Books Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 39 Divine Power Lift the Stone Lion

Lu Zheng saw that the county magistrate was less than 40 years old, his face was white and he was full of harmony. He smiled and said, "Lord Peng, please don't be polite!"

The county magistrate had never seen the members of the capital. When he saw Lu Zheng, he said tremblingly, "The subordinates saw that the adults were like a drought for a long time, and the people of the whole city were happy, hoping that the adults could eliminate these gang of bandits as soon as possible."

Lu Zheng pulled up the county magistrate and said, "There is no need to shoot the horses. We are here to do business. Hurry up and take us to the city."

The county magistrate's face turned slightly red and nodded hurriedly and said, "I'm going to lead the way." After saying that, he hurried to the front, got into a sedan chair and ran forward.

Lu Zheng took the brigade into the city with the Peng County magistrate. The city of Nanping County was in a mess, with choking smoke everywhere, and the shops on both sides of the street were all closed. One or two poked out their heads and hurriedly withdrew their heads.

When I came to the county government, I saw that the plaque of the Nanping county government also disappeared. A pair of stone lions in front of the door were also thrown in front of the door.

Peng County magistrate got off the sedan chair and hurried to Lu Zheng to lead the horse. Lu Zheng waved his hand and smiled, "How can you let a county magistrate lead the horse for me?" After saying that, he jumped off the horse and handed over the reins to his own soldiers.

Peng County magistrate said: "The county government backyard is very large, and soldiers can be arranged to move in. The lower official has cleaned up the wing of the lobby, where Lord Lu can rest.

Lu Zheng nodded and saw that the county magistrate hesitated and stopped talking. He couldn't help asking, "Does Lord Peng have anything else to say?"

When Peng County's magistrate saw the question, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Excellency, the squires in this county heard that the lords came to suppress the bandits and gathered in the county government office waiting to see the adults. However, the subordinate officials were afraid that the lord would work all the way and were embarrassed to open this mouth."

Lu Zheng heard this and said with a smile, "It's okay to take me to see you." After saying that, he said to Zhao Rui, "You will settle down and come and meet the squires."

Zhao Rui nodded and took the lead, and Peng County magistrate hurriedly ordered a soap official to lead the brigade to the backyard.

Peng County magistrate led Lu Zheng to the lobby and saw that the county gentry had already been full. The squires were stunned when they saw Peng County magistrate leading a young man in a six-grade military officer's uniform.

Peng County magistrate said to the crowd, "Everyone, let me introduce this to you. This is Lord Lu, the inspector sent by the capital. Please welcome."

The squires looked up and down at Lu Zheng, and then slapped him sparsely. Peng County magistrate couldn't hang on his face and said angrily, "The court saw the county's memorial. Less than three days ago, Lord Lu came in a hurry at night. How can we neglect your Excellency?"

An 80-year-old man among the squires coughed gently, came out, and said to Lu Zheng, "Do you dare to ask your name?"

Lu Zheng replied, "I don't know what the old man's opinion is?"

The old man read the word Lu Zheng several times, frowned and said, "Is it the champion of this palace examination?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "It's right here."

The gentry immediately began to talk about it. The old man shook his head gently and said, "You are a scholar, but you have become a military officer. How can you lead the army to war?"

Someone inside said, "Looking at the appearance of a weak scholar, how can he compare with those vicious thieves?" Everyone sighed and shook their heads.

When the county magistrate saw it, he was even more embarrassed and saluted everyone. 47 whispered, "Please, don't say a few words." He also said to Lu Zheng, "Adults are angry. These people are scared by those murderers and are eager to let the court send officers to suppress the bandits. If the words are not appropriate, I hope you will forgive me.

Lu Zheng laughed and said, "Let's talk about how powerful those thieves are first. Listen to me."

The old gentry said, "The leader of those thieves is a monster. When they come, they are full of dark clouds, and when they walk, the sky is full of sand and stones. He made me pay thousands of money every day, and the beautiful girl of the poor people was also abaught by him.

Another person also said anxiously, "Anyone who has no money can only hand over his young children. It seems that I have some savings, and I will be blackmailed by him day by day, and I can't stand it for a few days. I will destroy my family!" After saying that, I couldn't help crying.

Peng County magistrate also said in a deep mood: "The subordinates have also led the government service to fight against it, but the bandits have the Taoist law, and their men are not afraid, but they have killed the people and horses on my side to pieces."

The old squire said again, "The bandit leader was annoyed and smashed the plaque of the government, and then lifted the two pairs of stone lions in front of the door one by one and threw them fiercely in front of the door."

"The bandit leader said that if he dares to resist in the future, he must first weigh whether he can lift the stone lions."

Lu Duo suddenly realized: "No wonder you are unhappy after you just saw me. Seeing that I was a scholar, I'm afraid I can't lift the stone lion in front of the door. Everyone looked at each other, and silence was acquiescence.

At this time, Zhao Rui arranged the people and came in. He whispered to Lu Zheng, "Your Excellency, these people are scared by the thieves. It's really annoying to despise us!"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "Well, let's go with me to see if we can lift the pair of stone lions. How about it?"

Everyone was surprised to hear it. The old squire hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, that stone lion weighs more than 10,000 catties, but it's no joke."

Someone also said, "Yes, my lord. If not, we will invite a lot of money to invite the mage to subdue the bandit leader. You don't have to take this risk.

The Peng County magistrate also said to Lu Zheng, "Your Excellency, their words are reasonable. Adults don't have to do this. Think twice.

Lu Zheng deliberately said angrily, "I will say a word, and it is difficult to chase. If you don't follow me, put me in prison!"

When everyone heard this, they were immediately scared and silently and followed Lu Zheng out of the county government.

Lu Zheng pulled up the sleeve, looked back at the crowd with a smile, and calmly walked to the two stone lions.

Zhao Rui was a little worried and whispered, "Your Excellency, are you sure? In fact, there is no need to take risks.

Lu Zheng said, "Whise or not, you have to look at it to know. Just flash and look at it first."

Zhao Rui saw that he had no choice but to walk aside and watch the change.

Lu Zheng walked the Zhenyuan of Xiu's whole week, pressed his hands on the head of the stone lion, shouted gently, and raised his arms. Only the two stone lions were tightly sucked on Lu Zheng's palm and slowly left the ground.

Everyone saw it and marveled. They never thought that a scholar had such magical power.

Lu Zheng sucked the two stone lions in the palm of his hand, about a foot high and low from the ground. Suddenly, he roared, turned his palms over and turned over the feet of the two stone lions, raised his hands over his shoulders, and walked back and forth like a Thai mountain.

That year, Kun, a fellow villager, smiled with joy and said repeatedly, "Your Excellency, that's enough, that's enough. It's indeed a natural magic power!"

Lu Zheng asked with a smile, "My father-in-law, I may suppress this bandit?"

The old squire nodded and said, "I'm convinced!" A squire also said, "We have believed it. Lord, put down the stone lion quickly."

Lu Zheng listened and gently put the two stone lions on the ground. In this way, the people also felt the vibration of the ground.

Zhao Rui stepped forward happily and said, "Your excellency is so strong that I admire you very much."

Lu Zheng waved his hand and smiled, "What's worth mentioning?" After saying that, he said to everyone, "Guys, tell everyone that this bandit official has been suppressable! If you don't get rid of the thief one day, you won't leave the next day!"

Everyone was deeply moved when they heard it. This time, they applauded from the bottom of their hearts. The old squire's applause was loud outside the pavilion.

Peng County magistrate came forward and said, "Your Excellency, these thieves come irregularly. We must make a plan to convince them from the long-term."

Lu Zheng nodded and said, "Then we will all enter the county government and discuss it carefully."