T-type hero legend

1. Shit! Star Wars!



Of course, you won't die with a smile, but what if you finish laughing? Lao K, who tried to think about the biggest problem at present, suddenly sat up from **. Anyway, generally speaking, women who are willing to sleep with themselves are always dead to themselves. Maybe it should be right to coax them, right?

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to gamble, and the beauty who saw him sitting up didn't have time to say anything. A harsh siren cut through the silence in the room.

The alarm was deafening, and obviously something very urgent happened. The beauty scolded, picked up the clothes she threw on the chair and ran out of the door. Before closing the door, she only left a sentence: "I'll sort it out and get it in place immediately."

There was no one in the room, and Lao K was relieved that there would be no danger of wearing gangs for the time being. However, the alarm is still ringing. I don't know what it's warning about or whether it has anything to do with me.

"Dress quickly, it's only four minutes."

"Who?!" Old K stood up with all his hair. This room is very small, and my bed seems to be very close to the ground. Except for a small writing desk, there is not even a wardrobe around. No matter how you look at it, there can't be anyone hidden. Who said that?!

"Don't worry about me. You don't have time. There are still three and a half minutes left. Get dressed quickly! Then go out and gather immediately!"

The voice sounded very impatient, but Lao K calmed down and lived in society for most of his life. The more nervous the people he negotiated with him, the more he had an advantage. The so-called emperor was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

"You come out first!" Anyway, it's the other party who is anxious, forcing him to appear first.

"I know you came from another space. The people here can't find it for a while because of your current body, but you can't hide it from me. If you don't want to be exposed, do what I say quickly! Three minutes left!"

Old K felt that his head was buzzing, and the other party knew his biggest door! Looking around the narrow room again, I found that it was really impossible to hide anyone. Lao K decided to follow that voice first for safety.

The clothes were thrown on the chair in front of the desk. As he put it on, the voice gave him a brief introduction. By the time he rushed out of the house, he already had a general understanding of his current identity. In short, he is now the captain of an interstellar fleet, and this alarm means that there is an enemy ready to fight.

Nima, this time travel is enough science fiction! Old K sighed and tried to control himself not to run. The image of the original owner of this body seems to be like a cool brother. He is quiet and happy and angry. If there is something urgent, he can walk like flying at most, but he will never run.

Lao K scolded in his heart and walked hard. There were team members who quickly skimmed the gathering to the main cabin, all of whom saluted him quickly and ran over. So Lao K secretly comforted himself. In fact, he didn't run to leave enough time for the other team members to gather before he finished.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the main cabin command room, all his subordinates had assembled. At this time, he knew that the blonde beauty Adria was actually his deputy captain.

When he appeared, everyone in the command room saluted him, moving neatly and with great momentum. Old K, who has always been used to the loose greetings of his younger brothers, was scared suddenly.

However, he soon adjusted and thanks to the facial paralysis attribute of the original owner of the body, none of these subordinates dared to care more about him. Seeing that he nodded symbolically, a man with glasses began to report the current situation.

"We are currently moving in the A-455 planetary belt in the 14th region of the 33 galactic belt. Due to the influence of the previous interstellar storm, we have deviated from the original heading of 0.33 Nelta. According to the interstellar aerial map, there are only two interstellar jump points from the 15th area on the edge of the Milky Way.

Old K naturally couldn't understand anything, but according to the sound in the room just told him, he went all the way to the port window at the front of the command room, keeping his eyes looking out of the window, even if he nodded occasionally.

It's still dark outside the porthole, but when he just came over, he had already looked at many small light spots approaching rapidly from the screen that looked like a radar display in his left hand.

Adria took over the commentary work:

"The 35th region of the Milky Way is the old base of the notorious mink family. Although we have strayed into their area because of the deviation of the heading, we have tried our best to correct the course and try not to disturb their departure. But these old bugs have sent a spaceship to stop us, relying on themselves as the bosses of this district.

It sounds like a large gangster is coming to fight with his team, but what I don't understand is that he should be a regular army, right? Why don't you fight head-on, but seem to avoid it?

Old K will naturally not be stupid enough to ask this question. He pretended to move his lips, and the sound he had heard in the room before sounded, but this time, he completely imitated his voice: "The size and distance of the other party's fleet?"

The man with glasses quickly replied: "One large aircraft carrier, three medium-sized airships, and ten small escort ships. However, in view of the strength of the mink family, it is not ruled out that there are stealth spacecraft, but the distance is not enough to detect. At present, it is 1.5 jump points away, and it is estimated that there will be a head-on confrontation in half an hour.

Adria cursed again. The action of using large aircraft carriers to chase their medium-sized airship, which is just a passing national fleet, is full of provocation in itself, and it is obvious that its hardware strength is completely unable to compete with the other side.

Old K suddenly moved his heart and turned around and said as coldly as possible, "What will happen to them if we win?"

Adria said hatefully, "There is a treaty for the protection of the colonial aristocracy, otherwise they would have been destroyed by the allied forces."

This sentence is much more useful to the current old K than a lot of terms before, and the nature of the hostile target is clear at once. However, the nature is clear, but the method of dealing with it also needs to be reconsidered.

If they can detect them here, they can also detect themselves. At present, it is found that the enemy is a radar-like device, so how do you confirm the identity of the other party here?

"Can they know who we are?"

After asking Lao K this sentence, he felt that he had probably made a mistake, because Adria looked at him in surprise, as if he should have been completely clear about this kind of thing.

However, he asked, and no matter how entangled it was, it didn't make sense, so he simply stared at Adria more coldly and tried to convey a message that "I just asked how it was going."

Women seem to really eat this. They were stared at by him so coldly for a few seconds and then said, "They can't see it so far away. Although they have also sent messages to our general military special channel, we only replied through the ordinary communication channel, and they should not be fully sure of our identity.

Thinking about Lao K for a moment, you will understand that you may have considered being a pure civilian and trying to avoid contact with this mink family and leave this area directly. However, it is obvious that the other party does not intend to leave on his side so simply.

"Is it possible for us to be detected by the other party now, but we can't see us when the other party actually approaches?"

In order to prevent the recurrence of being stared at by Adria before, old K added time-limited words to this question, so that the flaw will not sound as big as the previous problem.

A big man stood up and answered, which seemed to be a woman from his voice: "We have the energy needed for IV-a36812 tactics, but Ali is a novice, and the operation should not be better..."

The little man called Ali also stood up immediately. Compared with the giants around him, he was more petite, but his voice was quite hoarse: "Report captain! I took the latest tactical test last week. I got the review yesterday and passed the full A+, so there must be no problem now!"

Lao K asked again, "How is the current armed situation on our ship?" This question is very general, but for him, the details must be revealed again, which is just right.

Ali is probably the general manager of the airship combat driving management department. Hearing Lao K's question, he straightened his chest and opened his mouth to report a series of data. Old K was dizzy, but at least he still grasped the point he wanted to know.

"Very good, all the unmanned escort ships are on standby, and the two reconnaissance ships are immediately in place. Later, listen to my direct command. All small boats have turned on the stealth system, and all ship logos are hidden.

Adria was shocked and even used honorifics: "Captain! Are you going to conflict with them head-on?

"Is there any problem? If they can't accept our identity, they can only admit defeat even if they are beaten.

Old K glanced coldly at this woman. This woman's ** kung fu seems to be good, but obviously the battlefield combat skills are a little lacking. Won't she be able to be the deputy captain just because she has such an unclear relationship with the captain?

Adria shook unconsciously. Although the man in front of her is very close to her, she can't bear the indifference revealed in the other party's eyes, as if she no longer knows this man.

The whole command room suddenly fell silent, and everyone stared more seriously at the work in their hands, just like they would be killed in the next second if they couldn't do it well.

Old K was very satisfied with this situation, which opened a special communication channel between the two reconnaissance ships and the main ship, so that the two ships were not invisible for themselves.

Adria personally operated one of the two ships, and the other was operated by a sergeant named Roland.

Old K stood in the center of the command room and looked around to see that everyone seemed to be in their positions. The previous glasses reported the latest situation. The other party had passed the last jump point, and there were still 15 minutes before the two sides met face to face.

Lao K cleared his throat: "The glasses continue to pay attention to each other's situation, and others listen to me carefully." He should seize this last moment to let his subordinates understand his thoughts as soon as possible. Otherwise, for him, a fake captain, if he encounters any unexpected situation later, it will probably be his own doomsday.