su tidbits late

072 Deep Lane

Isn't it Su Xingqi standing a few feet away in front of him?

In the twelfth lunar month, the snow on the roof did not melt clean, and the cold wind made the dry branches creak, and from time to time, dead branches suddenly broke in mid-air and fell on the snow. In such a season, he suddenly saw Su Xingqi loosely covered with a black and thick shirt, which made Yunqing cold and excited, and subconsciously reached out to protect Yun Mei behind him.

Su Xingqi's eyes were quiet and deep, staring at Yunqing's behavior, and quietly burst into a deep smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Say hello to Miss Pei."

Yunqing frowned secretly.

If Su Xingqi beats and scolds loudly like a scoundrel, I'm afraid Yunqing won't pay attention to him. But now Su Xingqi's eyes standing in front of her have no sarcasm, no hatred, no fear, only as calm as a lake. The more so, the more cautious Yunqing has to be.

"So Master Su came to see me?" Yunqing quietly pushed Yun Mei back half a step and said with a smile, "Master Su is well."

Su Xingxuan stared at Yunqing's behavior, but did not press it step by step, but stood two steps away and said, "Miss Pei is also well. I take the liberty to disturb Miss Pei. I hope you won't be surprised. It's just that I dreamed at midnight that there was a very luxurious lantern workshop. A big word 'Su' was written on the round red light outside the door. I have seen more than a hundred lantern workshops since I was a child, and there is nothing more magnificent than this. I was so happy that I hurriedly opened the door and went in. Miss guess what? It turned out to be my Su Ji! In the middle of the hall is the ingenious 'Jiufeng Return to the Nest', and Su Ji's most brilliant Baijie lantern is hanging on the Baijie flower hall. In the backyard, there was a pile of freshly cut green bamboo. Several old craftsmen were steaming and killing the bamboo. Several primary school apprentices followed the master to split the green bamboo into thin bamboo strips, tearing and tearing again. It was really much better than the sound of the piano outside. What I miss is to order people to carry the bamboo basket upstairs and ask our Master Qian to tie it into a lantern shelf. At a glance, Master Qian has already tied a full room, some round, some square, hexagonal, octagonal, twelve-angle, and all kinds of fish-shaped, tiger-shaped and dragon-shaped. I'm really happy. , quickly called Sun Cheng and said, send it to painter Pei quickly. Don't let painter Pei wait for a long time... But guess what?"

Yun Mei grasped Yunqing's arm tightly, but even if Yun Mei didn't remind Yun Qing to know that Su Xingqi just changed his mind at all, he was more like he was unconscious. Su Xingqi defeated Su Ji. Why did he suddenly seem to be able to live without Su Ji? But what Yunqing dared not think deeply is that Su Xingqi remembers every detail, so how much does he hate her?

"So what's the matter?" Yunqing answered and calculated quickly. Pei's house is originally built in a remote area. At this moment, it is a cold winter, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. And the house is very big, with few servants, and they are all busy near the end of the year. I'm afraid that Yunqing shouted for help, and I'm afraid no one can hear it inside or outside. However, I knew that Mrs. Pei and Pei Du, the housekeeper of the Pei family, just came out to see her off, and the time was still outside the door. If Yun Mei can beg for a beg, the Pei family has no reason to stand by.

But I heard Su Xingqi sigh and said, "Oh, it's true... I knocked on the door of the studio and saw my second mother Liu and my sister Xiaoer. Pei painter took a knife on my sister's neck and said, Su Xingyi, hand over Su Ji, give Su Ji to me, and I let your sister go. Sister. My sister is less than ten years old, with a slender and pink neck, which makes a blood mark when your hand is crooked. The bright red blood is like a red line across the collarbone and dripping into the pink shirt. My sister cried and begged me, saying, "Brother, save me quickly, please help me..."

Yunqing became more and more scared. Su Xingqi is crazy at all. If it is because of the collapse of Su Ji and Yunqing's intervention, it is not surprising that he has come to trouble Yunqing now, but he still has the face to mention her sister little bird! He doesn't remember who drove the little sparrow into a desperate situation?

But it can't be delayed any more. If Su Xingyi says more, Yun Mei will be more dangerous.

"It's just a nightmare!" Yunqing smiled and said, "So is Master Su. If you miss the past, you can find a few familiar guys to sit down and chat. It's Su Ji. Although he is not surnamed Su now, the pattern in it has not changed at all. If Master Su wants to return to Su Ji again, Sun Dong's family is also a nostalgic person and will not refuse to agree.

Su Xingqi really woke up like a dream. He looked at Yunqing slightly and lowered his head and sighed, "It's really nostalgic!" Finally, he raised his head, stared at Yun Qing's face, grinned and said, "So I miss Miss Pei very much."

Yun Mei exclaimed in a low voice, and the hand holding Yunqing's shoulder began to tremble slightly. Yunqing calmed down and tried to make his tone sound unhurden and said, "If that's the case, it's very boring to let others disturb."

Su Xingqi only stared at Yunqing before. Hearing Yunqing say so, his eyes slightly turned to Yun Mei. Yun Qing sighed "bad" for fear that saying something wrong would involve Yun Mei. Unexpectedly, Su Xingxuan stared at Yun Mei for a long time, and then gradually smiled unfathomablely. Finally, he raised his hand and said, "This one? Please."

Yunqing was immediately shocked and turned to joy. Before he had time to think about it, he quickly turned back and pushed Yun Mei and whispered, "Go!"

As soon as Yun Mei turned around, before he could say anything, he heard Yunqing say in a hurry, "Let's go first!"

Yun Mei knew the meaning of her words and immediately ran out of the alley in a panic. Sure enough, she saw Mrs. Pei's pale face and the housekeeper Pei bowed down. The two were about to turn around and enter the door.

As soon as Yun Mei's figure disappeared, Su Xing's look suddenly changed. He grabbed Yun Qing's shoulder and covered her mouth with the other hand and dragged her to the other side of the alley. Yunqing was thin and small, and Yun Mei lost his guard when he left. Naturally, he was useless to struggle. Su Xingqi listened to her "woo" and looked calmer and calmer, as if he had jumped out of the magic and recovered to the gloomy face he had seen before, eager to kill Yunqing.

Half of the alley, Yun Mei still hasn't come back. Turning further to the right is a small alley. When you enter it, there are crisscrossed streets and houses. It is difficult for Yunqing to remember the road and Yun Mei to catch it. However, after approaching, Su Xingqi did not turn in directly, but whistled and summoned a strong man who had been waiting here all morning.

Su Xingxuan let go of his hand and quietly looked at Yunqing being blocked by a strong man with a veil and tied his hands and feet with a hemp rope. His voice said calmly, "Ex'd you, take it to the flower building!"

The strong man specially took off Yunqing's cloak when he tied it up. When it was tied tightly, he put on the cloak and put on his hat to lower her head. Then he put his shoulder in one hand and hurried away. Yunqing clearly separated his feet from the ground, but his cloak was dragged to the ground, looking like a strong man holding himself and moving forward together. This strong man didn't say a word and did a sharp job, which made Yunqing frightened. But she didn't have time to think about anything else and only thought about the name--

Flower Building!

I've heard it clearly!

Flower Building, Flower Building, Flower Building! She has definitely heard of it, but she can't remember it at the moment of emergency! The strong man dragged her all the way out of the alley, and Su Xingqi walked side by side beside her. The three hurried by. Although she struggled hard, her hood was too low and she was walking around, so it only attracted curious eyes at most, and no one came to ask questions along the way.

"What did Master Zhen say?"

It turned out to be Su Xingqi who spoke. Yun Qing was stunned and understood that this was asking the strong man.

"The eighth master is very angry," said the strong man, "Xiao Yaohong is not an ordinary girl. There are more than a hundred girls in the flower building, but the shaking red and splashing green are the eighth master's personal **. In a year, they haven't been with the eighth master. They are the people at the tip of the eighth master's heart. Master Su, you fell in love with Xiao Yaohong, which is the blessing of Xiao Yaohong, but the eighth master said that he wanted to give it to you, but you refused it as Xiao Yaohong's face. Not to mention that Xiao Yaohong can't hang that face, the eighth master also believes that you are ignorant of praise.

Yunqing's whole body suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The flowerhouse... The flowerhouse is clearly--

Blue House!