T-type hero legend

29. Prophet 2

The voice cheered after Lao K finally agreed. Obviously, it was very tired of repeating the same sentence. Old K stretched out a tentacle of thought and wrapped the one handed over by the other party, allowing the other party to drag it away, and his consciousness became hazy again. I don't know why this place seems to make him feel quite uncomfortable.

For good, he didn't travel for a long time, and soon felt the change in the environment around him. The fog around this journey gradually thickened, but just now, there seemed to be a clear dividing line. All the thick fog gathered outside the dividing line, and there was a deep darkness inside the line. The sound of leading the way has also disappeared, only a mass of silver shiny matter in the middle of the darkness, shining with a very attractive light.

This kind of temptation is not like any kind** that Lao K has experienced before. In the face of it, he seems to have become a fire moth and wants to jump over it. Thinking of this, Lao K felt that he seemed to have done the same, but no matter how fast he tried, he could never reach the position of the light ball.

Before long, he began to feel tired, but when he was extremely depressed, he heard laughter. The laughter began to be relatively restrained. After seeing Lao K looking for the source of sound everywhere, he simply became presumptuous. Only then did Lao K notice that it was the light ball in the middle who was laughing.

Old K stared at it, and the other party seemed to finally realize his gaffe. He stopped laughing like a convulsion and began to communicate with Lao K seriously: "Welcome, people from a distant era."

"Do you know who I am?" The other party's name is obviously aimed at Lao K's identity before he traveled. This is still the only creature other than Xiaoding who directly points out this point. Lao K feels very novel.

"Yes, and I also know why you came to this time and space, and your mission."

Lao K thought of the "prophet" in that voice. Is it the light ball in front of him?

"Who are you?"

That voice obviously didn't expect Lao K to completely ignore the information related to him and ask about his identity first. After a moment, he said:

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. We are the executive officer of the Supreme Holy Court of the Tenth Universal Pan-Racial Collaboration. Because your birth may affect the balance of a consistent universe in the pan-racial collaboration, I am appointed to negotiate and coordinate with you. Because of the particularity of my existence, you can call me a prophet.

"What are you...?" Old K feels that his brain is not enough. His time and space travel is already scary enough, okay? What is this tenth universe? As for the prophet or something, let's put it aside for the time being.

"Well, it seems that you don't know anything about us... For earthlings, the universe is all of you, and this universe will contain many galaxies, do you understand?"

"I understand..."

But in fact, just as the universe contains the Milky Way, there are other universes outside this universe. According to you earthlings, it is the so-called parallel universe. According to the current survey technology, there are twelve universes we know, and the tenth universe is one of them. The Pan-Racial Collaboration is a collaborative relationship management organization created by the most advanced intelligent creatures in the universe.

"The most advanced intelligent creatures...but I have never heard of you."

"That's because as a relatively advanced intelligent creature in the seventh universe, you have not mastered the technology to detect outside the universe."

This sounds reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is not right:

"It sounds like your organization needs to send the most intelligent creatures in each universe to participate in management, right? But there is no such advanced intelligent creature in the universe where we earthlings live? Then why do you still count us?

"No, no, it's not like that. In fact, all parallel universes can be said to have been born in the first universe, but since reproduction, we can't estimate the total amount of fragmentation. In these new parallel universes, the degree of development is not consistent.

"So we can't demand it with mandatory regulations, but only consider incorporating it into our system if we find the existence of a new parallel universe according to the actual situation. If the universe does not develop so fast, then we will wait patiently for it to grow up.

"However, in the process, we found you in the seventh universe. For many reasons, your mental wave is polluted after your first death, which makes the mental energy you carry beyond the level that organisms should have at this normal stage of development.

"No, in fact, it should be said to be serious, so serious that it may cause the collapse of the entire structural system, so the Supreme Holy Court finally decided that we had to intervene in your life.

"Maybe you don't think it yet, but it does exist objectively. What you are using now is only a very small part of it. We hope you can stay above the current level without rushing to explore its limits. Over-reckless attempts will lead to unpredictable consequences, and it is certain that before you destroy the whole double universe, you will be destroyed by yourself because your energy is overloaded and your body is unable to load.

Old K felt that his head was big, and the other party's a lot of words hit him down, making him feel quite delayed by the street fortune teller. It's the kind of situation that you don't understand at all but inexplicably feel that the other party is so powerful, and also knows that the other party is telling you, "If you are going to be unlucky, please spend money to eliminate the disaster."

So he decided to ignore it directly: "What about my companion? I saw that he was in danger before. God, no matter who is on it, it is the first time that he really feels that Xiaoding is his real companion.

Obviously, the other party was not fully prepared for Lao K's jumping thinking. This time, the light group was silent for a long time before answering, "He's fine. They're all fine. What you saw before is just an illusion. They are still in their original place, but I let the time pause a little. If you want to see, you can see them still.

As he spoke, the light seemed to turn slightly, and then a light curtain appeared in front of Lao K. In the light curtain, his spacecraft and the ship's subordinates were intact. Xiaoding still kept the appearance of jumping on the console, and even his body kept a surprised expression stiff there, because of the field The scene is indeed stationary.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

When Lao K asked this, the voice seemed to be relieved:

"No, we don't need you to do anything, we just don't have to do too many superfluous things. Your energy needs to be controlled..."

"Stop!" Lao K has a headache, and the other party is really good at talking in circles. "Some things are beyond my control."

The voice was silent for a while, as if considering Lao K's intention to say so. After a long time, he made a suggestion that was not much like a suggestion:

"We have also given some consideration to such a situation. If it is exactly as you said, then we will need to implant a mechanism restricting your ability in your brain to avoid you from inadvertently using your ability too much.

Old K intuitively bumped into the overlord clause: "Can I choose not to?"

"Although we really want to give you the freedom of choice, based on the possibility you proposed, I'm sorry that we can't."

Old K suddenly felt regretful. If he had known not to talk so fast, he could at least choose.

"I don't think it's likely that you can make your own choice." That voice seemed to hear Lao K's voice, "After all, human development is low in the whole parallel universe. In fact, we are not sure that it will be completely under your control."

So this is despised by the so-called advanced creatures?! Old K felt chest tight, but the spiritual pressure released by the other party at this time could make him clearly feel irresistible, and he could not resist.

This is probably the so-called difference in power. Lao K sighed silently: "Then why do you still have to talk to me about this? Why don't you just do it directly?"

"That would violate the provisions of the Pan-Racial Collaboration on racial equality of power, so we must communicate with you in advance." What the other party said was righteous and did not feel that his direction of thinking was actually very bureaucratic.

"What will I do after installing the device you mentioned?"

"It won't do anything, but you will feel powerless when you want to use more energy beyond the limit."

"Do you want to work hard?"

"Well...probably, there will be some side effects such as headaches?" The other party's tone also seemed uncertain.

Old K suddenly became popular. What is this perfunctory attitude? Is it because he is just an "low" earthman?!

"I want to complain about your irresponsible attitude!"


There may be only one update today and tomorrow, sorry... but I will try my best to keep in the middle

In any case, the daily update will officially start 5,000 from Wednesday, that is to say, even if it is not a coincidence, it will only be interrupted in the past two days. Please forgive me and don't be in a hurry to abandon the article...

Pies: Will this chapter look amazing? Worried about...@v@

Pipies: Continue to make all kinds of cheeky requests, click to collect red ticket recommendations... Do you want to try to reward children's shoes? You can fight for the first~~~~