Books Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 44 Mistaking into the Spider's Mouth

The next day, the front of the Yamen of Nanping County was surrounded by water, and the people of Nanping came early in the morning to watch the public trial of mountain thieves.

Peng County magistrate specially wore a brand-new official uniform and sat in the lobby. There were two rows of powerful vass standing under the hall, holding water and fire sticks and glared at a group of bandits kneeling on the ground.

In addition, several well-known squires in the county were invited to sit next to the county magistrate.

Peng County magistrate asked the master in a low voice, "Why hasn't Lord Lu come yet?" At this moment, a handyman hurriedly came and handed a letter to Peng County Magistrate and said, "Your Excellency, the Lu inspector left a letter and took the officers and soldiers of Xiaoqi Camp back to the capital."

"What?" Peng County magistrate hurriedly opened the letter and looked at it in detail. It is only written on it:

Lord Peng:

Lu has finished this matter and has to return to Beijing immediately, so he won't say goodbye to his brother. After this disaster, the people of Nanping must have a good life, comfort and recuperation. Lu decided to report to the court to reduce the corvée of Nanping County. He hoped that Peng Da would observe the people's feelings and persuade farmers to get together with his brother again!

Peng Jilang couldn't help sighing when he saw Lu Zheng's name written underneath, "Lord Lu, why didn't the people of the city leave before they could thank you?"

The elderly squire listened and hurriedly asked, "Lord Peng, who left without saying goodbye?"

Peng Jilang handed over the letter and said helplessly, "It's Lord Lu. After suppressing the bandits, he went back to Beijing early in the morning."

The elderly squire and several other squires hurriedly read the letter and said, "Lord Peng, send someone to chase back Lord Lu. We haven't thanked him face to face."

"They are all cavalry. They have gone far away now. How can they catch up?" Peng County magistrate sighed.

When the people heard that the Lu inspector had left quietly, they shouted in eight words, "I also want to see Lord Lu's respect. Why did they leave?"

"Yes, I haven't invited him to taste the wine brewed in my family."

There was an old couple inside, and the old man said with tears, "Lord Lu invited us to attend the public trial meeting last night. Why did he leave first?" What a good man!"

The Peng County magistrate patted the shocked wood and shouted, "Dear villagers, Lord Lu has quietly left for us except for this group of mountain thieves. Lord Lu said in his letter that he would naturally return to our Nanping County if there is a chance. We will thank him again at that time.

"Now that this gang of bandits are being tried by the public. Yesterday, the bandit leader has committed suicide in fear of crime. According to Lord Lu's instructions, he brought his body up and cremated it in front of everyone!"

Lu Zhengxin walked from the reeds and enjoyed the scenery on both sides while walking easily.

Zhao Rui patted his horse from behind and said with a smile, "Your Excellency, we left quietly like this. I don't know what the Peng County magistrate will think?"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "We have 500 people. You don't see that the hundreds of industries in Nanping County have withered and are extremely poor. Staying for one more day is to increase the burden on the local people. It's better to leave early and go back to Beijing to live."

In fact, another reason why Lu Zheng is eager to return to Beijing is that he wants to see Jing Yao as soon as possible. Not seeing each other for a few days, Lu Zheng has tasted the pain of lovesickness. If he hadn't led the team forward, he would have been eager to go in the air.

Zhao Rui nodded and said, "Your Excellency is reasonable, and my subordinates know it."

After walking like this for a few days, I have arrived in the capital. Lu Zheng found a yellow list on the gate, so he jumped off the mount and walked forward to watch.

The guard who was waiting for the list was a six-grade patrol envoy who came over and hurriedly bowed and said, "The villain kowtowed to the inspection envoy!"

Lu Zheng ordered the man to get up and speak. It was roughly written on the yellow list that there was a prince of Fanbang who saw the emperor and boasted that he was the most powerful magician in the Western method and wanted to compete with the most powerful man in the Central Plains. The emperor is on the list of the world. If someone can defeat the prince of Fanbang, reward thousands of yuan, give him 10,000 mu of fertile land, and add officials to the title.

Lu Zheng saw it and said to himself, "The emperor posted the imperial list. It seems that this matter is still very urgent." Then he asked the waiting guard, "Has this prince Fanbang been winning for several days in a row?"

The bodyguard nodded and said, "There are several masters of Taoism in the capital who have been defeated, and the emperor is very anxious. Therefore, he issued an edict to tell the world that he wanted to find the real cultivation master from the people to fight.

Lu Zheng shook his head and smiled, "Those masters of famous schools disdain to do this brave and fierce thing, and I'm afraid they won't go out of the mountain to relieve their worries." After saying that, he turned around and rode a horse to lead the officers and soldiers to the military headquarters.

After handing over the military charm, Lu Zheng said goodbye to Zhao Rui. Zhao Rui said shyly, "Lord Lu, you promised to teach your subordinates some Taoism, but I don't know if this is true?"

"Of course it's true!" Lu Zheng smiled and said, "In a few days, I will come to Xiaoqiying to find you. First, help you open up the meridians in your body, and then pass on a trace of naiveness, and then you can practice according to the method I taught you.

Zhao Rui listened and said excitedly, "Lord Lu, I will definitely wait for you to come." The two said goodbye and left separately.

Lu Zheng almost trotted all the way to the lieutenant's mansion, but early saw Jing Yao sitting on the horse stone boredly. Seeing Lu Zheng, he was stunned first, and then shouted, "Brother Zheng, you're back!"

After saying that, Jing Yao jumped down gently and wanted to rush to her arms. Lu Zheng saw that the guards on both sides of the lieutenant's mansion were looking sideways at him and hurriedly smiled, "Jingyao, I'll take you to a place to meet old friends. Just come with me."

reminded Jingyao that it was inconvenient to speak here, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

The two stayed away from the lieutenant's mansion and found a place that no one could see. Jingyao suddenly jumped on Lu Zheng's back and said with a smile, "Brother Zheng, I'll let you carry me on my back."

Lu Zheng smiled impatiently and said, "I came back from the expedition, not to mention the hot tea, but to let others carry you on your back. You are really cruel." He stared at no one around, recited the spell, and flew into the air to hide in the clouds.

Brother Zheng, I didn't expect you to return so soon and more triumphantly. Is this expedition going well?" Jingyao asked.

"The leader of the mountain thieves is an eagle spirit, and he killed himself after being subdued by me!" Lu Zheng said, "I intended to let him go, but he felt guilty and preferred to die, but he was blessed by misfortune. The yuan god advanced to the golden-winged roc and was already a semi-god beast."

After listening to Lu Zheng's words, Jingyao couldn't help saying, "I didn't see such a funny thing. What a pity!" He asked again, "Where are you taking me?"

"I haven't contacted Yin Bo for a few days. I know that he and Zhao Gongming are hiding in a broken temple in Chengxiao. Let's go and have a look. How about it?" Lu Zheng said.

"When you come back, you only think about others, and your thoughts are not on others at all!" Jingyao was deliberately angry.

Who said that? /" Lu Zheng smiled and said, "I carried you on my back and said that I didn't focus on you?"

The two talked and laughed and unconsciously came to the suburbs. After looking around, I really found a broken temple. Jingyao jumped from Lu Zheng's back, and the two took hands and lowered their bodies together.

There is only half a door panel left in this broken temple, creaking in the wind. Lu Zheng entered the temple and shouted loudly, "Master Yin, Mr. Zhao, we came to see you."

Jingyao was then waiting to enter the temple when she suddenly found that the temple door had disappeared and turned into a large spider web. The spider silk was as thick as chopsticks and looked extremely hard.

Jingyao was shocked and hurriedly sacrificed the "Ruyi Sword" to cut the spider web. Unexpectedly, the spider silk was extremely flexible and sticky. The Ruyi sword was wrapped in it and could not be pulled out for a while!

Brother Zheng! Come out quickly!" Jingyao shouted with hurry.

"Tut, you're still a fake brother!" A woman's voice came from the temple, "I don't eat little girls. You'd better go far away. Otherwise, even you will be clean!"