The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 33 The Beginning of Power

In the virtual night palace, Chen Xiuyuan casually sat in the original seat of Baylegang, tilting his head and looking down at Bailegang sitting below. At this time, Chen Xiuyuan was in a bad mood. Originally, Chen Xiuyuan planned to use the strength of the Virtual Night Palace to deal with the strength of the Jinglingting nobles. But Chen Xiuyuan now took over the Xuye Palace and knew that at this time, in addition to a Vastod like Baylor, there was only one Abimala and a Yachukas left. Other big virtuals were killed by Chen Xiuyuan and made a big virtual night palace. At this time, only Chen Xiuyuan was left. Asiduo's two death and two virtuals were empty. No wonder Chen Xiuyuan's mood was so bad.

"Belle Gang, didn't you say that you used to be the king of the virtual circle? Are you a king who rules only four Yachukas and a few big virtuals? Chen Xiuyuan said to Bayler faintly, but his tone was extremely depressed.

"Well, boss, I can't be blamed for this. Originally, I was going to recruit my subordinates these days, but I haven't gone yet, and the boss is here, so." Baylor just said to Chen Xiuyuan depressedly.

"This is still my fault, Your Excellency Bayler!" Chen Xiuyuan said to Bailegang in a plain tone, but he released his sword momentum.

"Well, this is my fault. I'm going to recruit my men now!" Baylor was just crushed by Chen Xiuyuan's sword and said to Chen Xiuyuan tremblingly.

"Hmm, I don't need you to rush to recruit any subordinates now. I will assign you a task first, that is, to investigate all the big virtual activity sites above the Yachukas level as soon as possible, and then sort them out and send them to me. As for the big deficiency below the level of Yachukas, you can just look at the recruitment. Also, remember to repair this palace by the way. That's all. Go now. Chen Xiuyuan ordered faintly. After saying that, he sat in a chair and squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about. Baylor just answered, and then retreated respectfully with Abimala.

"Wow, it's really stressful to be around the boss. The situation just now made me almost think that the boss was going to kill me!" After Baylor and Abimara walked out of the inner hall, Abila breathed heavily and then calmed down and said to Baylor. Baylor just didn't say anything, but lowered his head and walked forward silently. Abmara quickly followed after seeing it.

"Teacher, why didn't you kill all the virtual people and recover them? Can you tell me why, teacher? At this time, in the hall, after Baylegang and Abimala left, Assidor respectfully asked Chen Xiuyuan about his hunger.

"Alas, Asido, what do you think of your current strength!" Chen Xiuyuan did not answer Asido's question, but asked Asido a question that didn't match.

"Yeah, although I can't compare with the teacher, I should be able to defeat Baylor at the level of Vastord now. Even if I can't kill him, there is still no problem with serious injury to him." Although Asidou wondered why Chen Xiuyuan asked him this question, he still confidently answered Chen Xiuyuan's question.

"If you return to the Jingling Court now, you have made a great contribution to the corpse soul world, and then some ambitious people think that you will threaten your interests and want to get rid of you, what will you do?" Chen Xiuyuan still said to Asido faintly.

"Ah, how can there be such a thing!" Asido did not answer Chen Xiuyuan's question, but said to Chen Xiuyuan in surprise.

"Well, will you be captured or resist to the death? If you are arrested, you will be secretly eliminated after being caught. If you resist desperately, it will be better. Kill you directly, and then give you any charge to hide the truth. Chen Xiuyuan ignored Asido's surprise, but said lightly.

"Ah, are you a teacher?" Asido understood at this time and asked Chen Xiuyuan in surprise.

"Ye, I'm a distinct Liezi. If it weren't for my eldest brother, I would have died now." Chen Xiuyuan said lightly, but at this time, his whole body was full of murder.

"Ah, how did Jinglingting become like this?" Asido said in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Anyway, that's the truth. You will know when you tell the corpse soul world. NOW THE corpse soul world has become corrupt and corrupt. Nobles can do whatever they want in Jinglingting. Some conspirators can kill someone at will for their own interests. But the poor have no rights and interests and can only become slaves of the aristocracy. Chen Xiuyuan still said plainly.

"What do you want to do, teacher!" Asi said respectfully to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Hmm, the current power class in the corpse soul world has deteriorated. I want to overthrow the current power class of the corpse soul world and create a new corpse soul world. I want to turn the corpse soul world into a society without so-called aristocracy and exploitation. As long as you have the ability here, you can have a corresponding position, but the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and those who are incompetent can also live a plain life. But to overthrow and create such a society, it is impossible with my current strength, so I want to build a strength that can overthrow the power class of the current corpse soul world. Asido, would you like to help the teacher?" Chen Xiuyuan said to Asido faintly.

"Teacher, please be sure to let me participate in this grand plan. I thought the teacher's goal was to fight for the last drop of blood." Asido said excitedly to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Okay, I knew I didn't see the wrong person. Asido, let's work together to establish a new order in the corpse soul world in the future! However, I hope you will not question the teacher's decision in the future," Chen Xiuyuan stood up from his chair and said excitedly to Asido.

"Assado will be obedient in the future. Please forgive my ignorance today." After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, Asido knelt down in shame and pleaded guilty to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Hm, get up. If I hadn't forgiven you, I wouldn't have said these words to you, but be careful in the future!" Chen Xiuyuan said faintly to Asado. At this time, Chen Xiuyuan showed a smile on the corners of his mouth that succeeded in the conspiracy, but he immediately put it away.

It has been a week since the complete recovery of Asido. For the past week, Chen Xiuyuan has taken some time to guide Asido's understanding of the rules every day. Asido has now begun to touch a corner of the power of the rules. Don't underestimate this progress. You should know that many people can't touch the power of rules in their lives, but after touching the power of rules, they can quickly reach the realm of small success.

" boss, you should know that the information has been collected. And now our virtual night palace has received a large number of big virtual palaces, and the palace has now been completely repaired. While Chen Xiuyuan was practicing with Asido, Baile just rushed in careless and shouted at Chen Xiuyuan.

"Oh, it will be fine so soon. Show me!" After Chen Xiuyuan stopped competing with Asido, he put away his sword and said to Bailegang lightly. As soon as Baylor heard Chen Xiuyuan's words, he immediately handed over the information in his hand to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Yes, it's good. It's really hard for you. You are tired after so many days. Let's go and have a rest now. Two days later, we set out to recover these Yachukas. Chen Xiuyuan looked at the information and said to Bailegang faintly. After saying that, he ignored Bailegang, but looked at the information by himself. After seeing that Chen Xiuyuan did not pay attention to his desire, Baylor returned to his residence with great interest.

Two days later, Chen Xiuyuan took Asiduo and Baylor to a place in the depths of the virtual circle. Chen Xiuyuan casually put a boundary that was isolated from spiritual pressure, and then looked at their first goal, a dark-skinned and hot-bodied Vastord, who covered his face with a high collar.

"Very good, this is Tia Herebel, right? Let's meet her!" Chen Xiuyuan said lightly and walked out of the boundary leisurely. Tia Helibel found Chen Xiuyuan as soon as he came out of the boundary, and then quickly put on an offensive posture. Chen Xiuyuan waved a sword at her carelessly, and thentia Helibel was suppressed by Chen Xiuyuan's sword momentum.

"Tia Helibel, you have two choices now. Either submit to me or be destroyed by me. Chen Xiuyuan looked at the immovable Thia Helibel and said lightly. After seeing Chen Xiuyuan's sword, Asido couldn't help saying, "The teacher's use of the sword has reached the stage of magic, and I have to continue to work hard."

"I am willing to submit." Tia Helibel said respectfully that the law of the jungle was originally the rule of the virtual circle. Chen Xiuyuan was much stronger than her, and it was not a big deal to submit to him.

"Ye, it's a wise decision. From now on, your life will usher in a new meaning, that is, to live for me! Come with me now." Chen Xiuyuan arrived faintly at Thia Helibel. After Thia Helibel answered, the group left here.

In the following week, Chen Xiuyuan once again subdued seven Vastods with strength, namely Ulchiola Sifa, Noitra Gilga, Gremjo Jaca Jack, Zomali Lulu, Sal Apollo Grandes, and Yami Rialgo. At the same time, there are several Yachukas, and in addition, a special Kilian, a Kilian with infinite evolutionary possibilities, is also subdued. Then Chen Xiuyuan took all his men to the empty night palace, appointed the seven Vastodes as the captains, and led all Yachukas and Yachukas. Chen Xiuyuan named the seven brigades Jinyiwei. Tia Helibe was her secretary. Bayler was appointed as the general manager of Jinyiwei because he was the oldest. Asiduo was Chen Xiuyuan's adjutant, and Chen Xiuyuan was the king. In this way, Chen Xiuyuan's power in the virtual circle took shape.

Although it is far from comparable to the corpse soul world now, Chen Xiuyuan has plenty of time. He believes that one day his power will surpass all the aristocratic forces in the corpse soul world.

"Thexiu Wood family, the Sifengyuan family, the Xiada Road family, and all the nobles, wait. I will go back. When I go back, it will be the beginning of your nightmare." Chen Xiuyuan sat on the highest chair in the virtual night palace, looked at the Vastod lined up below, and said psychologically.

(Readers, I'm here to ask for votes again. For the sake of Xiaosi's diligent typing every day, every reader who has read this book and vote for me! Thank you here!)

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