T-type hero legend

Extra Hot Fighting Arena (100) • Old Nest

Pliss will not be alarmist. Since he said so, it shows that the next game will indeed not be easy. In fact, as the ranking rises, the next teams have their own unique skills. Moreover, the game also has a random concept. The team summarized by Prismis is only a part of it. If you randomly go to a team that is not in those materials, you have to know the other party from the beginning, which makes it more difficult.

But even so, Lao K still has his own idea: "We will soon meet several powerful racial teams, and I don't think I can stand calling him out of this without doing anything. What do you think? Or in the middle, I drew him out but didn't follow him immediately to see if I could make some traceable marks on him, and then wait to find him after going offline - in fact, I should have done this from the beginning, which was a mistake..."

At this time, no one can say that their decision will definitely be better than others. Old K and Prisse's worries are actually the same in the final analysis, but the development of things makes people unable to take care of all of them. At least you can try this compromise method proposed by Lao K. For the time being, you can only wait for Lao K to try to see the situation.

But even Lao K himself has gone through a long period of exploration between this idea and the success of practical action. In fact, since the accidental success of summoning Soter in the game, Lao K tried to summon but failed in the next day's game. On the contrary, one of them was called out by an opponent who was eager to attack him and almost trapped him. And that time he was busy avoiding, and as a result, he failed to leave a tentacle or ball of thinking on the other party.

After that, he discussed with everyone for a long time and thought about it seriously all night. He came to the conclusion that it seemed that the pretentious urgency would be seen through. That kind of summoning Sauter would not respond, so it must be at a moment when he really felt critical to lead the other party. Old K is not good at camouflaging this kind of thing. Fortunately, the golden armor warrior will challenge the 19th team in the next day's game. As the opponent becomes stronger, dangerous situations begin to become more frequent.

But even with this recognition, Lao K still failed to summon the opponent in the first game. It seems that not only the conditions on the scene are limited, but also whether this matter is successful or not may have a little chance.

But if you think about it carefully, it's right. If Sauter's strength will respond as long as there is a demand, the game will definitely attract external investigation because the abnormality is too obvious. However, so far, from the perspective of the folk situation, it seems that no one has noticed such abnormality at all. The most mentioned in similar topics of discussion is the accident of Turestekas. This only shows that the probability of this happening is definitely very small, and most of the effects are not so obvious that people who care about the game ignore it.

Prisace, who accompanied Lao K as a derivation, pressed his shoulder: "I think we can basically rest assured now. According to the current situation, I am more than 70% sure that Sauter should have realized the problems caused by the Turestekas incident, so he should have restrained in his subsequent activities. At the beginning, Bai Mao was not trapped for a long time. I have thought about the reason for a long time. Now it seems that at least his strength has weakened since then. So don't care too much. You have an old saying that you can't hurry up. Maybe as soon as you let go of this idea, he will appear by himself.

Lao K later felt that Pliss was completely a prophet to some extent. He said that someone would be injured in the game and there was an accident immediately in the game. He said that he should not think too much that Soter would appear. As a result, in the next game that day, Lao K did not think about it, but Sote It really appeared miraculously when they were ambushed, blocking their opponents, and the golden armored warriors escaped smoothly. If you don't know much about Puliss, old K feels that he will definitely doubt whether that strange energy creature was released by him, otherwise how can he be so accurate!

Of course, Old K did not waste the opportunity to appear this time. He sent an extremely mini thinking ball, which was directly embedded in Sauter's body surface like a grain of sand, and Lao K can finally start tracking the other party.

It was not until old K embedded in the other party's epidermis that he found that this was really a very special creature rather than a pure energy body, because he had a very clear layer of epidermis and real organs under the epidermis, although he could not guess the role of those organs. But it is absolutely extraordinary that such a physical thing can live in a large terminal full of photoelectron streams. I don't know what kind of environment it takes to evolve such a creature.

Gu Li's explanation is: "This is probably the material structure of their body is very loose, so it can be deconstructed at any time, right? As long as the speed can keep up, it is not impossible to integrate into the photoelectron stream. When we travel in time and space, we accelerate the vehicle to a sufficient degree of deconstruction through special instruments, so that we can really carry out superluminal movement.

Lao K found that he was the first to hear the explanation of how ordinary people travel in time and space, which was very novel: "So it is! So the experiments in Julias' era have been failing, that is, they can't be perfectly recovered after deconstruction... So I'm a spiritual body, which is really quite a take advantage!"

Gu Li patted him on the shoulder with his robotic arm: "That's natural, so you have to cherish it!"

The people who were photographed by Lao K were crooked and quickly grabbed him: "Don't shoot, then I'll leave my situation monitoring to you, and I'll follow Sauter to have a look."

It was the next afternoon. After a morning of fighting, they finally squeezed into the twelfth place. To challenge the top ten, they need to apply in advance, so their challenge to the ninth place will be tomorrow, which leaves them enough time for Lao K to trace the whereabouts of Soter.

Pliss and Bai Mao looked at him worriedly: "If you feel something is wrong, don't carry it, come back immediately!"

Xiaoding thought evilly and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if we don't care about him. Anyway, it's not good that we can call him to help when we are about to lose."

Aita and Little Curit shook their heads together: "No, we have to be honest people. There is no point in cheating to win."

Lao K laughed when he heard it: "Xiaoding, you are awkward. Soter's power is a double-edged sword, and it will be more difficult for us to compete next. In case he helps the other party when he is about to lose, we'd better try to eliminate the possibility of cheating at the source.

This tracking is much less difficult because the positioning thinking ball is on Sauter, but it is still not simple. The main reason is that this little thing seems to have the habit of drifting around and is extremely fast. At the beginning, Lao K just ran with the induction of the thinking ball. As a result, he often changed to another direction after chasing in one direction for a short time. Later, he slowly figured out the movement trajectory of the thing and began to run in front of him purposefully before he gradually approached.

But he didn't expect that his character seemed to explode this time, because while he went around, Sauter seemed to have finally decided to go home. When old K finally caught up with him, he found that he had come to a completely different space - in fact, it should still be in a large terminal, but it was clear that the surrounding environment was completely different from the environment that should be seen in the terminal. This not only looks like an ordinary room, but also has all kinds of furniture inside!

Lao K felt a little stunned and couldn't help taking a step back, so his eyes flashed, surrounded by various photo-electronic streams with different halo. He took another step forward and immediately returned to the room with white walls. And Sauter seemed to be tired of running and curled up on a large round bed in the middle of the room. At first glance, he looked almost exactly like the appearance of the big black ball Turestekas!

This is the first time that Lao K has seen the appearance of this creature so carefully. His first reaction is that he can't help sighing: No wonder this thing is so close to the big black ball!


This extra is unconsciously 26W 100 chapters

Then there is probably a little bit left, and this part will be finished first. Of course, the competitive competition has not yet come out. This extra story is far from over.

However, the gap between officially entering the semi-finals after the top ten competition can be temporarily interrupted, that is to say, the first half of the arena is almost over

Then I will finish the fifth part of the main article first. It has been delayed for too long. If you don't fill it in, you won't be able to find the original idea even if there is an outline. Orz

I don't know how many friends outside the arena will delete their collections during this period... I hope it won't be too tragic Orz

When the fifth part of the main chapter is over, the next part will continue here. I hope to see everyone m(__)m