife, and his power declined greatly. Although it still has its own effect, this effect is very poor. If you want to weaken Ye Bin's strength with this, you have to waste some time.

The three-life demon king, who can practice so far, naturally, his eyesight is very smart. After careful observation, it was found that Ye Bin's sword directly cut off the connection between him and the world, as if he was a real outsider. If it weren't for Ye Bin's lack of cultivation, there was no way to completely divide it. I'm afraid that it would be difficult for him to hurt Ye Bin at all.

"It is worthy of being the wife of the god of war. There are still some means under her hands. However, with this, it is still just stubborn resistance, which can't change the result at all!" After the Sansheng Demon King understood the situation of Ye Bin's swordsmanship, he snorted coldly again and said, "Ye Daoyou took my second move of Sansheng Dafa - kill the future!"

A person, no matter what kind of identity, where he is, with the passage of time, will move forward and have a future. The difference is only whether it is good or not. Therefore, Ye Bin's sword to cut the world can cut the past, but it can't stop the future.

Some people may say, what effect does cutting the future have on the present? The past is the cause, the present is the result, and the past can have an immediate effect on the present. However, when the present is with the future, the present is the cause, and the future is the result. Before the future comes, there are infinite possibilities in itself. What's the point of cutting off the future?

On the surface, it is true, but in fact, it is not. There may be a lot in the future, but in the final analysis, it is derived from the fundamental fruit of their own practice. The three-life demon king cut the future with a knife, and what is cut off is the strong power of the monk's original Taoist fruit, making it eternally solidified at this moment. That is to say, if Ye Bin is beheaded, his cultivation will always stay at the level of perfection in Daluo Jinxian. Unless he has the ability to break his fate, it is impossible to be promoted to the semi-sacred land.

At first glance, this move has no impact on the current battle, but in fact, this is not the case. This knife cuts the Taoist fruit, so Ye Bin's original Taoist fruit will be quite traumatized, thus reducing his strength. The specific degree of decline depends on whether Ye Bin has a good way to deal with it. If not, it will definitely be fatal.

Although Ye Bin doesn't know much about the future knife of the Three Lives Demon King, she instinctively feels that a huge and incomparable crisis is coming. At that time, he didn't hesitate and shouted, "Pangu Mountain, why don't you do it, and when?"

As soon as this statement is said, a tall and strong figure manifests itself from the void. With one step, it will reach the side of the three-life demon king. I didn't see him exert any magic secret method. Just like this, he waved his fists and bombarded the three-life demon king fiercely.

As soon as the fist moves, the heaven and the earth are shaken, the void is broken, and the unparalleled air machine goes straight to the mind of the three-life demon king.

At this moment, the three-life demon king cut the future knife. It has just been successfully sealed and has not been cut out yet. Sensing the impact of the air machine, when it was right, I couldn't help it in my heart. In a hurry, I changed the printing formula and printed it to myself. At the beginning of time, the body of the three-life demon king trembled.

After the tremor, the three-life demon king returned to normal. However, Pangu Mountain's fists bombarded the air and bombarded in the void.


With a huge explosion, the whole void exploded, and the space debris turned into an endless storm, sweeping away in all directions.

At this moment, it seems that the Three Lives Demon King is at the core of this storm, but this storm has no effect on him at all. It's as if the three-life demon king in front of him is just a virtual image. In fact, it doesn't exist at all.

In fact, this is not the case. The reason for this situation is that the Three Lives Demon King relies on the power of the condensed future to temporarily put himself in the future. Although the space is the same, the time is different. Naturally, it is difficult to cause harm to it.

However, time cannot last for such a thing to set foot in the future, so the Three Lives Demon King is highly focused on observing the sudden Pangu Mountain.

Under the eyes of the three-life method, at a glance, the three-life demon king saw through the essence of Pangu Mountain. It is not a single individual, but the split of others.

At present, the three-life demon king did not hesitate to wave his own third knife - the fate-killing method.

As soon as this knife came out, the connection between Pangu Mountain and Zhong Yuan broke and turned into an independent monk.

At that moment, Pangu Mountain couldn't help but have a kind of panic, but soon infinite joy surged into his heart. Because no one wants to be subordinate to others, even if his spirituality comes from others. Although this kind of fragmentation makes it impossible for him to borrow the strength of Zhong Yuan's original strength, and his combat effectiveness has decreased, but compared with autonomy, this is nothing.

At present, Pangu Mountain was excited. Under the surging power all over his body, he waved his fists again and bombarded the Sansheng Demon King. RS