T-type hero legend

Welcome to Sheep Village 3

In the blink of an eye, he has been trapped in this game for more than 20 days. During this period, Lao K found that if he was alone, he could go out, but he could not take people with him. It's like 22 can switch scenes at the switch point at home, but there is no way to take others there. He can't leave everyone here, so he can only squat in this broken game.

It seems that the switching point also has access rights. Except for 22 himself, no one of them can use it, and everyone gradually has to give up the idea of using it as a breakthrough. However, since he found that Lao K could go in and out alone, he ignited hope and asked him to explore. It was also from that time that he gradually discovered the unique features of this space.

"You mean this is a 'no development area'?" Prisace has a pumpkin in his left hand and a potato in his right hand. He is studying what kind of bug can make adult llamas and mythical beasts not consume food. According to 222, the llamei zhou in front of him has been gnawing the same pumpkin for two years. Neither hungry nor the pumpkin will disappear; the mythical beast alpaca next to the llatuo is in the same situation, but it is a potato.

"Well, there is no development of this space in the past or in the future."

Old K just wanted to see how they got out in the future, but he went out for a long circle to find this problem. The space in this place is very strange, neither a parallel world nor a multiple universe, nor an overlapping space. This is a completely closed area. On the long timeline where you can't see the beginning and end, it is just a tiny point, completely ignoring the process of time, which is self-contained and will never change.

"This is probably a new type of space. Anyway, I haven't seen it before."

Gu Li is busy commanding Bai Mao to move green beans and eggplants and so on to Claire, who is a rare visit. According to 22nd, the clearance conditions of this game are different from ordinary games. It is not finished after running the plot and seeing the final boss, but must collect all the illustrated books. All kinds of jams are also part of the guidebook, so whether they can be made in the end, as long as they are produced in the field, Claire, who can make jams, will be moved to her to try on the day she comes.

"In fact, this type of space is not completely absent in the previous records..." Bai Mao is a very useful labor force. After telling him the variety to be moved this time, Gu Li also simply joined Lao K's topic. "I remember seeing some information about some dead knots on the timeline, inside those places. It seems that there is time, but in fact it is stationary throughout the process.

Pliss was reminded: "Well, I seem to have seen it. What's the name of that... dead point?"

" is the first point. For time theory researchers, these strange time points were once considered to be the origin of the timeline, so they did not pass. And in the future development, just like organisms will die in the process of growing up, these points are the timeline of not growing smoothly.

"Wait..." Old K was a little confused, "In this way, there is more than one timeline?"

Gu Li looked at him in surprise: "Don't you know? Of course, there is more than one timeline, otherwise so many parallel worlds all use the same timeline, won't it be a mess?

Old K opened his tongue and found that even if he came to this future space for a long time, he still could not get rid of the restrictions of his past habits. Since space can be multiplied, why can time not? He is unconsciously empiricistic again!

Gu Li is still muttering puzzledly: "You have obviously traveled in so many different parallel worlds...ah!" He suddenly showed a sudden realization: "It's because of that! Time is not like something in three-dimensional space, which can be seen directly. The backward earth people believe that seeing is believing, and what they can't see is usually classified as 'non-existent'!"

Old K's teeth were itchy and he couldn't wait to punch him twice. However, in the face of a big metal box, you must be at a loss no matter how you do it...

Pliss didn't care about their bickering and thought to himself: "In short, this is a closed space. But why can't old K take people away?

"Actually, I think," Lao K hesitated for a moment and still opened his mouth, "I think if you can control your mental freedom to move, you should be free to go in and out like me..."

Pliss raised his head in an instant: "Aita should also be okay?"

The two children sent to the experiment quickly said back and forth: "Yes!"

Aita looked very happy: "I thought that if I was trapped here, I would cut off contact with my eldest brother. If it takes too long, he will not let me come out to play in the future. Now don't worry! No matter how long we stay here, for our world, we can be regarded as having never left at all!"

"Yes!" Little Curit seconded, "This is amazing! It won't be a waste of time to play here!"

Pliss** caught the point of the two children's words: "Even if we can go back to the time when the accident happened, the time in this world will still be reflected in ourselves."

"No, no!" Little Curette shook his head quickly, "It's our spirit here, and our bodies are still outside!"

In the dream, Lao K was the first to react, and with a ferocious smile, he rushed over and lifted Gu Li's lid to avenge just now: "Why did I forget it! Mom's habits really kill people. I'm the strongest one here!"

Gu Li was overturned by him. He screamed and stretched out the wheel to try to escape. Lao K chased after him, stirring up countless dogs all the way. Twenty-two angrily followed the two to stop them. Prisace looked at the farm that turned into a blink of an eye and suddenly felt that his previous concerns were quite stupid. Maybe this game just wants some players who can concentrate on playing? They are trapped here, and there is no loss... except that they will be forced to play a game that is not their own choice.

"But it's still not good to be forced." After moving the things to move, Bai Mao also came to sit in rows with Puliss. By the way, he took out the hamster ball stuffed on his chest and put it aside. Xiaoding slept in the dark. After coming to this space, he was the only one who seemed to have symptoms of discomfort. The specific manifestation was that he was drowsiness day by day, and the last time he had not woken up for three days.

Pliss nodded: "It's really unpleasant. But before I find a way to get out of here, I can only pin my hope on the 22nd customs clearance for the time being. By the way, how much progress is he now?

White hair scratched his head: "He said that it is now in the advanced stage, and almost everything should come out, except that there are no cats, and there are some items in color..."

Pliss touched his chin: "This kind of atlas task is the biggest, and every time you want a new color, you have to repeat SL..."

Then they follow the repeated days, during which countless animals will attack the farm, and various weather will appear. Occasionally, animals will come to send hunting skills, and occasionally npc will appear with hunting missions.

Thinking of this, Bai Mao became happy again: "Actually, it's not bad to spend the same day all the time..." You can receive hunting tasks infinitely, and the high-level boss can also play again and again.

However, Prisace's focus is obviously not here: "Otherwise, let Lao K go out and find out if there is a perfect archive? However, I don't know where the archives here are. If you can't replace the original archive, it's useless to bring a new one..."

As if he suddenly found a new breakthrough point, Press suddenly jumped up and ran over and grabbed two people who were still running around the field: "Old K, why don't you go and see if you can find the archive point of this game?"


Old K hasn't recovered yet, but Gu Li reacted first: "No wonder we can't enter the house! Is there a link that can most directly contact the archive point?! Once we find the archive location, we will directly find a perfect file to replace it, and the game will be completed!"


Sorry, I'm still farming...