T-type hero legend

22. Guess

Because I experienced the impact of the initial trance and thought I saw Liu Cuier's rebirth, this photo finally won't make Lao K square inch messy. He took out a bag of frozen beef and stuffed it into the small heater next to the bar. As he ate it, he came to take a closer look at the photo.

Photos are ordinary five-inch sizes suitable for placing on the table. Traditional two-dimensional cameras are not popular three-dimensional photos in this era. The woman in the photo is dressed in military uniform, with beautiful facial features, and has the unique heroic and rebellious temperament of soldiers. This reminds Lao K of Lin Qingxia, who was charming and romantic.

It turns out that Liu Cuier would look like this if she wore a military uniform. Old K sighed that it was a pity that she didn't wear it once to show it to herself. So he made a decision. After stuffing the last bite of beef, he opened the frame, took out the photo and put it directly in his pocket.

Although this photo is different from Liu Cuier at first glance, it is better than nothing. What's more, the facial features are still very similar, almost the same as twins.

Almost at the same time as this idea appeared, Lao K suddenly felt wrong. This is actually triplets, right? Liu Cuier, Lilith, and Liya. Although these three women are in three different eras, their facial features are exactly the same, but Liu Cuier is stubborn, Lilith is heroic, and Liya looks a little cowardly.

In different times, exactly the same face appeared, and it happened to be bumped into the same person. What is the probability of such a thing happening? Old K felt that his spine was a little cold, and he couldn't help thinking of the * repeatedly mentioned in a very famous novel.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help taking out the photo. The woman in the photo looked a little tired, but she still smiled gently. Except for Lilith's signature in the lower right corner, no other handwriting can be found on the whole photo.

That's really an ordinary-looking photo, but Lao K felt that he couldn't let it go. He strongly felt that something full of necessity had happened or was happening here, and it was these things that caused his own current situation.

Old K suddenly felt that he wanted to know and wanted to know what these things were. Even a few words of information may help him get rid of the bad feeling of chills on his back. He picked up the photo, wrapped it in his palm, closed his eyes and felt it.

Half a month earlier, he probably didn't expect to do this. In the past, this iconic action was only seen on TV when those so-called psychics performed superpowers. But during this period, especially after 20 days of learning from his son, Lao K has realized that some things are actually like this.

There is bioelectricity everywhere in the human body. If you want to feel the situation of other people or things more consciously, you can use yourself as a conductor to expand the radio wave intensity of the other person through direct contact.

In fact, the best contact is the forehead, because you can know the situation directly through spiritual communication. However, due to the particularity of the human body, it is not a good habit to touch things with the forehead all the time. Then, the most natural way of direct contact is naturally hands.

Lao K concentrated and tried to collect the remaining bioelectric information on the photos. There were indeed some on it, but it was too weak. Finally, he simply took the photo frame left aside and tried it together.

In fact, this practice is a pure waste of time without any reference, because even if you get bioelectric feedback, you can't judge who is left on the item. But old K was lucky this time, and the final result was just very familiar to him, because he had just come into contact with it before he got drunk, which was Ryder's biological wavelength.

Old K's eyebrows unconsciously twisted. Why did this photo belong to Ryder? He was originally just the object of his task, but now things seem to be out of control.

All the things are connected, and everyone in it seems to be related to each other, but no one tells him what the relationship is like.

The spaceship is still quiet and unnatural, as if the whole spaceship is actually a huge luxurious cage, imprisoning the old K left in it.

He took the photo back into his pocket and decided to go outside the spaceship to have a look. As for the slot machine in the corner, it had already been left behind.

The process of leaving the spacecraft is unexpectedly simple. The electronic door of the cabin needs several layers of inspection to open, including routine items such as fingerprint voiceprint iris, but Lao K found that he only needs to give the organ a strong bioelectric shock, and these tedious opening processes can be bypassed.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that it was not enough to waste brain cells in such a place, so he just threw them away.

Aban also woke up at this time, followed Lao K out of the spaceship, and disappeared after a few times. Lao K looked at the people coming and going at the berth point in front of him and felt a trace of comfort: it turned out that he had not been abandoned on this planet alone. Then, he immediately remembered that he didn't feel these people outside the spaceship at all when he was just in the spaceship!

What Xiaoding said before comes to mind. Although what he said is hesitant, according to the current situation, it is obvious that there is equipment to shield brain waves, and it may even be not only shielded, but also other interference. So Xiaoding hinted that what he had done before was just a last resort, because he could not reveal his identity as a fake?

Then, he suddenly thought that in Julias' memory, there were actually few parts about Xiaoding, and there was basically nothing else except that matter related to human feelings. And how can Julias, who is young, immediately give himself the opportunity to play time travel? And his fiancee Liya, is it really just a coincidence that the three women look the same?

Old K has a headache.

In his last life, he was a street gangster. In his life, he fought to become the boss, relying on him to be more ruthless than ordinary people and dared to do it than ordinary people. Although his intuition has also helped him avoid the disaster many times, what he really wants to do, including forcing his boss to die, is just a gamble.

Not to mention that the original owner of this body was born in a big family. By the time he died, his biggest trouble was only the fleet examination that year. And even that trouble was successfully solved with the help of Xiaoding.

The various things in front of him are undoubtedly challenging his logic. Mother of the bitch! He thought with hatred that he would rather have a specific goal to condense into a physical hammer with his spiritual power, which is better than testing his reasoning ability!

The more you think about it, the more entangled you are. The more you think about it, the more you have a headache. Lao K decided to take care of his mother and find Xiaoding and ask him directly!

Do it when you think of it, but of course he won't foolishly stop him from hearing the news. The officers and soldiers passing by greeted him enthusiastically. Judging from their brain reaction, there was indeed no intention to attack, but Lao K inexplicably felt that he could not believe what they said.

He looked in the square for a while before finally set the goal. In the middle of the two small battleships, there is a military suspension, and there are three ordinary soldiers dressed as big men, chatting lazily. Old K slowly approached, and the sharp-eyed far away recognized him. Suddenly, he became excited and greeted the two companions around him: "Look! It's Mr. Li! He's coming!"

This is exactly what Lao K hoped for. When he came to him, all three of them looked at him with bright eyes and looked worshipful. Lao K smiled and said, "Would you like to do me a favor?"

When he got on the suspension car, he still couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, no matter where he was, it was much easier to control people who worshiped or admired him than to control people who had nothing to do with him or even had a grudge against him. For example, Ai Yi, such as the three in front of us.

What's more, his mental control ability is several times stronger than before. The three guys don't feel that they have been manipulated at all and behave very naturally. This is really his most perfect thinking manipulation so far!


So there is only one update today... There will be a double update tomorrow...

Continue to be brazen and make all kinds of begging, click on the ticket collection and ask for Shenma to introduce it to your friends by the way~~~