The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 40 Parting, Blue Dye's Departure

After the battle, the two walked towards the virtual night palace. After Chen Xiuyuan and the others walked out not far away, a figure suddenly appeared in the place where the two fought, but this person was Asido.

"I didn't expect that the teacher was so strong, much stronger than me. But the strength of the teacher's eldest brother is horrible. I didn't expect that he could defeat the teacher with a minor injury when the teacher went all out. After watching their battle, I feel that I have a new understanding of the law, and I will be able to break through the Mahayana realm and reach the Mahayana realm soon. But I have to go back quickly now. I can't let Baylor just see anything. Asido stood in place, looked at the messy battleground and muttered to himself. After saying that, he also quickly rushed to the direction where Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran left.

After Asido appeared, Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran, who had gone far away, stopped at the same time, then smiled at each other, and then walked leisurely to the Virtual Night Palace. As he walked, Lan Ran gently said to Chen Xiuyuan, "Chuyuan, you can be regarded as painstaking this disciple. You know that your disciple will sneak back to watch the battle."

"Well, I'm also his teacher. He has been with me for so long. If you can't understand what I mean, then I've taught him so much for nothing. However, he has been stuck in the realm of understanding the law for a long time, and I hope he can understand something by doing so. Chen Xiuyuan said to Lan Ran faintly, but his tone was full of relief.

"Ha ha ha, Xiuyuan, you have really grown up." Lan Ran smiled when he heard Chen Xiuyuan's words, and then said to Chen Xiuyuan faintly. Just as Chen Xiuyuan was talking to Lan Ran, Asido had already rushed over.

"Assado, you can understand something this time!" Seeing that Asiduo came, Chen Xiuyuan couldn't help asking faintly, but there was also some expectation in his tone.

"Teacher, this time I have some understanding. After about a period of time, my understanding of the power of the law can break through to the realm of Mahayana. Thank you for your painstaking cultivation. Asido will not forget the teacher's kindness!" Asido replied respectfully to Chen Xiuyuan. After listening to Asido's words, Chen Xiuyuan did not say anything else, but nodded faintly, and then slowly continued to walk in the direction of Xuye Palace. Asido followed Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran and followed them silently. After a while, the three returned to the virtual night palace, but when they walked to the door of the palace, they saw the group of Bai Legang looking at Chen Xiuyuan and others, but after seeing that Lan Ran and Chen Xiuyuan were injured, they all looked at Lan Ran in surprise. Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran also ignored them. After returning to the Virtual Night Palace, they walked to their residences. However, after Chen Xiuyuan and the others left, Baile just made a scene.

"Look, I said, the boss definitely won. You haven't seen how seriously the Lan Ran was injured than the boss. The boss only suffered a little injury to his arm and chest, while the Lan Ran was much more seriously injured than our boss. Baylor just proudly analyzed to others that after hearing Baylor's words, Neutra and Yami nodded in agreement.

"I don't think so, Bayler." Urciola made a cool voice that disagreed with Baylegang.

"What, then tell me the reason. If it's wrong, we'll have a fight." Baylor just said coldly to Ulchiola, because he felt that Ulchiola was challenging his prestige.

"Cut, when you don't see that when you walk, the boss's footsteps are obviously weak, and the momentum on our body is not as oppressive as before. Lan Ran, there is nothing wrong with him except for those serious wounds on his body, and those wounds do not affect the battle. It can be seen that this battle should be lost by Wang. Urciola showed disdain for Baylegang's provocation, and then told everyone his opinion. After saying that, he glanced at Baylegang disdainfully. Bayler was so angry with Ulchiola's eyes that he almost wanted to turn against him, but he thought that what Ulchiola said was indeed reasonable. If he did it now, it was obvious that he could not say that Urciola did it. Thinking of this, I stopped wanting to do something, but I snorted coldly at Urciola, and then thought about how to use the position to wear small shoes for him in the future. After hearing Ulchiola's words, the others nodded with approval. Even the toothmi and Neutra, who had just agreed with Baylor's statement, were better for Ulchiola's point of view, but Baylor just stared at it and was marinated again.

"I'm not interested in the result of the battle between Wang and Lan Ran, because no matter who lost, they still have the strength to kill us in seconds. What I'm interested in is why Asido, who was one step ahead of us, came back with the king who finished the battle!" Graham said coldly.

"Oh, that's because Asido secretly watched the battle between Wang and Lan Ran without telling us. No wonder Asido looked thoughtful when he came back. It seems that the battle must have given him a lot of understanding." Sal Apollo stopped Gremjo's words and said faintly.

"It seems that this is true, but why did the king and Lord Lanran, who can surpass the king, let him watch it?" Zomali said in surprise.

"Well, can't you see that Wang intends to cultivate Asido? But Wang is really biased. Why don't we also watch it? Otherwise, we can understand and understand the mysterious power of Wang!" Graham said dissatisfiedly, and the others agreed after hearing Graham's words, even Baylor. After seeing this situation, Graham smiled at the corners of his mouth, but soon put it away. Ulchiola happened to see Grimjo's smile, but did not say anything, but distanced himself from them. When Hao Libel saw it, he also retreated with Urciola. Sure enough, as soon as Urchiola retreated, there was a cold hum from the sky of Gremcho, and at the same time, there was a huge pressure around him, which immediately pressed them to the ground. In this case, Sal Apollo immediately began to beg for mercy, and others also begged for mercy. At this time, the pressure around slowly dissipated. At the same time, Chen Xiuyuan's words came from the air, "Don't let me find that there is another time. Well, do whatever you should do now!"

Sal Apollo and others dared to get up after hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, and then left one by one. Ulchiola and Hao Libel also left, but a trace of resentment and fear flashed in Gremjo's eyes, but he quickly recovered and walked to his residence without looking back.

"Well, you are just running dogs under me. If you hadn't been useful at present, I would have killed you now. It seems that Ulchiola and Hao Libel are still safe at present, and they should also consider whether to cultivate them in the future. At this time, Chen Xiuyuan, who sat cross-legged in the room, suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

"However, this test has benefited me a lot. I have come into contact with the bottleneck of using the law to achieve great perfection. I believe that it will not be long before my sword will reach the realm of great perfection." Chen Xiuyuan still sat there meditating, and then closed his eyes again.

"Is this your limit, Chen Xiuyuan? But why do I still feel that you still have cards that have not come out, but I already know almost your strength. Even if there are still cards, I can't make any waves, so that I can determine the layout in the future. You have achieved perfection in swordsmanship, ghost road and instant walking, but will you still be as vulnerable as before? I'm really looking forward to it. At this time, in Lan Ran's room, Lan Ran was lying in **'s heart thinking secretly, not a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were unusually calm.

"It seems that today's events must have made those big virtual people dissatisfied. For the sake of the teacher's great career, it seems that I have to explain it to them tomorrow. However, explanation alone is not enough. It seems that we can only teach them the method summarized by the teacher to understand the power of the first-level law. However, Lan Ran's power is really strong. Even the teacher is far from his opponent. I don't know if this person will hinder the teacher's career. It seems that I have to further strengthen my strength, otherwise I will not be able to help the teacher in the future. At this time, Asido also sat cross-legged in his room quietly thinking and planning.

One night in Chen Xiuyuan's plan. The next morning, Asador came to Chen Xiuyuan's room and discussed with Chen Xiuyuan for a long time, and then the two walked to the conference hall together. When they came to the conference hall to fly, they saw Lan Ran saying this under Chen Xiuyuan's group, but Ulchiola and Hao Libel ignored Lan Ran. When they saw Chen Xiuyuan coming, they immediately returned to their respective positions, while Lan Ran nodded to Chen Xiuyuan and sat next to Chen Xiuyuan.

Chen Xiuyuan looked at Lan Ran faintly and nodded to him. Then he looked at those men faintly and said, "What's the matter today? If not, I'll say a few things and then break up!"

Those people were silent one by one, and then Baylor just took the lead and said to Chen Xiuyuan, "No, boss. If you have anything to tell me, just tell me. We will definitely do it for you.

"Ye, considering that your current strength is too poor, I decided to teach you how to understand the power of the law, that is, the power I used to defeat you." Chen Xiuyuan said lightly to those men. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, those people were so excited that they could finally learn the mysterious and powerful power of Wang, which was the common aspiration of all of them.

"Well, in the future, I will ask Asido to guide you on the understanding of the power of the law. Do you have any comments?" Chen Xiuyuan looked at his subordinates with excitement and said casually. Originally, Gramjo and several people were still dissatisfied with Professor Asito, because they didn't think that Asito was better than them, but after being suppressed by Asito, who was signaled by Chen Xiuyuan, with the power of law, no one had any objection.

"Okay, since there is no problem, then you can break up!" Chen Xiuyuan lightly ordered that after hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, they all left with Asido.

After Lan Ran and everyone left, he gently said to Chen Xiuyuan, "Chuyuan has been disturbed here for so long. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the corpse soul world, I should also go back, and there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the corpse soul world."

"Oh, well, don't stay for a few more days. I still want to play a few games with my eldest brother!" After hearing Lan Ran's words, Chen Xiuyuan said faintly.

"No, after all, for the collapse of jade, I have to stay in the corpse soul world to continue planning! All right, that's it. I'll go back first!" Lan Ran gently refused, and Chen Xiuyuan did not retain it after hearing it. He watched Lan Ran leave faintly.

Chen Xiuyuan looked at Lan Ran's departure back faintly, but there was a trace of remembrance, sadness and helplessness in his eyes. Finally, Lan Ran disappeared into Chen Xiuyuan's complex eyes.

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