T-type hero legend

14. Bull knife test

After a while, I still didn't find a breakthrough, but my stomach began to sing empty city plans. Old K had no choice but to endure the feeling of hunger, and what he had suffered before was recalled again with this feeling.

The events in these memories accumulated to a certain extent, as if they suddenly lit up the small light bulb in his mind. Old K suddenly realized: Since they are all creatures, Aban can listen to himself, and even control other people's thoughts. Although this fire dragon looks a little silly, it is not impossible, isn't it?!

It's just that the size of the fire dragon is too large. Lao K has no confidence in whether he can manipulate such a huge thing. What's more, the feeling of hunger is very strong now, and the strength of mental energy is directly linked to physical energy.

For good, after he ran and put it in his pocket, he really found a small piece of high-compression biscuit. Old K felt that he needed to thank the deceased brother very much. He not only solved Aban's diet problem, but also saved his crisis!

quickly stuffed the biscuit into his mouth to solve it, during which he rolled over and dodged two pillars of fire, and Lao K ran to the nearest bunker.

When he took the monster in a circle before, Lao K noticed that the protective barrier outside the empty field was included in all the bunkers for watching the battle. And only half of these bunkers are exposed on the ground, and the special materials of mixed metal high-pressure smelting are not afraid of the attack of the fire dragon. That is to say, if the hiding position and movement angle are appropriate, he can perfectly use the bunker to protect himself, so as to get out of the situation of continuous running and concentrate on reading and controlling the brain waves of the dragon.

This matter is really a little risky. Lao K feels like playing the legendary large-scale virtual online game. The fire dragon opposite is the boss of the end of the Fuhrer Island copy, and he has to rely on finding system bugs to complete the task of completing the customs on the premise that all the conditions of equip the armed team members are very different. If the customs fails, the punishment is to permanently disappear from this super online game called Universe Online.

However, maybe Xiaoding is the real ultimate boss of the copy? Old K found that his mind jumped. But this problem is obviously not suitable for the immediate research. The fire dragon stepped down again, and Lao K rolled down to the bottom of the outermost barrier, and then jumped up and ran to the nearest bunker before the monster caught up.

The fire dragon paused before rushing towards him. Lao K stood up from behind the bunker and ran back to the barrier. This distance is exactly the distance that the fire dragon likes to attack with flames. The monster really lived up to his expectations, stopped running, straightened his neck and opened his mouth to prepare to jet.

While trying to focus his attention on the fire dragon, Lao K did not dare to stay and rolled forward again, turning back to the back of the bunker, avoiding the flame above his head. Then he immediately jumped up and ran behind another bunker on the side.

The rapid action successfully continued to firmly attract the attention of the fire dragon. It turned its huge body, adjusted its direction and rushed over again. Old K quickly repeated a series of movements just after the bunker: stood up behind the bunker, ran to the barrier, squatted down and rolled forward, and returned to the bunker.

Another flame column brushed over his head. He suddenly stood up, ran back to the previous bunker, and continued to repeat the series of actions.

This repetition makes the huge and actually small brain capacity of the fire dragon not enough. It swayed left and right with Lao K's actions, constantly repeating the process of spitting fire, standing up, and leaning down and stretching its neck to breathe fire.

Old K knows that such a mechanical repetition should not last long, and sooner or later the monster will rush over impatiently and rush directly. However, he has successfully captured the guy's brain waves. Now as long as it is repeated until the big monster's action really pauses, as long as it can stop thinking for half a minute, it should be enough.

The opportunity came soon, and it was very unexpected.

At that time, Lao K had run back and forth more than ten times between the two bunkers, and the fire dragon's attack frequency gradually slowed down, as if he began to realize that this did not work. Old K was very nervous and sweated all over. The sand on the ground covered his face, and he couldn't grasp the slippery gun in both hands. This is a critical period, and I bet on whether this thing will stop for enough time before making a formal decision.

Suddenly, the fire dragon stopped. Old K was standing up and preparing to run to the opposite bunker, and could hardly stop his feet. Fortunately, the flexibility of the body is much better than that of his own body that stayed in 2012. He twisted himself and retreated abruptly to the back of the bunker beside him.

The opportunity is not to be missed. Lao K naturally began to try to synchronize with the monster's brain waves. Soon he found that it was not difficult to grasp the rules of this guy, but the other party's current attention did not seem to be in his own direction.

According to the practical experience recently summed up by Lao K, it is beneficial for him that the other party has something appropriate to distract him when he tries to control him; but if the other party's attention is too focused on something at that time, it will be more troublesome, because too focused means that he needs to overcome it. Higher mental energy.

While carefully continuing the synchronization of brain waves, old K also made a little thought to observe what was going on. At this time, various voices also broke out in the crowd of onlookers, shouting and excited curses, and suddenly shouted. Old K feels depressed. These bunkers are obviously so high-intensity, but why are they not soundproof?!

However, even if he complained like this, he did not control his curiosity, looked in the same direction, and then almost froze. In the shadow of the sight, there is now a beast that looks like an adult scorpion, black and hairless, and the grease on the skin looks shiny under the lighting of the field.

Old K leaned in his heart. That was another mottled cat! If you add this thing to help, you will definitely be more or less auspicious. On second thought, Aban should be outside the wall. I don't know if it's too late to summon it in now. It's just that the action of controlling the dragon has reached half, and you can't stop and summon Aban first.

In a dilemma, the cat suddenly roared dissatisfiedly at Lao K, then jumped high and fell on the bone wings of the opposite fire dragon, and then climbed up the fire dragon's back very neatly along the vein of the bone.

At this time, the fire dragon can't afford to play with himself but actually can't hurt himself. He turned his head and grabbed the cat on his back. However, the innate flexibility of the mottled cat is much better than it. It jumps around and hides. Not only can it not catch it, but it will accidentally scratch the other party. Moreover, the cat was very smart. It found the right eyeballs where it was caught. Once it was scratched, it was very painful. The fire dragon was soon furious and completely focused on chasing the cat.

Old K suddenly understood, damn it! Aban is simply clever! I'm really lame. I always thought that Aban was still outside the wall without keeping up. Looking at others, I knew that I came in and sacrificed my life as the savior!

Thinking wildly, I suddenly felt that the mental wave was shocked, which was a signal of frequency synchronization. Old K quickly condensed his mind. With the help of Aban, he no longer needed to be distracted to contain the behavior of the big guy, which naturally benefited him greatly. While reading the shallow memory that can be stored by the other party's poor brain capacity, he began to try to instill his own instructions into it.

This attempt made Lao K almost burst into tears and once again realized how different Aban is from other animals.

The communication between him and Aban has never been much worse than that with people, but the method of communicating with the fire dragon in front of him is completely impracticable. The shallow memory in the monster's mind is all about killing and eating. As for its behavior pattern, it may be a completely dependent physical instinct.

Old K was almost at a loss for a moment, just like a person who was used to operating the computer suddenly needed him to plan. However, after all, there is a difference between thinking communication and skill operation. Lao K soon found that he did not need to spend too much effort to control this low-level brain structure, synchronized it in place, and let the other party act according to his own will.

However, when I said that, Lao K still felt a little overwhelmed when I started to do it. That guy is really too big, which directly leads to the fact that it will take a long time for the biological command radio waves from its small brain to be transmitted to the specific part of the body that executes the instructions.

After several attempts to control failure, Lao K finally figured out the time needed for the command to predict, and successfully stopped the action when the monster pecked at Aban again. Aban also seemed to understand. He jumped down from the back of the fire dragon and jumped in the direction of Lao K.

Old K caught Aban's oily body and patted its head as a reward. Then he stood up and looked at the fire dragon. Now, he finally doesn't have to be afraid of the monster in front of him.

In the next few minutes, he clearly heard the voices of the onlookers around him, shouting from the initial excitement, gradually silenced, and then all kinds of unbelievable surprises. When he finally took Arban to the top of the fire dragon head and began to command the big monster to sweep all directions, the crowd exploded, and someone even opened the cover of the bunker and began to shoot out.

However, Lao K doesn't even bother to look at the attack from below. If the aggressiveness of that weapon is effective for the fire dragon, is it necessary for him to try this complex way of taming? And now he has found another interesting thing: the two huge wings on the monster's back do not seem to be decorative.

He tried to make the fire dragon incite its wings at the same time, but the left and right movements were always unbalanced. Finally, he returned to the beginning. He just told the big guy to go to the sky, and the fire dragon floped his wings by himself.

That's really a magical experience. Old K deeply regrets why he ran to the top of this thing! This thing is bare above the head, and there is not even a place to grab it.

Now, under the fan of its wings, the huge cyclone has been brought up, and the people who hit it are shaky; and the bird's body begins to float, and all kinds of unstable feelings are getting stronger and stronger. Lao K slipped and almost fell from a height of more than ten meters.

This is absolutely not good! Lao K looked around and found that with his ultra-high sensitivity advantage, under such a bumpy situation, he was still standing steadily, and suddenly became angry.

However, it doesn't work. It's still honest to let Xiaohuo. This is the name he just gave to the big monster. He first fell to the ground. When he climbed to its back, he used the short-looking fluff on its back and actually had more than half a meter long to wrap his hands and feet, so he ordered it to spread its wings again.