Books Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 3 Overlord Meal

In the elegant room, only the chewing sound of the little baby wolf swallowing was heard at this time.

Lu Zheng picked up the wine pot and poured a glass of wine for himself. Suddenly, the house was full of fragrance. He took a sip and couldn't help saying, "It's really good wine!" Just drink it all at once.

Bao'er was fighting with a wild duck leg at this time. Seeing that Lu Zheng only drank and did not eat vegetables, he swallowed the dishes in his mouth and asked doubtfully, "Mr., why don't you eat?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "You said I'm an immortal. Have you ever seen immortals eat mortal things?"

Xiaobao suddenly realized and said, "Yes, I forgot. I heard my father say before his death that immortals don't eat anything. As long as they smell it, they will be full.

Then he said intelligently, "I said that the immortals have never moved the offerings of temples and Taoist temples. Later, we children ate it secretly! It turned out that they had already smelled the fragrance.

Lu Zheng listened and secretly felt that it was funny. I poured another glass of wine, handed it to Xiaobao, and said, "Come on, you can also try it."

Xiaobao wiped his two oil hands on his body, took the glass and said, "Mr. Xiaobao, thank you for letting me eat the best meal in my life. I toast you!"

Seeing Xiaobao learning from adults, Lu Zheng thought it was very interesting. He picked up the glass and smiled, "Okay! Do it all!"

Xiaobao poured the wine into his stomach, and suddenly a spicy feeling rushed straight from his abdomen to his throat. He hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables and said with his tongue, "It's so spicy! It's so spicy!" The two looked at each other and laughed.

With the momentum of wind and clouds, Xiaobao ate a table of dishes, burped, patted his stomach, and laughed, "This is dead, and I will be a full ghost!"

At this time, a shout came from downstairs, "Prepare the best elegant room and bring up all the best dishes here!"

Lu Zheng and Xiaobao looked at each other and thought, "This sound seems to come from a scar face."

Seeing that Xiaobao was a little panicked, Lu Zheng waved his hand to calm down and smiled, "How about I invite you to see a good play?"

Xiaobao opened his eyes wide and said, "This is not a theater. What's there to see?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "This play is called 'Overlord Meal', and the protagonist is the scar face." Xiaobao's second monk couldn't figure it out.

I only heard the sound of tables and chairs moving in the next room. Obviously, the scar face and a dry skin are ordered in this elegant room.

After a while, I only heard the next room, pushing the cup and changing the cup, shouting loudly. Lu Zheng looked at Xiaobao and smiled, "How can they eat now? I'm afraid they will spit it out later."

After saying that, two silver ingots and some scattered silver and copper coins appeared in the empty hand.

Xiaobao saw it and felt a little familiar. He asked, "These two ingots seem to be the incense money you gave. Why did they come back to you?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "This skill is empty-handed. I have already thought about it to deal with those splashing skins!"

Xiaobao was also interested and whispered, "This Zui Fengxuan is the local guard Meng Boguang. If Brother Dao has no money to pay the bill after eating, I'm afraid he won't be able to eat and leave." Thinking of this, an expectant look appeared on his face.

Lu Zheng waved to Xiaobao, and the two went down to settle the bill. Lu Zheng said to Xiaobao, "Let's hang out on the street for a while and come here to watch the fun."

Xiaobao nodded vibly and said, "I'll familiarize you with Heilong Town."

The two of them got drunk and saw people coming and going on the street. It was so lively. Snack sellers, juggling, singing songs, and all kinds of hawkers rubbed their shoulders one after another, making the road crowded.

The buildings on both sides of the road are arched and flying eaves, and the carved beams and painted buildings are very elegant. There are restaurants, shops, banks, brothels, etc. on both sides of the road. Those dusty women stood outside the door of the brothel, stretched out their arms and solicited the skin business.

Lu Zheng hurriedly pulled Xiaobao away. Walking outside the city, I saw large and small merchant ships traveling south and north on both sides of the river, the staggered Jiangbu wharf, and the bustling merchants and hawkers, showing a busy and prosperous scenery.

Lu Zheng couldn't help sighing, "My Central Plains is really a beautiful and precious place. Even a small market town is so prosperous!"

Xiaobao said with a smile, "This Heilong Town has developed waterways and is the center connecting the north and south land roads. Of course, it is very prosperous." After saying that, his face was a little gloomy. "If it weren't for this Meng guard, nicknamed 'Meng Pguang', the people here would have lived in peace and contentment and live freely."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Zheng said to Xiaobao, "It's been a long time. Let's go back to watch the 'play'."

Xiaobao nodded excitedly and trotted all the way ahead. Lu Zheng shook his head with a smile and followed Xiaobao.

There was still a distance from "Zui Fengxuan", and the two saw everyone surrounding the three floors outside the restaurant. There were angry scolding and beaten crying from inside.

Lu Zheng pulled Xiaobao and drilled in through the seams. Strangely, everyone felt a strong force passing through the middle and involuntarily separated the two sides, leaving a passage for Lu Zheng and the two.

Lu Zheng and Xiaobao walked into it calmly, and saw the scar face and several men lying around like naughty dogs. A shopkeeper-like man shouted, "You are blind! Do you dare to come here for a bully meal?

The scar face was beaten to make the face swollen, and the face full of flesh became more plump and shiny, and the scar on the forehead became more conspicuous.

The scar face covered his cheeks and said vaguely, "I really have two big ingots. Unexpectedly, as soon as I touched them, they became two stones!" No matter how bold you are, you don't dare to cheat in the restaurant opened by Master Meng.

Several men also nodded hurriedly and shouted for injustice.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper was even more angry and shouted, "I intended to beat you up, just drive them out. But you have eaten the overlord's meal and are still defending. It's really abominable. He turned around and shouted, "Come on, bring the squeezy water fed to pigs in the backyard and let them have another meal!"

Several strong little two agreed repeatedly, and soon they carried a large bucket of slop, and suddenly a sour smell came to their noses. The onlookers covered their noses with their hands and retreated.

The scar face saw it, and his face was extremely pale. He pleaded repeatedly, "The little one knows it's wrong. Please raise your hand and let our brother go."

"Hey, do you know it's wrong now? It's late!" The shopkeeper waved his hand and shouted, "Feed them with a big spoon!"

After listening to the shopkeeper's instructions, the children were in a group of two, one pressed the scar face and others, and the other picked up a spoon the size of a basin, which was a fierce irrigation!

Scarface and others were beaten to be rotten and crispy, and they had no strength at all. How could they break free? One by one, the scum was poured all over the face, bone residue, rotten vegetable leaves, and vegetable juice all over the body.

The scar face was filled with a few spoonfuls of sputa, and his stomach was round. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He opened his mouth and spit out the "material" in his stomach!

The rest of the skins have also been made in the same way, and even defecate. The door of "Drunken Fengxuan" has become a convenient place for people to reincarnation!

At this moment, a sound of gongs came, and someone shouted, "Lord Guard is here!" When the audience heard this, the birds and beasts suddenly dispersed and ran cleanly!

Xiao Bao pulled Lu Zheng's clothes and said, "Sir, let's go, too."

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "I just want to see this Mengpaguang guard!" Seeing Lu Zheng standing there motionless, Xiaobao only bravely did not avoid it, but his heart kept jumping up and down.

After a while, I saw a man opening the way in front of him, and the four people behind him were carrying silence and avoiding two wooden cards. Then the two red and black hat soap servants each carried the official title cards and wrote the words "five grade officials" and so on, and walked slowly.

The man surrounded by people in the middle is riding a tall horse, dressed in a cyan official robe, and a giant bear with teeth and claws on the tonic. This man is about 40 years old, and his face is white and needless. He has a pair of hanging eyebrows and a pair of goldfish eyes. He is as fat as a pig, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Lu Zheng saw it and said to himself, "This person must be Meng Shoubei!"

Sure enough, the shopkeeper saw it, took three steps and two steps, trotted all the way to the rider, and lowered his eyebrows and said a few words.

The official was furious and waved his hand. He saw several vicious government officials rushing over aggressively with wooden shackles and water and fire sticks.