T-type hero legend

51. Everyone's purpose

Just when Lao K was wondering and guessing, the room was filled with a familiar feeling. Welcome." A gentle voice said to Lao K, and the little maid standing in the room was happy again: "Master!"

The light in front of him was still shining weakly and regularly, and Lao K was clear: "Sure enough, you... have you become weaker?"

"It's a long story." The light ball rushed into the little maid's brain, and a dull expression flashed on the little maid's face, and then changed into a shrewd look.

Old K looked at her strangely: "I don't know... So you are a woman?"

The little maid's face stiffened for a second, and then immediately became very serious: "No, this is purely a personal hobby."

If there is a body, old K feels that even if the situation is strange at this time, he probably can't help laughing. The prophet of Guangtuan has always left a serious impression on him. I didn't know that he still had such a personal hobby.

The little maid pushed the excessive frame of glasses on her face and said solemnly, "I don't think this is the focus of our conversation."

Old K raised two thinking tentacles: "You're right. Moreover, our current position seems to be quite delicate?

The little maid blinked her big eyes: "Actually, I'm happy to let our relationship develop in a more friendly direction."

Looking at the other party's old K, I find it difficult to restrain my bad taste: "I'm a man and you're a woman... Such a friendly?"

"...I'm sorry, but I hope our conversation can be more serious. Please don't worry too much about my appearance. Please believe that I have my reason. Thank you.

"Is it convenient to pick yin and nourish yang? Ah, no, should it be picking yang to nourish the yin? Well, it doesn't seem right?"

"In order to prevent the Super Universe Research Center from discovering that I left without authorization, it is only a part of me here, so I must have a boarder to provide stable energy. Don't worry, I will definitely change my 'normal' body when I meet you next time, such as your friend who is guarding outside.

The prophet of the light group should be angry, but he is still patient to explain. This attitude is very suggestive. Lao K thinks that he should be able to believe that the other party is holding a peaceful purpose, not to trouble him. Since the other party is not looking for trouble, he doesn't need to make the atmosphere too stiff: "I'm sorry for my joke. What do you want to say to me?"

I don't know if it's because his attitude of apology is still sincere, and the Guangtuan Prophet didn't mention this any more, but went straight to the topic:

"I guess you can come back. You must have reached some kind of agreement with the Super Universe Research Center, right? And that agreement should not be so beneficial to our research here. Therefore, I think I can also provide you with a deal. As long as you can implement your commitment to the research center and consider it for us, you will not only get the benefits promised to you by the research center, but also get the reward we give you.

This sounds a little too good, which makes it difficult for Lao K to believe: "I don't quite understand what you mean?"

Do you know why we want to study and create a new world? Do you know what the research purpose of the Super Universe Research Center is?

"...If I said I didn't know, would you tell me?"



"Because I hope you can better consider my advice after you know it."

The prophet of the light group looked at Lao K seriously when he answered, but in Lao K's opinion, the little maid stared at herself with her big shining eyes, and suddenly felt that if she had carried her body, her heartbeat would be irregular now.

"Please say it, I listen to you."

The explanation of the light group prophet is detailed and full of art, and it has the feeling of ancient bards. Lao K almost yawns, but you can see how affectionate the other party is to his dream.

After the specific content, Lao K summarized it to Xiaoding, which is about these three:

The prophet is an idealist who has existed for more than a thousand years. Therefore, he is very impressed by the utopian revolution that once existed on earth. He has always hoped that one day he can build a real ideal world and establish his own religion for this purpose;

Lilith joined the Prophet's sect for a short time, only about ten years, but her enthusiasm and talent have been appreciated by all the elders who have followed the Prophet for many years. She also admires the prophet's utopian ideals, but her purpose is quite private. She hopes to find a place for her race to survive and reproduce in the new world;

As for the purpose of the Super Universe Research Center, it is simpler and more direct: energy. Because there are fewer and fewer new colonial planets available for development, they have to consider opening up new energy channels, and some scholars have put forward the concept of "artificial universe".

"Lilith's race? Is she not from the earth?"

Old K smiled bitterly: "Yes, she and you are actually close relatives, don't you notice? She is a subspecies Laura.

Little Dingmo: "You know, although they are called subspecies, they are actually different from us. They are non-parasitic and also divide and reproduce."

Then he waved his hand to say that he would no longer be entangled with this problem. After all, the first two are still within the scope of logic, unlike the last one. In his opinion, it is really illogical:

"I remember that there are some quite basic physical concepts, such as the law of conservation of energy, which are still recognized as correct. Creating a new universe for 'energy', even if it can be created, the energy consumed by this matter itself cannot be ignored, right? Have they discovered a new law of energy? Can it be born out of nothing?

Lao K sneered: "So if the prophet didn't talk nonsense, then the plan of the research center itself is a big scam, and the essence can only be a disguised energy competition. And if I participate in their project, I will probably eventually die because the energy is extracted.

Xiaoding pondered for a moment: "So, since this possibility, you definitely can't fully cooperate with that research center, right?"

Old K asked him, "What do you think our purpose should be in this matter?"

This time, Xiaoding answered very quickly: "My purpose has never changed: to give a heavy blow to the mink, avenge my compatriots; and return to the world where we originally were."

Lao K nodded: "That's it. I thought a lot later and found that anything messy has nothing to do with me. It's enough to go back to my normal life, so I want to cooperate with the prophet. Anyway, things were similar. The prophet only hoped that I could keep silent at the last moment and let them hide themselves in a corner of the vast space smoothly.

Xiaoding's face showed a nervous look of concern: "What about you? The energy consumed in building a new universe is definitely not casual, is it? Is it equivalent to tearing apart a universe to make a new one?

"No, in the prophet's idea, it is enough to build a new galaxy, so that the energy needed to be consumed will be more easily satisfied. And as for the rest, that's what the prophet told me about the problems caused by the existence of special energy bodies like me and him, and the real content of Lilith's research.

According to the prophet, Lilith's research may not know what the real purpose is. She has been studying the relationship between bioelectricity and brain waves, how to interpret and enhance the relationship between the two. But in fact, the research direction referred to by the prophet is energy increase, which is a technology that can greatly improve the energy state of the mental body.

Using this technology, particularly powerful spiritual energy can be converted into actual material energy to build a brand-new galaxy.

However, this involves the conservation of the most basic energy, and considering this, the requirements for the spirit that participate in the activity are extremely high, because the better the foundation the spirit can absorb, that is, the more energy generated by the increase will certainly be. Theoretically, to a certain extent, even relying on the increased energy is enough, and there is no need to deplete the mental body itself.

"This is also what attracts me in what the Prophet said, which sounds much safer than the plan of the research center. Moreover, he intends to participate in the energy supply.

Xiaoding is clear.


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