Books Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 33 Shocking News

The unicorn beast roared and bowed its head and rushed to Cui Hao's "too fantasy". The unicorn on its head was several feet long, and the tip of the horn emitted a faint dark light, which was extremely frightening.

When Cui Hao was very puzzled and wanted to remove the fantasy, the length of the reins on the mouth of the Kirin mythical Beast was limited, which restrained the momentum of the Kirin Beast. But the unicorn's four hoofs stepped on the ground hard and roared, looking extremely angry.

At this time, Zhao Zixuan in the inner room heard the movement and hurried out of the inner room. Seeing that the unicorn beast had never eaten the spirit stone well, he pulled the reins so far away that he lost his temper and couldn't help cursing, "This beast is really be beaten!" As he spoke, he put the whip in his hand and was about to fight.

Seeing Zhao Zixuan taking out his whip, the unicorn beast took a small step, ran back to the spiritual stone pile and nibbled on it. Zhao Zixuan saw it and said with a smile, "This beast is cunning. I will learn to be obedient when I see the whip. I'll just look at you."

Just as Zhao Zixuan laughed and scolded, Cui Hao was afraid that the unicorn beast would be difficult for him again and hurriedly moved the fantasy into the inner room.

In the center of this inner room is a big tripod, with three-legged square ears, and a blazing rootless fire under its feet. Cui Hao saw it and said to Zhou Yihan, "This tripod itself is already a divine object, which is an ordinary fire, which can also be used as a magic weapon. Now there is a real fire of samadhi underneath. I really don't know what material is used in it. It needs to be refined so laboriously.

Zhou Yihan said, "This Tianding is surrounded by 'Jiuyang Lock Sky Array'. Shall we go forward to check it?"

When Cui Hao saw that the waves around Tongtianding were faint and the hidden forces were surging, he knew that it was the most powerful prohibition "Jiuyang Lock Sky Array" in Shushan. As soon as this array was touched, the future would be trapped in it, which was not the same as the prohibition of the Emei faction.

Cui Hao looked at Zhou Yihan and hesitated, "Why don't we take a look..."

Zhou Yihan smiled and said, "It's all in. Do you still have to look back?"

Hearing this, Cui Hao made up his mind and slowly moved the "too fantasy" to the top of Tongtianding. Suddenly, nine small red flags appeared on all sides, swinging without wind, spinning quickly, and an extremely deep vortex immediately appeared in the middle, wrapping the illusion in it.

Cui Hao used all his strength to control the "too illusory world" so as not to be sucked by the vortex. The "Seven Treasure Town Demon Tower" naturally sent out a force to help Cui Hao firmly nail the illusion in the air, as stable as Mount Tai.

The Jiuyang lock sky array slowly calmed down, and even the small flags around him disappeared. Cui Hao and Zhou Yihan breathed a sigh of relief, and they looked down under the tripod eagerly.

I saw the fog steaming in the tripod, and I couldn't see anything. Zhou Yihan frowned and said, "It's too hot inside. The fog is too thick to see anything."

Cui Hao was also worried. Suddenly, he had an idea and said with a smile, "I have a way." With that, he pulled out the "Xiaotian Sword", injected a trace of divine thoughts into it, and manipulated the Xiaotian Sword to shoot into the Tongtian Tripod from the fantasy.

"Xiaotian Sword" is transformed by the essence of the North Sea, which is an extremely cold magic weapon. The inside of Tongtianding was as hot as fire. Suddenly, I only heard a "bang" and the temperature suddenly dropped sharply!

When Cui Hao fought with Tong Jingyao of the Emei faction, and the "Xiaotian Sword" and Tong Jingyao's magic weapon "Ruyi Sword" were dismantled, the ban was shaken. At this time, he was suddenly placed in the "Tongtian Ding" and the seal was completely cracked.

A cyan dragon suddenly appeared in the Tianding. It had no horns on its head and shaped like a snake, but it opened its four claws, sprayed cold air in its mouth, and circled in the tripod.

This scene stunned Cui Hao and Zhou Yihan. Zhou Yihan shouted, "Oh, you ruined the master's magic weapon!"

Cui Hao did not expect that the Jiaojing sealed in the Xiaotian Sword could break the prohibition and show its original shape. At present, he was extremely regretful and said to himself, "Once this thing gets out of control, I'm afraid it will be gone."

It is strange that the Jiaojing not only did not leave, but also continued to swim back and forth in the tripod, further lowering the temperature in the tripod. The next scene shocked and even scared Cui Hao and Zhou Yihan!

Because they saw a person!

A man who was pierced through the pipa bone by a silver hook!

Zhou Yihan screamed and hurriedly closed his eyes and turned around. Cui Hao also opened his mouth in shock and almost forgot where he was. He stared at the man and could no longer look away.

Cui Hao feels that the man he is looking at is like an old friend he has known many years ago. No, he feels more like a relative!

Looking at the silver hook on his pipa bone, the black-brown blood has already dried up. This man suffered this great punishment and was revitalized in Tongtian Ding. It can be seen how much pain he suffered.

Suddenly, tears fell from the corners of Cui Hao's eyes. Somehow, his feelings for the stranger seemed to burst out in an instant. Cui Hao almost couldn't help going down to rescue him.

"Oh..." The man moaned painfully, his voice was hoarse and seemed powerless.

He opened his eyes. Although he was so tortured, his eyes were like stars in the night sky, as bright as before, with a faint blue light.

He saw the spirit hovering beside him, opened his mouth with great effort, and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you...Huh," he seemed to feel something, and his eyes flashed with expectation, like something he had been waiting for all his life, and finally appeared beside him.

Cui Hao's divine consciousness was originally injected into the "Xiaotian Sword", but now the sword has turned into a dragonfly. Without anything to rely on, it naturally fell into the Tongtian tripod.

Cui Hao was waiting to cast the spell and take back his consciousness. The man in the tripod suddenly waved to his consciousness. Cui Hao was shocked. Is there anyone else in the world who can see his divine consciousness?

The man said, "Come to me... Come to me quickly... I'm afraid it's too late..."

Cui Hao felt as if he had been enchanted and let the man attract his consciousness. Suddenly, he felt that his consciousness had penetrated into the man's body!

You should know that the divine consciousness of all monks, except for their own magic weapons, cannot enter other people's bodies unless they lose their bodies like the "old guard" and are reshaped by the "blood spell".

Cui Hao felt that he was falling into the bottomless abyss, and the boundless night surrounded him. He didn't know where his starting point was or where the end was.

Suddenly, a blue beam of light shone, and Cui Hao felt warm, comfortable and contented on his body!

That's the eyes of the man in Ding! He was waming gently to Cui Hao, and Cui Hao suddenly fell and slowly stopped beside the man.

"Son, come and let me have a look!" The man opened his arms.

Cui Hao walked over involuntarily and let the man hold him in his arms. Cui Hao can't remember how many times he was held by his master, godfather and other elders when he was a child, but he has never felt boundless happiness and satisfaction in his arms like today.

Cui Hao looked up at the man. He had a dark but resolute face, and the years left almost no trace on his face. Only in the corners of his eyes could he find that he was actually not young. If you look carefully, Cui Hao looks a little similar to him.

The man stretched out his hand and gently stroked Cui Hao's face, "I have been suffering for 20 years just to see you, child."

Cui Hao asked puzzledly, "I feel that you are really familiar, but I can't remember who you are."

The man laughed and said, "I'll tell you who I am, child. Listen, I'm your biological father!"

"What!" Cui Hao broke away from the man's arms and stared at him with wide eyes, "I heard from my righteous father that I am a baby. Was it abandoned by you back then?

"Child, listen to me," the man waved his hand and said, "You have blood as noble as me. We believe in a truth: blood pays for blood! I don't have much time. Don't interrupt me. You should keep in mind everything I say!"

"In the wild land south of the Central Plains, there is a demon mony 'Beast Palace', and I am the elder in the palace. The old palace master has been nowhere to be found for 300 years, so he is the oldest with my cultivation and qualifications, and the young palace master has to obey me.

"I was a wolf who only spit on people!" The man looked at Cui Hao and said, "After more than a thousand years of practice, I finally built a road for me. But the young palace owner was secretly afraid of me and sent other monsters to attack me. I killed dozens of monsters, and my strength gradually became weak. I was bitten on my back by the thousand-year-old snake spirit. I have almost cultivated my body, but the toxicity of this snake spirit is so strong that I almost fainted in pain, and my hands and feet are no longer at the command. I thought that it would be better to break myself than to be killed.

"I jumped hard from the cliff, hit several magic weapons on my body, and immediately fainted. Those monsters thought I was bound to die, so they went back to recover.

"I didn't expect that I never fell to death and fell down the cliff to show my original shape. Poor thing, I met your mother. If it were someone else, I was afraid that I would be killed with a blow, but your mother is kind by nature and can't bear to see me die in the wilderness. She actually picked herbs to heal my wounds.

"With your mother's care, I gradually recovered. I took the original form and explained my life to your mother. She is not afraid, let alone dislike me. We slowly fell in love.

"I took your mother away from the wilderness and came to the Central Plains. We travel around the mountains and rivers and stay at home all over the world. And what makes me happier is that your mother is pregnant!"

"Later, I heard that the 20th Central Plains Competition Conference will be held in Shushan. I was itchy, so I told my mother that I also wanted to try and compete with the Central Plains Taoist family.

"At first, your mother didn't want me to go, but she couldn't help my entanglement, and finally promised to go with me." Speaking of this, the man's face trembled involuntarily, "It was this decision that changed the fate of our family!"