T-type hero legend

97. Earth movement and storm

"The cave we stayed in looks similar to ordinary caves. The place where you were trapped is different from ours?" Prisace accurately grasped the point and asked directly.

Old K shook his head: "It looks very different."

He carefully talked about the situation of the place where he was trapped, and everyone was silent again. According to Lao K, the place where he and Xiaoding were locked up is really alive.

There was no result of this discussion. Bai Mao waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much. Maybe it's just that the geological situation here is different from what we have seen in the past. I have done a relatively comprehensive data collection of the hole trapped in Eita, and the land samples have also been brought back. Let's analyze these later to see if there are any results.

He put the results of the previous hours on the small shared network of their spacecraft, so that everyone can read these materials directly through their personal terminals.

"The strata here do contain some elements that have never been recorded, but most of them are familiar to us. It's just," Bai Mao pulled out an analysis table, "Look at the proportion of this element content."

Old K is not good at watching this kind of thing, but Puliss and Gully were very surprised and turned their eyes to Old K: "Huh? This thing is very similar to your body composition.

Old K did not react to their meaning for a moment, but then understood that what they said should be that the composition of the planet's crust is similar to that of the earth's human body.

"Really?" This is interesting. The ground looks completely different from human skin.

White hair scratched his head again: "It's just a number, which may not mean anything... After all, the external environment and so on are not the same..."

Gu Li's opinion is completely different: "Even people on earth don't look exactly the same. Moreover, the appearance is adapted to the environment, and the overall environmental changes will certainly cause some mutations. And the point is that this combination has been proved to be a form of existence of life. If it is to prove that it is still inorganic at the same time, it is basically nonsense.

"So..." Bai Mao hesitated for a moment before saying, "Is this planet really possible to be alive? Or what is the remains of a giant creature?

Prisace, who had been looking at the soil sample while they were discussing, suddenly said, "This thing has a self-healing function."

Everyone was attracted by this sentence. A small handful of samples were put into an observation vessel and placed in a mini-analysis machine to determine various components and characteristics, one of which was cell reconstruction. The soil, which was originally thought to be inorganic, was actually negative in this item.

Pliss' eyebrows are wrinkled: "Where are its cells? Who will tell me?"

Guli has taken a small handful of samples to the rear cabin, where there is a special biological laboratory for them to do some more professional analysis on the ship. Soon, the communication line in the cockpit was connected by Gu Li, and he listed the results of his ongoing experiments:

"I think the caves that trapped us before seem to be the cell cavity..."

White hair was stunned: "What a cell must be..."

Priss is more realistic: "What about the nucleus? What about the cytoplasm inside?

"What we happen to enter are all dead cells, right? If there are living cells in our understanding, it is probably only the one encountered by Lao K's group.

Gu Li's words made everyone immediately focus all their attention on Lao K, who was stared at by these eager eyes: "Hey! Don't look at me like that! I don't know anything! Xiaoding hasn't found it yet, and my body.

Gu Li's voice came out through the audio device, which sounded particularly full of entangled resentment: "I don't know what it is! It would be great to change the place where my accident happened to that of yours!"

"Forget it," although it is a spiritual body, it will not feel tired. Lao K still feels a little tired. "The important thing now is to get Xiaoding and my body back. But the more you analyze it, the more frightening it is. I'm about to be hit by you.

"It's also a big problem if you lose all your equipment, and you will completely lose contact with the spacecraft."

White hair rubbed his chin and was worried, while Press was still looking at Guli's data. Guli's analysis and experiments did not stop, so the results were still constantly refreshing. Old K looked out of the porthole again. I don't know if it was an illusion. It seemed that the color of the sky had turned yellow.

The next second, the strong shock that caught everyone off guard shattered the dead air on the planet.

It's like the giant beast in the sea wants to turn over. The atmosphere that was so calm that it hardly fluctuated at the moment ago was strongly shaken at this moment, as if it was going to be torn into countless pieces. The roaring wind swept by, and a wave of endless waves. The huge thrust also rolled up the ship that was only suspended in mid-air, driving them to roll over and run in the air.

The ground of the whole planet is trembling violently, rotating slowly and little by little at a slow speed visible to the naked eye. However, Lao K in the cabin was completely unaware of it, and they had no time to take care of the outside situation at this moment. Old K is a spiritual body. When the spacecraft began to be rolled up, he floated to the middle of the cabin, which was the smallest affected one, so he immediately went to the back cabin lounge to see if Aita, who was still sleeping, would be fine.

After all, Eita is still young, and there is no emergency measure when she encounters such a thing. His body had rolled from ** to the ground, and his spirit floated in mid-air in horror, obviously subconsciously separated from his body at the moment of the mutation. This is a mistake that mental energy controllers can easily make. Lao K decided to exercise his children in this regard when things are over.

But it's definitely not when he said this. When Iita saw him come in, he rushed over, with an expression that he was about to cry. Old K comforted him a few words. Just as he was about to take him away, he saw Aita's body, which was rolling on the bulkhead because the spacecraft was rolled up and kept rolling into the air. The white hair's voice then came from the communicator under his feet: "I turned on the anti-gravity device. Is everyone all right?"

With the anti-gravity device, all things that have not been fixed floated into the air; but in the same way, the impact on the people in the spacecraft is much smaller. Only occasionally when the wind speed changes, people will suddenly hit the bulkhead.

The five people who have put on the spacesuit as fast as possible and are no longer afraid to bump into each other. The porthole is now dark, and I don't know if they have been swept into space. To locate, you have to operate the relevant equipment on the console, which means that you have to follow the spacecraft. At present, the spacecraft is like the inside of a drum washing machine, which is definitely not a good idea. We can only wait for this strange situation to stop.

Aita still firmly held Lao K's hand. Even through the air-filled spacesuit, she could still feel the child trembling with fear. Old K patted him appeasily, and then poked out his tentacles to look out of the cabin. In fact, he generally does not need the protection of the spacesuit, but occasionally the rolling speed of the spacecraft will change when the wind speed changes. Compared with others who just hit the bulkhead because of inertia, he may be thrown out of the spaceship, so he finally had to get into a suit.

The outside world is completely dark, but as soon as Lao K's thinking tentacles touch the air outside, he understand that it is not the darkness caused by the dark: "It seems that the outside is completely covered by dust."

This is definitely not good news. Everyone looked out of the porthole worriedly. Then, as if watching a three-dimensional movie, a huge wind mass with countless black dust appeared in everyone's vision, and the white hair only had time to shout: "Be careful!" The wind mass hit the spaceship.

This accident directly changed the direction of the spacecraft's movement and made the spacecraft fall to the ground. Bai Mao was anxious and rushed to the console to stop the crash of the spacecraft as soon as possible. However, countless dust rolls around the spacecraft, and the density has exceeded the normal range many times. The exhaust pipes of the spacecraft are filled with these things, which seriously affects the performance. Prisace also began to shout, "Open the shield first!" The spaceship can't be broken in this place!"

Old K almost subconsciously stretched out his tentacles to judge their height from below when the spacecraft began to fall. However, this detection surprised him: "It seems to be empty below!"

Several other people shouted together, "What?!"

Because the direction of the rapidly falling spacecraft is different from the direction of the wind outside, the outer wall is seriously rubbed. Although there is a shield, the serious vibration is still transmitted to the inside of the spacecraft. The whole spaceship is also rumbling, and it is almost inaudible without speaking loudly. Old K turned on the wireless communication of the space suit: "I said, there seems to be a hole under here. The wind ball just seemed to be going to take us into that hole.

Lao K's approach made everyone in panic react quickly and opened the communicator on their spacesuits one after another, and finally they could communicate decently.

Because Bai Mao is still on the command platform, he pays special attention to the situation of the outside world: "Is there a hole below?"

Lao K nodded: "We can get in in less than half a minute. The hole is not big, maybe less than 20 meters in diameter, but I can't detect the depth yet. The wind is too strong and there is dust outside, and the tentacles of thinking cannot remain stable for a long time.

Half a minute passed almost in a few blinks. While Lao K and the others were talking, the spacecraft broke through layers of flying dust and fell straight into the hole.

Aita suddenly opened his mouth carefully: "Why do I feel like we have been sucked into this hole?" Just like those big guys at the bottom eating..."

Everyone feels that their backs are cold, and they think of the previous accident. If the planet is really alive, its cells will be so big, and it is not impossible to eat them all in one bite.

The airflow in the hole is much more stable than outside, and Bai Mao has controlled the spacecraft. The bow is still going down because the inertia of the spacecraft is still moving, but the gravity system has been started, and everyone's feeling has finally recovered a little. Bai Mao turned on the headlights, and the scene in the cave appeared in front of everyone through the porthole. Lao K suddenly became excited: "The cave where Xiaoding and I had an accident before is the same as here!"

Outside the porthole is a dim yellow, which is obviously a passage to the depths, but it gives people a very strange feeling, as if it has entered an intestinal tract. It is surrounded by dim yellow colors, and the slippery semi-**-shaped material covers the whole wall of the hole, and the light of the spotlight shines on it, reflecting strange bright light. The strangest thing is that the walls of the cave around here are slowly but obviously wriggling.


Believe it or not, the adventure of the heart of the earth is coming soon... Hey, will it be too plain?