su tidbits late

025 nonsense

Wait for the doctor to diagnose and treat Xiaoping and say that it was fine, Yun Qingfang went to the old lady's room. Just entering the yard, I saw that it was full of people, and even the corridor eaves were full of flowers, and they were anxious and nervous. Huang Kanla knelt on the green brick floor in the middle of the yard, and there was a pool of water beside her. She thought she had been sobered up. Now she was frightened, and she kept kowtodding her begging for mercy. After skimming Huang Kanpo, I saw a complete set of mahogany tables and chairs in the open courtyard. The old lady sat in the upper position, and the second seat was empty, which was originally reserved for the person in charge. Then according to the superiority and inferiority, there are the eldest wife Ruan, the second wife Hong, the third aunt Mu Jiusi, the second grandmother Kong Xiuzhu, the second aunt Liu, the second girl, the third girl Feng Yuehua, and the fourth girl Feng Yuehua. Behind each of them stands the housekeeper. In the old lady's room is the big maid Soft Creek, and the rest are mud melting, red frost, Ziling, Pear fragrance, Hunan curtain, appanthia, fuller, small zhui. Yunqing has dealt a lot with the housekeepers since she was in charge of the family. Now, whether she is a master or a maid, she has already figured out her temper. Because she knows that there are a few things that are not easy to pass, she is not surprised by many people. When she entered the door, she smiled and said, "I'm a step late and let the ancestors and wives wait for a long time."

He glanced at the servants and couldn't help laughing and said, "For goodly, it was half a quarter of an hour, and now it has never exceeded this time limit. Finally, it has not violated the rules!"

Kong Xiuzhu nodded and said, "Yes, the rules are the rules."

But I heard Ruan's concern and asked, "How is the girl in the embroidered house now? What did the doctor say?

Yunqing turned around and looked at Huang Kanpo, which made her trembling. Fang Guaner smiled and replied, "I was stunned and immediately unconscious. If the doctor hadn't come in time and been a stable and knowledgeable person, it's hard to guarantee that the girl would have saved her life! That girl is not a family son. She is just doing things for us. If she serves her master well, she can also lose her life. How can I tell her parents? If it spreads out, what do you think of our Mu family outside?"

In this way, everyone knows Yunqing's thoughts and is involved in the reputation of the Mu family. Naturally, no one jumped out to plead for Huang Kanpo. Huang Kanpo just woke up from the chaos and was stunned by the battle in front of her. Although she had been trembling to plead for mercy, the reason was not clear. Now when I heard that I almost killed someone, I was so scared that my eyes turned out. For a moment, I was so angry that I almost fell to the ground. But he almost blurted out, "Old lady, it was the girl who hit me first!"

The old lady thought that Huang Kan was old, and her deceased husband used to follow Master Mu. For a moment, she couldn't bear to say, "Is there such a thing? If you have anything to say, you might as well put it on the table. Our Mu family has never had the rules of bullying subordinates. If you are reasonable, Yunqing will not wrong you.

When Huang Kan saw that things had changed, she quickly kowtowed and argued, "Thank you, old lady! According to the old lady's words, it was indeed my old lady's fault. Because I came back late last night and was afraid of taking a cold breath, I drank a glass of yellow wine as usual. Unexpectedly, it was very cold last night, so I drank two more cups to warm my body to sleep, but I didn't want to get drunk. It's all my fault.

The old lady nodded and said, "That's all, and it's justible."

Huang Kanpo peeked at Yunqing and saw that Yunqing also seemed to look at her with a smile. She immediately dodged from Huang Kanpo's bad feelings. Thinking about it, there was no way out. She had to pretend to be reasonable and said, "Thank you, old lady, for your mercy. When I woke up, I only felt that my head was heavy and my feet were light. I didn't know that I was drunk, but I was only sick, so I wanted to find some cheap herbal fried soup from the doctor in the corner of the garden. On the way, I bumped into the third girl. I didn't know what to say because of the chaos. Later, the second grandmother also came, so I said hello. The girl scolded me, saying that I was a shameless dead woman, and said that she was going to skin me. She came forward to drag my wife's hair. I was drunk and difficult to tell. What? Someone beats and scolds me. How can I not fight back? Because I was dragged to the ground at that time, I could only kick randomly. How could I know that I really kicked someone? Then, I was sent to the old lady. If the old lady doesn't believe it, just look at the jacket on my back and see if it has been ground.

With that, she knelt down and turned around. Everyone saw that the thin jacket on Huang Kanpo's back was worn out, her hair was messy, and there were scratches on her body. For a moment, they also felt sorry for a moment, and the old lady sighed, "That's it! Since you are sick and dizzy and don't remember what you said or what you did, it must be unfing, and everyone can understand it. It's just that I can't do it again. After all, it hurts people.

Huang Kan was overjoyed when she heard the words and kowtowed repeatedly, "Yes, thank you, old lady." He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he said coldly, "Full of nonsense! Old lady, this woman didn't say a word of truth. She lied to you and your wives from beginning to end! What are you scolding for? You have a clear mind and dare to pretend to be confused! He also said that you just said hello to the second sister-in-law. Oh, it's obvious that you kicked the second sister-in-law's stomach. Now do you have to give the second sister-in-law the number in front of you before you can admit it?

As soon as the old lady changed her face, she quickly asked Kong Xiuzhu, "Is this true?"

Kong Xiuzhu lowered her head obediently and couldn't speak. Huang Kan was pinching her to bully. Seeing this great opportunity, she hurriedly said, "It's all because I'm drunk and I don't remember it at all. Otherwise, even if we have great courage, how dare we hurt our second grandmother? Will we die? Now I dare not beg the second grandmother. I just hope that I can serve the second grandmother as a horse and redeem this sin!"

When Kong Xiuzhu saw everyone staring at her, her eyes dodged for a moment, and she didn't care about the gaze of others, so she had to sigh and said, "Well, don't do it in the future."

The old lady also said, "Yes, don't do it in the future."

Seeing the old lady's conclusion, Huang Kanma quickly kowtowed and thanked her. He was kowtowed, but he heard a narrow smile. Even if he didn't look up, he knew it was Yunqing.

Seeing that everyone was watching, Yunqing smiled and said, "Wu what Mrs. Huang said, I won't ask why Mrs. Huang didn't remember all of them. I only remembered what Xiaoping scolded you, and I didn't ask why Xiaoping beat and scolded Mrs. Huang, let alone asked you why there was no one who hit the second grandma and Xiaoping. Stop you. After all, are you drunk? How can others tell? However, Mrs. Huang should remember clearly that now you are the ancestors and the ladies in front of you. If you dare to lie to them, it is the three major crimes of deceiving, insulting and beating the master. I can only deal with you according to the family law! Let me ask you again, is what you said before true?

Although Huang Kanpo trembling, she thought about it, the old lady believed her and wanted to let her go. As long as she insisted that she was drunk, what could grandma do with her? So he gritted his teeth and nodded and said, "All the words are true. Please check it clearly!"

Yunqing smiled meaningfully and clapped his hands gently.

"Go!" Everyone listened and looked at the door with Yunqing's eyes. Qiu Rong pushed Huang Qinger into the door with two women.

"Huang Qinger?" Hong doubted, "What's going on? What does Huang Kan's beating have to do with Qing'er in the embroidered bead room?

Huang Qinger exclaimed, "Bang people?"

Yunqing didn't wait for others to open his mouth and shouted, "Kneel down, Huang Qinger, do you know what your crime is today?"

Huang Qinger was a little stunned. She was so scared that she knelt down and looked around blankly. Seeing that Huang Kanpo was embarrassed and poured water on her face, she thought about it in a bad place. At this time, I only heard Yunqing say, "Huang Qinger, you contradicted your master last night, bullied your servants, were domineering and arrogant, and drunk at night. These four human evidences and physical evidence are all available. According to the family law, I can punish you and drive you out of the door. Now because of your involvement in your aunt Huang's beating to death, I give you a chance to confess and leniency. Now I Come and ask, you answer truthfully, otherwise, don't blame me for ignoring your parents' loyal servant's face!"

"Did you kill someone?" Huang Qinger was so panicked when she saw Huang Kanpo, and her face turned pale when she heard what Yunqing said. She didn't have time to think about it for a moment. She nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes gathered on Yunqing, and then heard Yunqing go straight to Huang Qinger and asked condescendingly, "When did you meet your aunt last night?"

Huang Qinger didn't expect her to ask such a question. Although she was confused, she had to think about it carefully, but she heard Yunqing shout, "How dare you hide it!"

Huang Qinger said hurriedly, "No, no... Si Shi, yes, I met in the garden at the end of Si Shi!"

"And then?"

"Then, and then I went back with my godmother."

"Do you start drinking as soon as you go back?"


Yun Qing asked urgently, "How much does your aunt drink on weekdays?"

"Four or two drunk."

"How much did you drink yesterday?"

"A total of... I drank three taels in total."

"Did the two of them drink three taels in total? How about your aunt?"

Huang Qinger replied confusedly, "I drank three taels in total. My god aunt was good at drinking. I was drunk and she still drank and dragged me to ** to rest. I woke up late in the morning, but my god aunt arranged all the meals for me.

Huang Kanpo knew that it was not good and said, "Don't--"

"Shut up!" Yunqing shouted, "Do you have a share? Now you pretend to be crazy and beat people to death, and you have to say that you are complicit with Huang Qinger. We will not believe such crazy words casually!"

Everyone was confused for a moment, but Huang Qinger was almost stunned and hurriedly argued, "Grandma, I really don't know that my aunt beat people to death!" My aunt is very drunk. Even if she drinks all three taels, she can stay a little sober. Now that we drink less than three taels, how can she be drunk and need my help? The wine pot is still in the room, and it can't hold more than three taels of wine at all. Grandma picked it up and knew it at a glance!"

Huang Kan was even more anxious, and Yunqing sneered and said, "So Huang Qinger, your aunt insulted the third girl and the second grandmother, and killed the second grandmother's maid Xiaoping. Are these things all none of your business? How can you prove that these things are all done by your aunt-to-one?