The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 80 Conspiracy to Collapse 1

On the day when the rice leaf family was exterminated, in a brightly lit building to the east of Jingling Garden, some high-ranking people kept walking into a luxurious mansion. As if they were familiar with this place, they went straight to one of the luxurious halls after entering the mansion.

"What the hell is going on? Why did Room 46 order the destruction of the rice leaf family! Are the people in Room 46 crazy? I think we should consider changing a batch of members in Room 46!" In a luxurious hall of Jinglingting, a rich middle-aged man said lightly to the others present.

"Ye�, this is a problem. I think Room 46 may want to get out of our control. They should have lost in that false right!" After the people in the hall were silent for a long time, a thin-faced old man said calmly to the others.

"I think there should be some problems, all of which are as planned in advance. As soon as the Inaba family was imprisoned, they immediately found iron evidence and were exterminated before we could react. At this time, an old man with a scarf around his neck continued.

"What else can be wrong with this, that is, Room 46 doesn't want to be controlled by us anymore. They want to break away from the power of our nobles! We can't give them dividends like this anymore. We should replace these old and immortals and then form new parliamentarians. The rich middle-aged man who first spoke immediately answered after hearing the words of the scarf old man.

"This matter is very important. We can't make a decision so hastily. We still need to think about it. I suspect that this is a complete set. This matter has absolutely something to do with Chen Xiuyuan, but I don't know why the people in Room 46 will help him. After hearing the rich middle-aged man's words, the scarf old man said to himself slowly.

"Is this unknown? The group of bastards in Room 46 are going to remove one of our families with the help of Chen Xiuyuan's hand, and then slowly plotting our other families. They are going to slowly nibble us away, and then their power will completely destroy us when they surpass us. We can't wait so passively anymore. We should fight back!" A tough old man said resolutely after hearing the scarf old man's words. After saying that, he glanced at the other members sharply, as if waiting for their statement.

"Then shall we deal with Chen Xiuyuan first, or shall we deal with Room 46 first?" Under the fierce eyes of the old man, a young man said weakly.

"Okay, that's it. Let's deal with Room 46 first. Chen Xiuyuan is just a powerful person. Even if he is strong, he is just a person. We can't pose much threat, so we don't need to pay attention to him for the time being. The scarf old man said lightly after hearing his relatives speak that year.

After saying that, other people agreed with the old scarf, and then they began to discuss how to deal with Room 46. After dawn, they walked out of the gorgeous mansion one by one with a tired look. Such a quiet court has been so calm for half a month, but under this calm demonstration, the undercurrent is surging secretly.

Let's talk about Chen Xiuyuan, it has been half a month since the last time the rice leaf family was exterminated. In the past half month, Chen Xiuyuan has been comfortable. Every day, he either accompanies Matsumoto Ranju or guides the 24 students who have graduated, or find Rukiya. Chat with Momo. However, Chen Xiuyuan felt very strange that those nobles had rarely bothered him in the past half month. It's not that Chen Xiuyuan is cheap, and he is not happy that no one provokes him, but that the destruction of the rice leaf family has an obvious relationship with him, but the group of nobles has no intention of destroying him at all. He doesn't think those nobles are afraid of him. He feels that the nobles are preparing for some big event recently.

"Hey, what the hell, the soldiers will come to cover the water. I don't know when the plan to seize the collapse of jade began. Lan Ran said that the key to the collapse of the jade lies in the body of the rotten wood Lucia, so does Urahara Xisuke want to wait for the collapse of the jade through her to stay in the corpse world!" Chen Xiuyuan, who just sent Matsumoto Ranju to the tenth team, was thinking secretly on the way back.

"Good morning, Brother Xiuyuan!" Just as Chen Xiuyuan was meditating on the road, a female voice came from the front. He looked up, but Ruqi Shiran came over.

"Good morning, Rukia. Early morning, where are you going?" After seeing that it was Rukia, Chen Xiuyuan's expression immediately became gentle. Looking at Rukia's hurried appearance, he couldn't help asking with concern.

"Yewell, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going on a mission right now." After hearing the culture that Chen Xiuyuan cared about, Ruqia blushed and said to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Oh, well, then be careful. Are you going alone? Why don't I see you off? Chen Xiuyuan looked at Rukia's red face and said faintly.

Rukia naturally agreed, and then the two walked on the way to the border gate with a smile. After a while, the two came near the border gate. Then after showing the procedures to the god who guarded the gate, Rukia walked in.

"Hey, will you really be the key person who seeks to collapse jade as Brother Lan Ran said?" Looking at Rukia, the rotten wood that gradually disappeared in the boundary gate, Chen Xiuyuan said to himself faintly.

After that, Chen Xiuyuan left here and wandered aimlessly on the street of Jinglingting. Looking at the busy figures on the street, he suddenly became confused. He doesn't know whether his ideal is right or wrong. If he really succeeds in destroying the jade and turning all his men into broken faces and masked faces, he will definitely be able to attack the corpse soul world. But after that, the civilians in the corpse soul world suffered from war and then became difficult to live in.

Although the nobles in the corpse soul world are not things, it's nothing to do with civilians. It's okay to overthrow that group of nobles, but in case they fail. Not only those who revolted with him will have a good end, but also the remaining civilians will be sanctioned by the nobles because of this matter.

"Well, whether those civilians are dead or alive. People are not killed for themselves. The reason why you are enslaved by nobles is that you are not determined to resist. I just made a choice for you. If you succeed, you can get a heavenly life. If you fail, you can go to hell with me!" Chen Xiuyuan, who was originally confused, suddenly stopped, and then his eyes became unprecedentedly identified, muttering to himself in an unwavering tone.

After saying that, Chen Xiuyuan seemed to be relaxed, and he felt that his control of his spiritual power had become more convenient. After feeling his own change, Chen Xiuyuan laughed confidently, and then immediately disappeared strangely, and then appeared in Lan Ran's office.

"Brother Lan Ran, Ruchia has left the corpse soul world, so can the plan to seize the jade begin?" After Chen Xiuyuan came here, he calmly asked Lan Ran.

"Ye, the plan has begun today. However, I don't know what's wrong with those nobles recently, and they keep proposing to change the members of Room 46, which makes me very distressed. By the way, your strength has improved again, Xiuyuan. Lan Ran seemed to be no surprise to Chen Xiuyuan's appearance, and still said gently to Chen Xiuyuan.

"Ye�, I just figured out something. But as long as the plan starts, then my plan will also begin to be implemented. Regarding that group of nobles, Brother Lan Ran, you have been dealing with it for a period of time. Then, I'll decorate it first." After hearing Lan Ran's words, Chen Xiuyuan said to Lan Ran faintly. After saying that, a ghost walked away from here.

When Chen Xiuyuan appeared here, he had already appeared in the largest mansion in Liuhun Street. Then he found Asido and Stark, and then the three began to discuss. During the discussion, the sun had set unconsciously. Chen Xiuyuan looked at the sky, said something to Stark and Asido, and then left here strangely.