The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 30 Massacre, Shocking Storm

The forest of great fiction, the endless night. The night was very quiet, and there was no sound except for a burst of footsteps. A sickle-like new moon walked through the clouds, and the faint moonlight sprinkled on the earth. Suddenly, under such a beautiful moonlight, a sad scream destroyed such a beautiful environment.

"Hm, really, why are there so few Kilian recently? We have been looking for a long time. I don't think it's better for us to let go of the spiritual pressure. It's boring to go on like this! But Asido, you have made great progress this year!" It turned out that a big virtual attacked Chen Xiuyuan and others and was stabbed to death by Asido. Chen Xiuyuan said to Asdo faintly after seeing it.

"Indeed, the Great False Forest has been much less recently. I don't know where he has gone! However, teacher, I think it's too risky to let go of spiritual pressure. In recent days, I have always felt uneasy. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, Assado said his thoughts and uneasiness.

"It seems reasonable for you to say so, but even if there is a conspiracy, all conspiracies are futile in the face of absolute strength. Let's let go of the spiritual pressure now and let me see if there are any plots and tricks. Chen Xiuyuan said in a flat tone, and let go of his seven layers of spiritual pressure when Asidao wanted to stop it. Asido sighed when he saw it, and then let go of all his spiritual pressure.

"That's right. As my disciple, I can't look forward and backward. This mentality is fatal to the practice of martial arts, do you understand?" After seeing that Asido had no choice but to liberate his spiritual pressure, Chen Xiuyuan said calmly to Asido.

"Yes, teacher, I understand. Thank you for your suggestion, which made me abandon my cowardly mentality!" After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, Assado's heart fluctuated violently, but then he calmed down, but his eyes became extremely firm.

"Ye�, as long as you understand. But let you abandon cowardice, but don't want you to lose your calm and become arrogant. You only need to have a normal heart, so that your martial arts can go further. Chen Xiuyuan was very gratified to see Asido's current state, because in the past few days, Asido has always been absent-minded due to the problem of the reduction of Kilian. After seeing his state, Chen Xiuyuan took this opportunity to mention him. As the spiritual pressure of the two people was released, Kilian kept rushing to them.

"Hey, Asido, let's go together and kill all these groups first!" Chen Xiuyuan said to Asidio faintly, but the murderous intention in his tone could not be concealed. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, Assado answered and rushed up first. When Chen Xiuyuan saw the figure of Asido rushing first, he couldn't help saying, "Hey, this guy." Then he took the shoulder of the sword forward, and his body burst into strong spiritual pressure and hit the group of Kilian lightning before Asido. The Kili Security Department, which was hit along the way, was directly hit into a spiritual force and dissipated in the air. When Chen Xiuyuan rushed into the center of the Karian group, he quickly split a sword from the bottom up with the sword. A sharp swordmang flashed with the spirit after the death of Kilian. It was the swordsman swordsman to break the army and ascend the dragon attack. Then, Chen Xiuyuan quickly made a knife draw posture when he was killed by him in the Killian group. When the group of virtual reacted and gathered in his mouth to attack Chen Xiuyuan, a sharp sword spirit crossed by. This group of virtual were all cut in half, and then turned into spiritual power and dissipated in the air. It was the swordsmanship that drew a knife. At this time, Asido had just arrived, and Asido couldn't help but be speechless after seeing Chen Xiuyuan's war situation.

"Well, this kill is too involved. Next time I will definitely let you take action first!" Chen Xiuyuan couldn't help saying awkwardly when he saw Asido's resentful expression. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, Asado put away his resentful eyes. After a while, more Kilian felt the strong spiritual pressure here and all came here.

"Eh, I won't take action this time. Let you fight to your heart's content!" After Chen Xiuyuan felt the spiritual pressure of a large area of Kilian, he put away the god-sling army and said to Asiddo faintly. Asido just looked at Chen Xiuyuan firmly and nodded, and then pulled out his soul-killing knife and treated him solemnly. When a large number of Killian appeared in his vision, Asido liberated his soul-killing knife. "By wielding a knife, he can surpass the limit and cut off the cowardice in his heart, red steel resentment prison pills." With Asido's liberation language, Asido's originally slender soul-killing knife turned into a huge sword and a round shield. Asido held a huge sword and split a sharp sword spirit at the fierce group of Cyllian.

"Well, sure enough, the mouse is about to emerge. Just let me see what flowers you can play. I want to hide the shadow in front of me. Looking at the attacking figure of Asido, Chen Xiuyuan said secretly, but his eyes closed. After chopping out a sword spirit, Assido rushed to Killian's group and waved his sword to kill him. He saw the huge sword in his right hand constantly draw out a sharp sword spirit to destroy Killian in the distance. The shield of his left hand could always block the virtual flash shot at him in time. However, as more and more Kilian came, Assado gradually felt a little overwhelmed. Moreover, Asido felt that today's Kilian seemed to have something like the commander, constantly attacking uniformly, and the timing of the attack was well grasped. Feeling this situation, Asido quickly split a huge and sharp sword spirit, split a road and rushed out against the round shield released by the shield.

"Yo, it was found. But Asido, don't you think it's a little late to find out now? Hahahaha!" As Asado withdrew, a hoarse voice came. With the sound, Kilian collectively stopped the attack, and then a muscular Yachucas came out of it.

"Hey, Asiddo, we are going to kill you today. It's time to deal with you after letting you be free here for so long!" A four-handed Yachukas then came out and said.

"Don't you give up? Do you think you can survive with a helper? At that time, both of you will be killed by us. A green virtual came out with the sound.

"Hmm, don't talk nonsense, Kilian group, virtual attack!" The muscular Yachukas said impatiently, and immediately commanded the Kilian group to attack. Countless Kilian condensed together, and then attacked Asido and Chen Xiuyuan as a covering attack. With a roar, a huge pit appeared in the place where Chen Xiuyuan and Asido were located, and thick dust appeared. After all the dust dissipated, a red protective circle appeared in the huge pit, in which Asido and Chen Xiuyuan stood there unharmed, but Asido's face was extremely pale.

"Hm, is that such an attack? Such an attack can't hurt us. Aren't there two of you who haven't come out? Come out together. I've already felt their spiritual pressure!" After Chen Xiuyuan came out of the protective circle, he said lightly to the group of Yachukas.

"How can it be? How do you perceive it!" As soon as Chen Xiuyuan's words fell, the four-handed Yachukas asked in horror.

"Shut up, Aodu, don't you know he's cheating us, you stupid pig." As soon as the four-handed Yachukas finished speaking, the muscular Yachukas immediately continued.

"Well, since you cheated me out, you don't have to hide. Ross, come out!" The green Yachukas said in a shrill voice. As soon as the sharp voice fell, the two Yachukas also came out of the Kilian group.

"Oh, are you all here? That's just right. I don't have to find and kill you one by one. Now it's all out, so you can die. Asido, the next thing will be left to me. Just watch it by your side. Chen Xiuyuan said plainly, but his whole body exuded boundless murderous intent.

"Hmm, don't talk big. Let you see our power, Kilian group, virtual flash attack!" The muscular Yachukas said angrily and immediately controlled the sword group to use the virtual flash attack. Several other Yachukas were not willing to lag behind, and each controlled the Kilian group to launch a virtual flash to attack Chen Xiuyuan.

Chen Xiuyuan didn't seem to see the thousands of flashes, but just lowered his head and muttered to himself, "Isn't it the ultimate of martial arts that you don't succumb to the obstacles of ghosts and gods and practice your sword as always!"

When the group of Kilian shot a virtual flash together, Chen Xiuyuan raised his head abruptly and his eyes gave strong confidence. Looking at the group of big empty and coldly saying, "Extreme ghost swordsmanship, storm style." As soon as the words fell, the god-shattering army in Chen Xiuyuan's hand suddenly condensed into a ball of light, and then flew to the middle of all Kilian. When the covered virtual flash was about to attack Chen Xiuyuan, the light ball in the air split into twenty-four shining swords, twelve of which were quickly inserted around all the Kilian, and twelve floated in the air of all Kilian. When the covering virtual flash was about to reach Chen Xiuyuan's side, Chen Xiuyuan's body suddenly appeared next to one of the twelve swords in the sky, and your covering virtual flash naturally failed.

Those Yachukas felt wrong when they inserted twelve swords on the ground, because they did not seem to be bound by an inexplicable force, making them unable to escape, which is another manifestation of the storm. When they were shocked, Chen Xiuyuan picked up a sword beside him and quickly split it down. With a sharp scream, a large area of Killian was killed. Chen Xiuyuan then picked up the second sword, and then quickly split the sword into the air. Twenty-three times in a row, the Keeley Security Department here was killed, and the Yachukas were also scarred all over, leaving a breath.

Chen Xiuyuan didn't look at those Achukas. He leisurely picked up the twenty-four swords and quickly split a sword from the bottom up. A sword spirit passed by, and those Yachukas were split into spirits and dissipated in the air like dogs in front of the train. After getting the sword, he continued to fly to the edge of the sky without losing any momentum. With the last loud noise, the dark curtain over the big virtual forest was split by the sword spirit, as if it had opened up.

"Is this the real strength of the teacher? It's so powerful that it's trembling!" Asido bathed in the moonlight and looked at the huge opening that had been split in a daze.

"Okay, don't be daze. We should go quickly. If we don't go in my current state, if there is Vasto, we will explain it here. Chen Xiuyuan looked at Asido's stunned expression and said lightly. Asido gave a mechanical oh and came to his senses and followed Chen Xiuyuan to leave quickly. In the process of leaving, Chen Xiuyuan once again released a movable boundary that isolates the fluctuation of spiritual pressure.

After Chen Xiuyuan and Asido left, they were the one wearing a white windbreaker, with a necklace-like bone teeth on his chest and a soul-killing knife hanging around his waist. He came here to look with a thoughtful expression. After a while, he smiled and said loudly, "Powerful Death, I'm looking forward to fighting with you!" After saying the mystery, he left gracefully.

And Chen Xiuyuan, who has already gone, whispered to himself at this time, "I will. I'm also looking forward to fighting with you. Wait!"

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