The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 67 Practical Lesson

Under the scorching sun, a group of students stood listlessly, waiting for their teachers to test them. Originally, after a morning of bombardment of ghost theory, they are very excited to come out now. But after nearly two hours in the hot sun, even if you have energy, you will become listless. By this time, their impression of their teacher had almost fallen to the lowest point.

"Mito Ram, do you think the teacher forgot to go to class today? Otherwise, why haven't you come yet, and yesterday you told us not to eat too much at noon today. I don't know what it means!" A long-haired girl quietly asked the refined short-haired girl next to her, and gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with her hand.

"Ye�, the teacher will definitely come today. The reason why it is not a test for us now is that as long as we pass the test, the teacher will teach us his real swordsmanship. You know, the teacher's swordsmanship is recognized as the strongest in the corpse soul world. The short-haired girl said seriously to the long-haired girl next to her. But even when he speaks, he stands straight there.

After hearing the words of the short-haired girl, the long-haired girl looked at her admiringly, and then stood there seriously with the short-haired girl. Several students next to him obviously heard their conversation, but they disdained their conversation. After looking at them with a look at fools, one of them left the team decisively and went to a shaded place and lay there leisurely to rest. This guy is indeed a noble son. He has always hated Chen Xiuyuan, but now he doesn't like him. After seeing a leader, other students also went to the shade one after another to rest. After a while, only a dozen scattered people were still standing in the neat team, including Muto Ram and the long-haired girl Sora Aoi. However, it is worth mentioning that they all stand very seriously.

Just when more than a dozen people were about to stand up, a white-haired man came over leisurely in the distance, but this person was Chen Xiuyuan. The dozen students were also relieved, and several of them immediately relaxed and sat down on the ground. When Chen Xiuyuan came over, he was very happy to see that many people could insist on standing here, but when he came over and immediately saw several people sitting down, his face immediately cooled down, and a strange smile was pulled out at the corners of his mouth.

After the students who had just sat down saw Chen Xiuyuan's strange smile, they immediately got scared like burning their buttocks and quickly stood up again. After seeing this, although Chen Xiuyuan had no expression on his face, he still felt that these students were still worth cultivating, but he still had to beat them. At this time, after the students resting in the shade next to him saw Chen Xiuyuan coming, they also stood over one after another.

Chen Xiuyuan still had a strange smile on his face and looked at the group of students who had just rested, but he secretly classified this group of students as a group of people with no future. Chen Xiuyuan would not care about those guys in the future.

"Ye, because I stayed up late last night to prepare a teaching plan for you, so I got up a little late today. Well, without further ado, let's start testing your swordsmanship. Chen Xiuyuan looked at the group of students and said lightly. After saying that, he casually picked up a shallow fight on the training ground.

"Okay, let's go together. I don't want to waste my time here anymore! Remember, I won't use more than three seats to oppress you!" Chen Xiuyuan pointed to the group of students and said to them faintly. When the students saw that Chen Xiuyuan despised them so much, they couldn't help but be furious, even Muteng Ram.

Muteng Ram seriously pulled out the soul-killing knife at his waist and lined up the students in front of him and walked to Chen Xiuyuan's side. After respectfully saluteing Chen Xiuyuan, he immediately cut Chen Xiuyuan quickly. Chen Xiuyuan did not see this seemingly powerful sword, but just took a step back casually, then turned slightly to the left side, and then stabbed a sword with the right sword, but the sword stopped two centimeters in the middle of Muteng Ram's eyebrows. When Mudo Ram came to his senses, his face immediately turned pale, and his forehead was constantly sweating coldly. She didn't expect that Chen Xiuyuan could decide her life and death with just a random sword.

"I told you, you'd better do it together. Otherwise, none of you can make a move in my hand!" Chen Xiuyuan withdrew the shallow beating that stopped between Muteng Ram's eyebrows, looked at the group of students below calmly and said lightly. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's voice, the group of students came back to their senses from the amazing sword. Then you look at me, I look at you, and then after pulling out their soul knives together, they rushed to Chen Xiuyuan. However, Muto Ram did not move, just stood there in silence, as if he had realized something.

After Chen Xiuyuan glanced at Muto Ram casually, he didn't look at her. Lazily looking at the chaos of the group of students rushing over, he smiled disdainfully. After that, a shallow hit also appeared on the white hand of the left hand, which was just formed by light. After that, Chen Xiuyuan casually walked into the circle of the students, and then walked back and forth among the group of students with swords in both hands. It's just that this is a dance full of blood. Under Chen Xiuyuan's dance-like attack, students are constantly cut by Chen Xiuyuan's sword, and then spray blood and fly out of the circle. However, there are no serious scars, just a deep wound on the chest. After a while, only two people were still standing on the whole training ground. One was naturally Chen Xiuyuan, and he stood there without a trace of scars all over his body. The other is Muteng Ram, but at this time, she looked at Chen Xiuyuan with a kind of pervert who saw the beauty, the martial arts secrets, and the hungry man saw the delicious food, but Chen Xiuyuan still ignored her meaning.

"Tut, I can't find any adjectives to describe your swordsmanship. I really don't know how you usually take the chopping class. Some people don't even master the most basic method of holding swords. It seems that I have to teach you from the most basic place!" Chen Xiuyuan looked at the group of students and said helplessly. After hearing Chen Xiuyuan's words, the group of students also went down with shame. So many people besieged Chen Xiuyuan. In the end, not only were they defeated, but they had not only met a corner of their clothes, which made them not help but be ashamed.

Then, Chen Xiuyuan taught the most basic swordsmanship. Since Chen Xiuyuan has obtained a complete swordsman inheritance, it can be said that his mastery of the sword has exceeded everyone else. Chen Xiuyuan taught them how to master the sword, how to use the sword, and how to perceive the sword, which are the most basic things with sword. An afternoon passed among Chen Xiuyuan's professor, but the group of students were intoxicated and were not as boring as the previous theoretical class. Until Chen Xiuyuan finished this lesson, they were still intoxicated with the swordsmanship taught by Chen Xiuyuan.

"Well, that's all for today's class. Tomorrow is the ghost walk class. If you want to learn it, you can come and listen to it. Well, you can go back now." Chen Xiuyuan looked at the students and said lightly. After saying that, he left the training ground without looking back.

(Due to the New Year, the recent update cannot be so continuous. I couldn't update it yesterday and the day before yesterday. Please forgive me!)