T-type hero legend

64. Aliens also need to resist alien invasion

Later K recalled the experience of those days for a long time and still felt a chill on his back. That experience was similar to watching Hollywood science fiction horror films in those years: it was not very scary, but the nausea was absolute.

Later, according to the information in the video, he found a door that could be opened on a wall-mounted device. There were only three uniforms discarded on the ground, but the person who should have worn the uniform disappeared. However, Lao K did not dare to say the fact, because he saw ashes and a large amount of ashes in his clothes, as if the three soldiers had been burned in the operating room of the instrument.

Old K subconsciously left there almost as if he fled. At that time, he didn't understand where the fear came from. The little old man obviously felt something and did not comment on Lao K's final explanation that "the three soldiers probably died in the rear cabin due to improper operation of equipment". After old K returned to the guide ship, he immediately detonated the main spacecraft and quickly evacuated.

On the night of returning to Glee Lang, the little old man went back to the research center to report overnight, and old K slept in the reception room of the center. Until two rat guards came to invite him to see the star general, he thought it would be an ordinary night.

Star will wait for Lao K in the large conference room. As soon as he arrives, he will pull him into the small elevator passage beside him: "Pless said you can help us. I really don't want to admit this... I hope what you can see will not make you cry directly."

Lao K wants to fight back against him: "I also don't want to admit that I will talk to a huge penis who is as tall." However, looking at the star general's expression, he could feel how difficult things were, and the pure verbal quarrel was still suppressed.

"What do you want me to see?"

The star did not answer immediately. In the transparent spherical space, he and Lao K floated side by side in the air, falling rapidly as the sphere, and then suddenly stopped. Old K felt as if he had fallen into something invisible and was rebounded, and the star finally said, "It's here."

As soon as Lao K stepped into the entry, the little old man rushed over and dragged him in: "Quick! They are coming!"

He could swear that the star twisted his whole face in an instant: "Mr. Prisace!"

But the little old man just glanced at him, ignored it, and still dragged Lao K in. In an instant, Lao K suddenly became very interested in the identity of the little old man: a scientist who can ignore the star general can never be an ordinary scientific researcher! And you can also hold yourself in a mental state. You should know that you have not materialized yourself at this time.

Unfortunately, there is no time to study these now. Lao K was dragged all the way to the inside by the little old man. This is like a clinic. There are many monitors not far from the door, and further inside, it is separated by a huge transparent wall. Inside is another space, which is divided into many small rooms, which is very much like an easy-to-observation isolation room. There are five diseases**, and it can be seen that great lesions have occurred.

However, for Lao K, these "people" still look similar to monsters, but they seem to be a little familiar. The little old man pointed to Lao K to show the nameplate in front of each compartment, and then Lao K suddenly realized that it was the companions of the little old man who had been rescued before.

"What happened?"

You can see from the eyes that the situation of those guys is very bad now. Each of them is black, and the whole volume seems to have doubled, still emitting faint radiation.

"It's about to hatch. These are currently being controlled by Puke's micro knives. I don't know how long they can last. We can't go in without opening the door, but you can, can you help us? Go inside and kill them."

The look on the little old man's face was very serious, and he didn't seem to be joking at all.

"Why? They are your colleagues..."

"Because if you don't do this, things will be too bad to deal with." Xing, who walked really fast, finally arrived in the room and opened his mouth very heavily.

"What the hell is going on?"

Xing looked at the little old man and the other researchers in the room. Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Lao K, he simply looked directly at the closeness in the monitor. The little old man was quite respectful to popularize Lao K: "You probably won't know that Meng Chen, which is the stain of the whole pan-racial collaboration."

If we investigate the origin of the whole matter, we need to trace to the time when the pan-racial collaboration was established about 200 years ago. At that time, a project team was set up to study the disposal of cosmic garbage.

This was originally a project for the benefit of the public, and it was supported by almost all alliances at that time. However, there are always some unexpected people and things in everything. At that time, the Twelfth Universe had just joined the Collaborative Society, and some of their residents were unwilling to join the Collaborative Society, believing that it was an extremists who restricted their freedom.

When the environmental research project was in full swing, some of the extremists used a fake identity to sneak into the project team to make trouble.

"Originally, things could have been completely avoided, but the president of the Holy Court, the highest leading group of the Council at that time, believed that extreme measures should be taken against extremists, and this decision completely intensified the contradiction."

The little old man walked back and forth subconsciously as he spoke. Obviously, he was very irritable: "In short, the final result is that a Puk among the extremists jumped into the experimental furnace with excitement."

"The furnace was cultivating microorganisms that could digest cosmic garbage," the star would finally turn around. "One of the characteristics of the Puk people is absorption. They can turn any substance into a part of themselves while retaining the original characteristics of that substance."

"There was still a fool in the army at that time, who blew up the experimental furnace with one shot." The little old man looked ugly. "The microbial decomposition in the experimental furnace is very strong, or it can be said that it is quite corrosive. In such a short time from jumping in and until the stove was broken, the Puke man has absorbed all those microorganisms into his body and was completely corroded into aerosol by them.

At that time, the scene was chaotic, and the fog also left some Puke memories, rampaging around and attacking all the people around. People tried to intercept it, but no one could do it. In the end, the fog broke through Glilang's atmosphere after causing enough casualties.

"Is it just flying away? What happened later?"

Lao K thinks that this story sounds amazing and is full of various elements that make people want to complain. If he hadn't been experiencing this story, he would probably have regarded it as a legend that is above all else.

The little old man suddenly waved his fist and looked very angry: "Later! Later, the damn president reluctantly thought that the dust escaping into space could not survive, and ignored the proposal given by the research center to eliminate it as soon as possible, so that he missed the best tracking time.

"Later, about 50 years later, when it came back, we knew that this thing made a living by space garbage and evolved its own low wisdom. At that time, its corrosion was so strong that the race in the whole cooperative could not be contained. Moreover, it begins to be parasitic and can disguise itself by boarding organisms.

"Over the years, we have repeatedly studied it, and the final result is that we can only destroy the host together when it is in the boarding form."

Hearing this, old K was sure that he had found the source of his uneasiness: "I remember that six were rescued at that time, and where is one?"

When the little old man heard him ask, he scratched his hair impatiently: "Run away! This thing has obviously evolved again! This disguise is simply seamless! If it hadn't been for someone who couldn't help running away first, we wouldn't have noticed that they had been parasitize at all! If six of them launched at the same time, the research center may be gone now!"

"And," the little old man pointed to the five in the isolation room, "from their physical situation, the wisdom of that thing has also grown, and he has known how to hide himself, which means that it will be more difficult to capture."


The second update has been completed

Suddenly found that in fact, the protagonist of this book is mostly in a spiritual state... Rebirth and so on, all of them are reborn! -,-