T-type hero legend

Extra Hot Fighting Arena (134) • Finally disintegrated! 1

Sa quickly grasped a few keys in the Sinxi dialect: the hunter will suddenly disappear, the child will behave abnormally, the child will die, and the child may make the hunter feel unhappy the night before.

If the inference is true, can a few things be confirmed:

1, hunters are indeed violent and easy to be angered as the information shows;

2, he has a method similar to mental control, which can make people act against his will. This information is not recorded, but it is mentioned that he never failed when attacking the target;

3, the sudden disappearance is unexplainable, I don't know whether there is a related device or a simple ontological skill;

4, based on the above situation, it can be inferred that Shadow must have a way to restrain him, otherwise he does not have to rush to quickly find the shadow person and destroy it.

This information is certainly not enough, but it has allowed Sa to outline a new plan. It's just that the implementation of this plan needs to contact Lao K, and now Xingyin is walking not far away. It's too close for him to carry out a long-range search for Lao K's brain waves. Although the other party's universal machine cannot directly read the spiritual information content, it can still feel the spiritual communication that has reached a certain intensity - the reason why Lao K was attacked at the beginning is probably due to this machine. Judging from the information they have, there are also team members with strong mental ability in the shadows. In the fantasy world, Xingyin relied on this to carry out the first personnel screening.

A group of people kept walking under their feet for a long time, and the sunlight in the simulated sky was close to vertical, indicating that the time was approaching noon. Everyone was stunned when they came through a bush, and a strange scene suddenly appeared in front of them.

That's a large empty field, but it was obviously not. It seems that this place should also be a forest, and it is likely that it is still the same as the forest they passed through before. But now it can be described as a full of yi. The trees are crooked all over the ground, many tree trunks have been cracked and cut off, and they are squeezed and piled up horizontally. There are a large number of crushed leaves on the ground, and their feet even feel soft.

In this rubble, there are not too obvious traces of snakes crawling through. No, in fact, everyone is not sure if there is really a trace of something climbing over, because the trace looks too wide. Maybe someone deliberately opened up a road on it?

Xingyin stopped, fiddling with his universal machine for a while, then raised his head with an incredible face and said in a voice that seemed to be a surprise: "I seem to have found wisdom!" He had told them about Zhi last night and said that the invisible monster that captured Soter was called Zhi. Now tell them that they have found wisdom, which undoubtedly means that they can find Soth immediately.

Although he knew that this guy was lying in front of him, and it was clear that he manipulated Saut to kidnap him, everyone still showed a surprised expression and followed Xing Yin's words: "Really? Can you find out where Sot is?

Xingyin lay on the ground and observed for a while and then showed a rather hesitant expression: "This trace looks too big. If this is left by Zhi, I'm afraid of us... And we can't see it yet. It's too easy for it to sneak up on us."

"Nit's okay," Sa waved his hand. "Can you find Sauter?"

Xingyin retracted the front of his universal machine and debugged several times before he said, "A little further southeast, Zhi has been parked somewhere and has not moved. I guess it is its nest. Since Sauter has not been judged dead, it should also be there."

Hearing this, Sa couldn't help narrowing his eyes and exchanged glances with Prisace. How powerful wisdom is can be known through the description of old K. Now listening to what Xing Yin means, he clearly hopes that they can enter Sote's nest. Is it true that Xingyin's goal is actually to let them die? When it comes to competition, it is normal to have such behavior. If it is not for the special situation at present, this behavior will not be able to find loopholes, and you can only jump into the trap obediently.

Sa sighed secretly. The best thing this star silver does is probably to hide its true identity.

Although he can clearly see that it is not exactly the original star silver among scholars, it does not mean that it is completely different. In fact, most of the time he should still be the real star silver. And if he is someone else, is it a hunter or a shadow? Even if he has been with the other party for a whole night and another half a day, seriously, the identity of the other party still cannot be fully confirmed. It can only be said that he is more likely to be a hunter at present.

If you can't confirm the real identity of the other party, you can't make a final action plan. Fortunately, there was a quick discussion with Lao K before. Fortunately, he found the hidden omnipotent machine, special goggles and improved control medal at the place where the scholars disappeared when he was on the island, and quickly left a copy. If he hadn't seen those things before, he would never have found that Xingyin controlled his wisdom, because he couldn't imagine that the efficiency of scholars had transformed the Mock Medal to that extent, let alone that they had equipment such a universal machine that did not conform to the spirit of the game.

Now Xingyin is trying to persuade them to break into the nest of the ultimate monster. Considering safety issues before that, this suggestion will definitely not be adopted immediately. But Sa has received a contact from Aix and knows that everything is going according to plan, so this time he just pretended slightly: "That thing is not easy to deal with. Do you have any way? Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to break in like this.

Xingyin answered almost without thinking: "We can also choose to trouble the shadow after solving it. Since it did not kill Soth at the beginning, it means that it should be..."

Before he finished speaking, Puliss said, "This means that it is possible to do it at any time now, right? The monster attacked the target and brought the other party back to his nest. In my mind, the only possibility is to treat the other party as a reserve of food. Now it has been dawn for a long time, and maybe Zhi is hungry.

Sa is waiting for this sentence, and immediately interface: "That won't work! We must save him immediately!"

Xingyin looked melancholy: "But that should be really dangerous. Just looking at these traces on the ground, you will know that he is a huge guy..."

The change happened in an instant, and Xing Yin's words were still only halfway through, and suddenly there was a fierce shout from the bushes behind them. Everyone immediately turned around and looked. It didn't take long for two figures to come out of the bushes, shouting, "Come on! Run!!"

Immediately behind them is the roar of large trees being crushed and collapsed. The scale should be quite large, because there is a roaring sound coming from the ground. Obviously, even if a large area of thick trees breaks and collapses at the same time, it is impossible to have such a strong vibration. This must be some huge thing. Xi crushed over and brought up a large area of trees, mountains and rocks to toss out this kind of movement like an earthquake that occurred in a shallow surface crust.

So everyone subconsciously jumped up and joined the ranks of running, and did not forget to look back. At this time, it was found that the old K and Aix who ran out shouting were walking in the middle of the night. Behind them, the trees broke and fell by themselves, and the sand and stones flew on the ground. The stones the size of a tea table were splashed, smashed on something, and then crushed into powder, like a fast-moving solid Destroying the air wall is pressing on them.