T-type hero legend

Extra Hot Fighting Arena (88) • Promotion, continue to work hard!

Indeed, the number of times to meet the golden armored warriors has begun to make these big men feel embarrassed, because if you think about it carefully, you will find that they have never visited each other once.

White hair began to scratch his head again: "Should we take the initiative to invite them once?"

Prisace answered Guli before he opened his mouth: "Let's go back and wait until we can squeeze into the top ten. At that time, it can also be said to be a celebration or something, and the reason for the invitation is also justified.

Is this sentence difficult to say, but until now, people have found that it is not an easy thing to achieve, because the whole process is very long and quite exhausting.

There is no relegation setting for the top ten competition. One challenge can reach the highest level three. There are 128 teams that have entered the top ten competition, deducting the reds that have been withdrawn from the competition. Old K and others were originally the bottom 127. Each time you can challenge a team three levels higher than yourself. If you succeed in the challenge, you will be on the same level as the team challenged, and if you fail, you will keep the original level unchanged. Once you fail to challenge a higher level three times in a row, you will never lose the opportunity to challenge that higher level, that is to say, the team's level will stagnate in that position.

For example, Lao K started as 127, and after winning ten rounds in a row, the level became 97. If they fail to challenge 94 there three times in a row, the ranking will stay at 97 forever.

However, this rule will be revised after entering the top ten. After entering the top ten, if you challenge the senior team, the team level will not change; but if you are successfully challenged by the team that was originally ranked behind you, you will challenge the team to get the original level of your team, and your team ranking will start from the original position. It will slide down, and the team behind you will also slide down. However, if it is the tenth place and is squeezed out of the tenth place because of the previous decline, the ranking will stay in the eleventh place and will not decline.

This seems a little unfair, but in fact, for the competition with more than 100 participating teams, the focus of the result of the game is only the top ten. Starting from 11th place, it is actually no different from the bottom team. In this way, except that the ranking between the top teams has always been rigorous, other levels will form a team full of teams at a certain level, and a certain level may not have such a special situation.

At this time, the rules can be adjusted appropriately. If there is a gap in the range three levels higher than your team, you can try to challenge the senior team closest to your level, even if the team level difference has reached ten or even greater at this time.

Due to such rules, the speed of everyone's promotion has decreased almost after entering the 70th level. Because as teams at all levels gradually pile up in the same position, the number of people stranded in this part is becoming larger and larger. In this level, the competition is also the most fierce, but the excitement of the competition cannot be compared with the competition for the top ten.

This is an inevitable trend. In the end, the number of teams at the bottom and the front is definitely the smallest, and most of the teams are concentrated between 70 and 30. Therefore, to stand out from this range, the test for the team is not only technical, but also psychological endurance. Many teams were unable to withstand the seemingly distant challenge and finally stopped until the end of the game.

Because during this period, in addition to continuing to challenge the team ahead, you also have to face challenges from the lower teams. This challenge is randomly assigned by a team at the same level after the lower team signs up, that is to say, the more teams stranded at a level, the smaller the chance of being challenged; on the contrary, if there is only one team at a certain level, and there are 20 teams at the third level smaller than him, then this Unless the team upgrades as soon as possible, he will face 20 challenges - of course, it usually can't reach this number, because there will always be teams that challenge successfully, and the successful team will share the pressure of the previous team.

Such a rule will suffer less for teams with sufficient strength. Although it is also possible to receive challenges from lower teams, because they will not fail to challenge senior teams, the speed of running forward will not be greatly affected. As long as you survive this period of time, the number of challenges from lower teams will be significantly reduced after the ranking is higher, and then you can take a breath a little.

The Golden Armor Warriors have now entered 50 levels and are approaching 40. Seeing that the days of surviving are gradually approaching, their mental fatigue is also gradually approaching saturation. So in fact, the stunning invitation is still a good opportunity. At least the beauties have no interest in them at present, and the unique gentleness of female creatures is absolutely excellent for relaxation and adjustment for tired male animals.

So although I still have doubts about the purpose of the stunning, everyone still had a happy dinner. The beautiful women also looked at and never mentioned anything about the competition. They only said a lot of interesting things in daily life. The pomegranate fragrance even showed everyone the photos of her beloved eldest brother.

This incident made everyone very worthless for white hair after the event, because the man in the photo shown by the pomegranate looks very similar to white hair. Although he does not have that white hair, regardless of his height or size, even the silly smile on his face all year round. In response, Pulisi insisted that the white hair in the game must have hurt the pomegranate fragrance without mercy, so the other party decided to get rid of the relationship with him, and everyone also echoed. Only Bai Mao himself still looked puzzled and tried to argue that he had nothing to do with durian fragrance.

The dinner was perfect, and it was not until the last time everyone walked out of the hotel to pick up the car to take the beautiful women home. I don't know when the reporters who ambushed outside the hotel saw the stunning and the golden armor soldiers walking out of the hotel together, and immediately surrounded them and showed a considerable degree of concern for their private friendship.

Lao K's offline reaction power has always been unmatched by ordinary people. Even in a state of being completely unprepared, it is better than ordinary people**, so he felt something was wrong when he approached the door. But the beautiful women insisted that there would be no problem, so they still walked to the main door together, and they were surrounded together.

Lao K had flashed into the parking lot at this time and learned that everyone could not get out for a while, so he simply made a decision: "Anyway, Xiaoding just came out with me. Let's go back first. Xiaoding can help me locate first, and it won't be too time to do analysis when you come back.

This is the best way at present. Fortunately, Xiaoding has been with everyone, and his acceptance of science and technology is relatively high. He has already passed the operation of conventional equipment, so it is not difficult to help Lao K make a record. By the time Plises and they easily returned to the super research center, they would have been ready for the results.

"From the direction that Lao K senses, that is the large terminal of the security committee." Gu Li couldn't believe it, "but that terminal has always been known for its strict orientation. It is also a large terminal. My Krurutra can enter the central control terminal of the Glilang Cup, but it will never enter the security committee. But you said that you followed that energy** at that time, which is unreasonable..."

"Maybe it's some loophole?"

"The large terminal of the security committee is called a device close to the super terminal because of the defense program developed by themselves. That kind of program does not care where you enter. It just constantly patrols anywhere in the body. In case of abnormal situations, it will call the police and immediately trigger the elimination program work. This kind of patrol ordinary large terminal can't do it, because the calculation volume can't be loaded, but it can do it. And because the time and place of the inspection are random, it is basically impossible to track and bypass the inspection after the program runs.

"It seems that there is something in it that we haven't expected for the time being."

Pliss also feels a little worried that this completely unexpected situation has nothing to do with himself, but it may cause problems to his team at any time, which cannot be ignored.

Lao K also became serious: "For today's plan, we have to pay more attention to it first. I will monitor the situation on the field more carefully. If I find something wrong, I will warn you immediately. How much can avoid?"

Prisace meditated for a while and could only nod: "Old K, how hard you have been recently."

Old K smiled: "Well said."

"Then let's put this question aside for a while. Before going to bed, let's take a look at the situation of the most important team tomorrow. Teana, their attack method is a more troublesome sound wave attack, not an ultrasound, but a pure sound wave energy attack, which can be felt by the human body.