The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 84 Conspiracy to Collapse 5

Chen Xiuyuan looked coldly at the back of Sifengyuan's departure at night, and his whole body was murderous. He held the sword several times and wanted to split in that direction, but he still didn't do it in the end. It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that it's getting closer and closer to the time to collapse the jade, and he doesn't think of any accident. Suddenly, Chen Xiuyuan seemed to feel something, and the murderous spirit all over his body immediately converged. After Chen Xiuyuan's murderous spirit converged, three figures appeared in Chen Xiuyuan's sight. These three people are broken bees, rotten wood Baizai and Hibaya winter lions

Chen Xiuyuan looked blankly at the three people who came quickly, and the three also looked at Chen Xiuyuan silently. Neither side spoke and wanted to wait for the other party to speak first. However, when the two sides were silent, Shimaru Yin left here in an instant after saying that he was bored.

"Mr. Chen Xiuyuan, please explain this matter." The broken bee looked at Chen Xiuyuan with no expression and said coldly to Chen Xiuyuan.

Chen Xiuyuan looked at her disdainfully, and then disappeared strangely and didn't pay any attention to her at all. Looking at the place where Chen Xiuyuan left, he trembled all over, and then pulled out his knife and stabbed a piece of open land fiercely before leaving here with hatred. After seeing this situation, Shiya Kuki and Hibaya Dongshiro also left here without saying a word. Suddenly, the East Gate, which had been fighting fiercely, calmed down.

"Wow, they finally left, but they scared me to death. They are all tough and ridiculous." Shortly after everyone left, a huge figure appeared at the door of the East Gate. The giant looked at the ground affected by Chen Xiuyuan's battle at night, looked at the traces of the angry knife of the broken bee, and said to himself with lingering lingering heart.

Speaking of the cold war on Chen Xiuyuan's side, it is said that after leaving here with a blonde teenager at night, he returned to the store of Urahara with the blonde teenager with the artifact of Sifeng Yuan's house. Urahara Kisuke looked at the seriously injured blonde teenager. After looking at Sifengyuan Yeyi, he probably guessed what had happened.

"Yo, Yeyi, who did you meet to make you so embarrassed?" Looking at the blonde teenager who had fainted, Urahara Kisuke said to Sifengyuan Yeyi with a smile.

"Ye�, I met Chen Xiuyuan. That guy's strength has become stronger, and now you are unlikely to defeat him. I don't know why he wants to get Bangyu so much, in order to cooperate with Lan Ran in order to get Bangyu. Sifengyuan Yeyi ignored the smiling Urahara Kisuke. After giving a simple treatment to the blonde teenager, he said seriously to Urahara Kisuke.

"It's very simple to know why Chen Xiuyuan is so eager to get the collapse of jade. As long as you think about Chen Xiuyuan's experience in the corpse soul world, and think about the attitude of your nobles towards Chen Xiuyuan, you can conclude that Chen Xiuyuan wants to destroy all the nobles. Maybe he is more ambitious, but the destruction of the aristocracy is absolute. Urahara Kisuke looked at the serious four maple courtyard night one and said to her faintly. After saying that, he also looked at the night of Sifengyuan with a solemn face, as if he were taking her to make some decision.

"Ye�, Lan Ran won't give Bangyu to Chen Xiuyuan so easily, because he also needs Bangyu. So at present, as long as you help a family to save Rukia, let Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran grab the matter of the collapse of jade. As soon as Sifengyuan looked at the rare serious expression of Urahara Kisuke, she said faintly to Urahara Kisuke, as if the survival of the nobles had nothing to do with her.

"Well, that's good. Wake up a household first." Urahara Kisuke looked at Sifengyuan Yeyi, who seemed to have put everything down, and immediately relieved and said to the unconscious blonde teenager with a smile.

As he picked up a glass of water, it was like a blonde teenager's face. The blonde teenager was washed by cold water and immediately woke up. After waking up, the teenager immediately stood up, picked up the pig-killing knife and looked around alertly. However, when he saw Urahara Kisuke and Sifengyuan at night, he immediately relaxed, and then collapsed on the ground with a deflated ball.

"Did you lose confidence because you lost to the white-haired young man? In fact, you don't have to be like this. His ability to have today's strength is also the reason why he has practiced for more than 100 years, and how long have you practiced until now? Therefore, if you master the solution, you will have the strength to fight against him. Looking at the frustrated blonde teenager, one of their mouths, Urahara Kisuke said to him with a smile.

"Scorpion, what's the matter?" A household looked at Urahara Yoshisuke with a puzzled face and asked puzzledly.

"After the first stage of liberation of the soul-killing knife, the liberation form of the second stage of the soul-killing knife is called the��jie. It requires the specificization and submission of the body of the soul-killing knife. The��jie is the "final form" of the soul-killing knife, that is to say, the wanjie is a high-level liberation of the knife. After this liberation, the ability of the knife will be more thorough and comprehensively exerted. Generally speaking, the soul-killing knife after the solution can make death gain 5-10 times the power of the soul-killing knife in the initial solution state. The solution is also one of the necessary conditions for Death to become the captain of the 13th team of the court," Urahara Kisuke looked at the doubtful expression of a household and explained in detail to the family.

"Oh, that's it. So, can you solve it, the store manager?" One family understood, and then asked Urahara Kisuke.

"Ha ha, how can a handsome businessman like me solve it~~~ If you want to learn how to solve it, you can ask Ye Yi for help." After hearing the question of a household, Kisuke Urahara immediately covered his lower half of his face with a fan in his hand and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it. Then please ask Miss Yeyi to guide me to practice, please." After hearing the words of Urahara Kisuke, one family immediately sincerely asked Yeyi.

"Are you sure that you want to learn how to solve Rukia before she is executed, but she has to risk her life? Are you really sure you did it?" Ye Yi looked at the family with a sincere face and said to him in a serious tone.

After hearing this, the household did not say anything, but nodded firmly. Ye Yi looked at the family with a firm face, sighed helplessly, and then took him into the space made by Urahara Kisuke. Entering this space, he secretly swore in his heart, "Ruccia, wait for me, I'll save you later."

Not to mention the determination of a family to become an adult, Chen Xiuyuan in the corpse soul world keeps receiving news about the disaster. Chen Xiuyuan, who looked at the news, just smiled faintly and didn't care about those travel disasters at all, because Chen Xiuyuan learned that the strength of those travel disasters could not have any impact on his plan at all, so he was too lazy to pay attention to those travel disasters.

So, after six days in Chen Xiuyuan's thought calm and comfortable days, today is the day of the execution of Rukia, and it is also the most critical day for Chen Xiuyuan and Lan Ran to seize the jade.