T-type hero legend

Extra Hot Fighting Arena (149) • mess

The bears are really in good shape. In fact, because the heroes are dealing with big trouble in the sea, they have killed a lot of monsters on the island with little competition and accumulated a lot of scores. This has been discovered after everyone landed. This is also a violent reflection after the official staff arrived, and the official promised that once the incident is verified as everyone said, it will compensate all the landing teams for a certain score difference.

Not everyone is willing to accept this matter. After the decision was announced, Lao K and the others obviously felt hostility from certain teams. Obviously, they don't think that accumulating scores before is opportunistic, but think that it is what they deserve.

This kind of purely positional matter never has to be explained. If the other party refuses to accept it, he will not accept it. There is not much pressure on this. Anyway, just hit him if you don't accept it. Among them, the more pitiful are the emperors of heaven and earth. Strictly speaking, they are the victims of this incident, and their actions actually indirectly helped Lao K. However, in the end, the official staff's investigation results show that they were killed by the hidden monsters in the game, which should be included in the system. Effective score. That is to say, their time in the charging station is statistically effective.

This is actually a loophole in the rules. Although the judgment is correct, this time it is a special situation, but it is not considered at its discretion. The members of the emperor of heaven and earth did not say anything, but Aix has secretly gloated with all his friends present: "They actually judged this , I'm afraid it's impossible if it's not a big deal this time.

This sentence proved to be very correct in less than a few minutes.

The whole game has returned to normal since the hunters retreated, and countless spectators outside the field saw the real situation at the scene. Although everyone was really confused at the beginning, they soon figured out the situation, and immediately the people's dissatisfaction with the competition party broke out. The signboard of online games has always been safety without worries, but I didn't expect there to be such a big safety hazard. Just by looking at the contestants lying on the field, you can know how much they have paid to resist the illegal invaders this time!

In fact, this is also because the competition party did not handle it properly. Many of the many people lying on the ground were only slightly injured, but because they were slightly relaxed and could not continue the game, they simply lay down like scoundrels. Unfortunately, no one explained for them at this time, so it became more and more pitiful in the eyes of the public.

There is no way to explain the sympathy of the people. Perhaps he can turn a blind eye to the same thing if it happens in front of him, but once the public speech orientation is formed, people who are not related to themselves will enthusiastically step in. In addition, the competition party was investigating the cause and effect of the matter wholeheartedly - especially focusing on finding out the program that can tamper with the content of the whole broadcast system or, according to their inference, the off-site accomplice of the hunter who may exist - actually ignored the public's attention, so when the official finds out , the situation has been quite big, and the punishment referee for the emperor of heaven and earth is to blow up the last lead of dissatisfaction.

When the Glilang Cup officials paid attention to this matter, the Glilang People's Procuratorate, a public supervision and management agency under the Holy Court, has intervened through legal channels. The people's dissatisfaction was also spread by the loyal fans who supported the emperor of heaven and earth and became a national action, because although they were not really injured this time, they were controlled by the invaders for a long time and finally leaked the wind.

There is no doubt about the high popularity, and there are many of them who regard them as goddesses in their dreams and can't accept any fidelity that is suspected of blasphemy against them. This kind of thing, which was collectively controlled by some obscene and vicious man all day and night, was almost as serious as raping them, and the competition party did not even apologize for it! This is really unbearable!

It is also very unfair to say that the competition party is really wronged. The stunning girls themselves did not really suffer any harm. The competition party took into account their public influence and did prepare the comforting compensation for them at the first time. However, because they don't know where they leaked their sufferings in advance, now even if they put forward the compensation conditions, they seem to be a losing party.

In the case of this kind of thing one after another, it is really a headache for the officials to make mistakes. At this time, they can no longer find out who leaked the news. It is important to settle the immediate trouble first.

Compared with the chaos of the organizers of the competition, the people who are still stuck in the field seem to have nothing to do. Their external communication is controlled, and they are not in the game at present. They can only get a little information about the outside world through limited offline contact, which makes them more worried about the future of the game.

No matter when, Aix always talks the most: "If they can't handle it well, the game will not be closed in the current state, will it?"

"If it's sealed, it's self-slap, right? Originally, they just encountered a strong enemy attack. If they can't survive the inspection, it is equivalent to exposing that they are actually very weak and everything is bragging. There is no doubt that this situation will turn the whole competition into a scandal. I believe they will not be so stupid. They will definitely solve the present problems quickly and let the competition continue.

Lao K said while collecting the net. Generally speaking, the number of fish in the sea is small, and he can't get a few fish in one net. After his own strong protest, he finally returned to the beach from the car. The medicine prepared by Guli and others is still quite effective. With his own energy field conditioning, the injury has been much better. At least now he has the energy to roast fish for a team of people.

The stunning people received urgent help from the competition party. They were facing the camera broadcaster on the other side of the venue, making harmless speeches to their thousands of supporters, repeatedly saying that they were not injured at all and were in good spirits. By the way, he put on various classic poses and smiles at the broadcaster and tried to help the contestant appease the uneasy masses who are about to turn the Internet riot into actual violence.

The remaining players were divided into three groups with clear barriers. The five teams that went across the sea together were a large group, and the three teams left on the shore were a group. The rest of the game entered the charging station on the first day of the game. The demolition that had just returned to the field was the last independent team.

Compared with the hostility of the three undisplaced teams and the naturally formed momentum of the five-team league, the demolition after returning to the field is the most confusing situation, but they should also have learned a little bit about the cause and effect from the offline group of relatives and friends. At this time, they are right. Looking at the teams in front of him, he was not sure what he should do.

Sa walked around the crowd and returned to the place of the golden armored warriors and 3,000. Their alliance relationship finally returned to normal after the matter was handled. The scholars and the league of the seventh team were separated separately, and now Sa can talk casually in the ally channel:

Although the hunter did not die, he was also seriously injured. Sinksi also tried to catch him before he escaped, and was really attacked by her. Even if hunters still have their lives, they should not be a threat. His most powerful weapon is the ionization effect - well, I must say sorry for this, his ability has improved but not in all our materials - and Sinksi directly destroyed the nerve center of his body, which, according to her, should be the foundation of the hunter's ability. So for now, at least we don't have to worry about this guy.

This is undoubtedly good news, and everyone feels relieved. Only then did Aix remember that Sa had colluded with the golden armored warriors before the beginning of the whole incident, and they clearly provided an important opportunity to replace the roles of the participants, but they were kept in the dark!

He kept apologizing and finally promised to sign a thousand copies of Aix for him to sell in the future, so that Aix would not stop holding on to this matter.

"It's the shadow again. I think I seem to have found some valuable clues."