T-type hero legend

12. Base

The base Lao K saw before was a small garden mansion on an isolated island surrounded by layers of defense circles, but the original base in front of him seemed to be majestic as if it came from a magic novel.

The dark outer wall with a height of 100 meters towering into the clouds. You can't see what material it is from the naked eye. You can only see the metallic luster on the surface and the huge width that can't be seen from left to right.

Lao K's motorcade entered from the entrance of the side door and received countless inspections along the way. At this time, he was very glad to find that fortunately, his extremely destructive solar photon gun was handed over to Aban for safekeeping before they planned to sneak in, otherwise it would definitely be found now.

The last step of the inspection is to cut and shave all the workers, and then take pictures. Xiaoding suddenly became nervous. If there is no accident, removing the stubble is what Ryder, the supreme commander of the flying mink, looks like.

Although some of the Ryder's memory of Xiaoding's parasitic has been sealed, so they don't know why there are two Ryder, from the memory of old K, although the Ryder in the garden is older, his facial features are the same as the young Ryder in the basement.

According to the data, 28 years ago, it happened to be the time when Ryder, who was 30 years old, came to power. In order to establish his authority as soon as possible, Ryder was definitely the most active leader in various large-scale colonial activities. Therefore, it is almost impossible to expect no one to recognize such a face.

There is no resonance with Lao K with Xiaoding's concerns.

- What is this? When you shave your face, you put your face on the razor. The longer the wound is cut, the less likely you are to be found. If it's a man, be cruel to yourself!

While waiting for their turn, old K used his brain waves to sell his idea to Xiaoding.

This doesn't sound like a good idea, but it's also the most operable way.

Their ability is to perceive and influence other people's thinking, but they can't predict how long they will stay here. If it takes a long time, they can't blind everyone's thinking day and night.

The more Xiaoding thought about it, the worse he looked, but he finally decided to take it. However, Old K proposed another possibility.

- It is also possible that we can get a chance to see Ryder in advance because of your face.

- This is indeed possible, but what about after that? If I am escorted to see Ryder as a suspicious person, what do you think Ryder will do?

This is indeed a problem, and Ryder may have cut them directly with extreme suspicion. However, compared with slowly surviving in this base, Lao K felt that he was more willing to gamble.

- If it were me, I would tell him directly that I came here 30 years later and came here to help him. Anyway, you have memories from himself, so it should not be a problem to convince him.

Xiaoding was silent for a while. This method sounded much more powerful than the previous one, although the risk was also much greater.

The more Lao K thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was more reliable than the previous plan, and he continued to be encouraged excitedly.

- In this way, you don't have to be disfigured. Moreover, as long as we can gain Ryder's trust, we can stay with him and have more opportunities to figure out what is in front of us.

As pure parasites, in fact, Xiaoding and Lao K are concerned about the same direction, and old K does not care so much about the cause of the situation. But he must go back to the future, which he and Lao K undoubtedly agree with. And even if Ryder himself can't answer the question of how to go back, if he can stay with him, he will definitely have more opportunities to find out.

When it was their turn, Xiaoding's face succeeded in causing chaos in the base.

However, what made Lao K angry was that they took away the unidentified Xiaoding, but left him among the developers. He was locked in a small room alone and had no idea what would happen next.

During this period, he tried to contact Xiaoding with brain waves, but he didn't know whether it was because Xiaoding was too far away or for other reasons, he couldn't get any response at all.

When he tried to contact Xiaoding again without a result, and the soldiers never showed any possibility of releasing him, he finally decided to escape.

He really doesn't know what Xiaoding's situation was during this period, and he can't stay here and wait all the time. The amount of information he can get from the heads of the soldiers guarding him every day is so poor that he now knows almost nothing about the outside world.

It is by no means Lao K's style to do nothing, not to mention that the result of this kind of waiting may be the final death judgment, which is a completely unacceptable result of Lao K.

Moreover, he can't 100% ensure that Xiaoding can still think of him after going out. After all, he hasn't even known the alien for a month.

But running away also requires a lot of available information and finding the right opportunity. Fortunately, these two points are related to the internal situation of the building and staffing of the base, which can be obtained smoothly from the heads of the soldiers who take turns guarding him every day.

It took Old K half a week to read the memories of eight soldiers, and then combined with the memory of the layout of the base brought by him 30 years later, to draw the appearance of this huge complex of buildings in this era and the shifts of each sentry.

Reaching out and touching the small pistol around his waist, which is a good thing that has happened recently. Aban has the quality of a high-level pet and is loyal to his owner halfway. He actually dug through the room where he was imprisoned and brought him back weapons.

Originally, Lao K also considered going out of the passage dug directly from Aban, but he has always had the character of revenge. If he didn't go to the base to see whether Xiaoding left him or something else, he couldn't feel at ease even if he escaped.

Tonight is the time for his plan to be implemented. In the first half of the night, he slept quietly, and in the second half of the night, when the sound of the guard outside was gradually replaced by purring, it was time for him to start to act.

Aban, a good helper to escape from prison, has dug another passage to the inside of the base. After confirming that the guard in front of the house was indeed asleep, he climbed out along the passage.

Aban is very smart. At this time, the underground maze of the base has begun to take shape, and the channels it dug actually bypass those intricate artificial passages.

Old K patted its head to show his appreciation, and then quietly opened the thin mound piled up in the hole and looked out.

The 33 Milky Way is a galaxy with a relatively small number of planets. Leas's own gravity is larger than that of ordinary inhabited planets, and the atmosphere is thicker than ordinary planets, so the starlight in the sky here is very dim at night.

However, its six-month bright light is very obvious. Three of the moons emitting dim red light are its original companions, and the other three reflect silver-white light are artificial moons.

It was these three artificial moons that made Leas' night finally not dark, and also greatly reduced the possibility of the colonial army being attacked by wild animals in the middle of the night.

Now in front of Lao K is the black base bathed in the silver-white light of the moon.

Because it is still under construction, many buildings are just skeletons. The developers have been sent back to the concentration at this time. In addition to patrol teams in the empty field in the middle of the base, there are occasionally genetic selection hounds from the parent earth thousands of miles away.

Lao K knows that these hounds are specially used to deal with mottled cats. This animal is too haunted, and the fire dragon at the top of the wild food chain on Bilias is more difficult to prevent.

However, according to the information previously obtained from the heads of those soldiers, the number of this kind of hound is not very large. Because the cost of making this hound itself is very high, and it has to withstand such long-distance transportation, the cost of this must be carefully calculated even for mink.

Old K waited patiently until the patrol with the hounds left before he came out of the passage. He casually covered the hole behind him, observed his position, and walked to the depths of the base.

During the period when he was preparing to escape, it was also very depressing that he had not been able to get the news of where the front of Xiaochome was. The soldiers who guard him in turn seem to be the most peripheral sentries and have no access to any slightly higher-level news.

However, according to the general idea, with Xiaoding's current identity, even if it can't be confirmed, it will never let him stay outside the relatively lax base. If you want to find him, you must go in.

While looking at the road, Lao K felt it with his heart. However, he thought that as long as he tried to get close to the center of the base, he could always feel Xiaoding, but he didn't know why, and it was never fruitless.

And gradually, he even felt that his intuition seemed to have a premonition that it was going to failure.

This reminded him of the beginning of the mission, when the closer he got to it, the more uneasiness he felt. And now this feeling not only appears again, but also becomes clearer. At first, he thought it was just a warning of the failure of the mission, but now it seems that there is a more dangerous secret in the base than it seems.

The whole base illuminated by the three moons above his head is very bright, and Lao K can only constantly choose shadows to hide. Fortunately, the base under construction is almost the same as an ordinary construction site, and the journey is quite smooth.

However, as the center approached and the number of patrolling soldiers increased, it was not so easy, and Lao K had to speed up.

According to the information collected before, it is now in front of the second-layer isolation belt, and the patrol here should be about ten minutes. But obviously, this information is not accurate enough. Old K has walked along the wall of the isolation belt for ten minutes and has escaped two teams of patrols, and the third team is approaching in front of him.

Old K decided to give up his plan to find the gate. Originally, according to the intelligence, the door handle on the second floor was not too strict, and it was possible to sneak in while the personnel were lax, but according to the actual situation, this possibility suddenly became very low.

If you don't walk through the door, you must make an idea from the wall. Because it is not the outermost wall, it is not impossible to climb in terms of height, but the patrol is too dense. How not to be found when hanging in mid-air is definitely a big problem.

Or continue to let Aban dig holes, but there are underground fortifications under this wall, and I'm afraid it's not easy to dig through.

Old K walked along the wall for a long time, during which he also saw the main door. Sure enough, as speculated, the guard at the door is very sufficient, and even if he just bypasses it, it almost exposes him; and it is obviously more impractical to break through the barrier directly through the method of mind control.

Finally, when he walked almost in despair and felt that he might have to go back to the starting point, he heard a sudden voice inside the wall and a dull roar.

This feeling was completely incomparable to the feeling of hearing Aban's roar in the basement before. Lao K's heart sank and only felt that the ground under his feet was trembling.

The alarm bell rang in his heart, and Aban, who had been quietly following him, was also on alert. His eyes became extremely bright, his back arched, and there was a threatening cry in his throat.

This section is indeed an area with relatively small number of patrols, but the wall is also higher than before, and the top of the wall seems to have some facilities. Old K looked around and suddenly found that the opportunity had come.